The Cellar

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Jacquelita 06-11-2007 08:33 PM

Thanks to everyone for the support. Bud was a good dog. He was one of those dogs who was a lover - he wouldn't harm a soul and would do anything for a scratch behind the ears.

I'll miss him...

DucksNuts 06-11-2007 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 353555)
love your pets, while you can.

not enough sleep, because I stayed up too late reading.

The Cellar. I'm about to give up.

Why Cloud??? Honestly, I would like to know??

I do seriously wonder what you perceive youarent getting from the cellar???

DucksNuts 06-11-2007 08:47 PM

Sorry for you loss UT and J....its awful to say to goodbye to a four legged family member.

Shawnee123 06-13-2007 08:28 AM

Not upset...maybe miffed is a better word. And tired.

Little rap rap rap on my door last night. Ex b/f apparently had parked behind my house and walked up the street to the restaurant/bar near me and drank some beer until they kicked him out. It was almost midnight. I was asleep. I haven't gotten to the point yet where I don't let him in, but I don't do backflips because he decided to grace me with his presence anymore, either.

I don't know if he wanted a booty call or food, but he was getting neither. I said "I'm tired" and he said "Well so am I." I can see where a full day of drinking would make you more tired than say, a JOB.

Finally an hour later he left. He muttered a curt "I'm sorry to interrupt you" and slammed the door a bit.

SO all about him. I could be laying there dying and his concern would be himself.

Thanks for the vent time.

Griff 06-13-2007 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 354464)
I can see where a full day of drinking would make you more tired than say, a JOB.


skysidhe 06-13-2007 09:25 AM


Originally Posted by Jacquelita (Post 353735)
Thanks to everyone for the support. Bud was a good dog. He was one of those dogs who was a lover - he wouldn't harm a soul and would do anything for a scratch behind the ears.

I'll miss him...

I know how it hurts to love a pet.

...... best wishes as you heal.

Cicero 06-13-2007 12:00 PM

Not upset...just annoyed.
During my morning coffee at a local coffee shop a bird pooped on my head. (right before work)
The two people I told that to said that it's "good luck".
I'm standing there about to vomit with bird dung dripping off my bangs and someone says, "hey that's good luck".
Go f*** yourself.
Sorry about the language but that's exactly what came to mind.

HungLikeJesus 06-13-2007 12:05 PM

Cicero -- was it a Foo bird?

Cloud 06-13-2007 12:05 PM

I think they were shitting you. :)

BigV 06-13-2007 12:20 PM

It is lucky! If you didn't like it on your bangs, well, you're lucky it wasn't the Bluebird of Happiness!

Cicero 06-13-2007 12:25 PM

The funny part is, I knew exactly what it was as soon as it hit. Like this happens all the time..... I just sat there and thought........I know that that's bird doody....I don't even have to check. Great. Then I freaked out.

HungLikeJesus 06-13-2007 12:35 PM

Birdie, birdie, in the sky,
Why'd you do that in my eye?
I'm not mad, and I won't cry,
I'm just glad that cows don't fly.

Clodfobble 06-13-2007 12:49 PM

That's such crap (pardon the pun)--I hate it when people take something bad and try to pretend that it's actually good by claiming it's "good luck." Like the Italians say it's good luck when it rains on your wedding day. No, honey, that's just what they're telling you so you don't cry and smear your makeup. And when I was in high school, a Chinese friend of mine told me that traditionally in China it was good luck to find broken eggshell pieces in your baking. I asked her why all the women in China were in denial about being terrible cooks. [/rant]

Sundae 06-13-2007 03:29 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 354464)
Little rap rap rap on my door last night. Ex b/f apparently had parked behind my house and walked up the street to the restaurant/bar near me and drank some beer until they kicked him out.

I don't know if he wanted a booty call or food, but he was getting neither. I said "I'm tired" and he said "Well so am I. Finally an hour later he left.

Do I even have to say it chick, or can you work it out from the above :)
I know - and you know I know - how difficult it is when habit/ affection/ innate courtesy kicks in. But he behaved badly, it ticked you off, but you let him.

You are the only one who can stop this happening again.
Next time pretend he has a paranoid, homicidal new girlfriend and by calling round he is putting both his and your life in danger. You'd find the strength to tell him he can't come in quite easily in that situation.

Anyway, you don't want advice. You have my sympathy for the disturbed night. I rolled over about 05.00 and got bitten on the shoulder because of it. By my cat. I certainly deserve sympathy!

DanaC 06-13-2007 05:48 PM

*sends sympathy to Sundae* Last night I was trying to sleep....too hot.....started to drift off about 4 am and that's when my dog jumped on my bed, almost landing on my had suddenly started raining really hard and he was scared in case of thunder (rubbish dog). He then curled into a tiny ball and shiverd uncontrollably for about half an hour.

On a more serious note: rk, hope you're feeling better. I know it must be horribly worrying, and i won't even pretend to know how you feel, but am thinking of you. Jacquelita, I really sympathise, it's the worst part of having a dog in your family. I just wish they could live as long as we do.

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