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Spexxvet 05-31-2013 09:28 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 866539)
I think empty cardboard boxes are still free, so that would fit with your equation.



12Hx12Wx12"L Single-Wall Cube Corrugated Boxes; Brown, 25 Boxes/Bundle
Length: 12"
Width: 12"
Depth: 12"

$1.36 Each
When you buy 500+

Griff 05-31-2013 06:02 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Based on some nonsense my Dad was spewing, apparently the right wing talk show nuts are talking about Bush having low unemployment numbers. Its pretty easy to misrepresent this stuff to the brain-damaged, so I don't see the GOP recovering for a while.

Lamplighter 05-31-2013 06:35 PM

The R's have started out with low numbers in your graph

... it's what they did with them that is of concern. :rolleyes:

xoxoxoBruce 05-31-2013 08:08 PM

Unemployed? Here's a rifle get on the bus.

31 charts, many of which are surprisingly interesting.

footfootfoot 05-31-2013 09:31 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 866632)

Well, tiny homeless people are SOL, and used appliance boxes are getting harder to come by. I guess it's head to the bridges and fight it out with the trolls.

ZenGum 05-31-2013 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 866709)
Unemployed? Here's a rifle get on the bus.

31 charts, many of which are surprisingly interesting.

Hmm, lots of interesting things there, and some genuinely good things.


3. Slavery / serfdom is disappearing.
Only as a percentage of the global population. In absolute terms, there are more slaves now than ever before.

Some are pretty out of date - the one about woman homemakers not being stuck at home is from 1985. Update that one and we'll see if all that free time is being used for a second job.

ZenGum 06-15-2013 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 866699)
Based on some nonsense my Dad was spewing, apparently the right wing talk show nuts are talking about Bush having low unemployment numbers. Its pretty easy to misrepresent this stuff to the brain-damaged, so I don't see the GOP recovering for a while.

I'm pretty sure that is a profile shot of the Loch Ness Monster.

Happy Monkey 06-15-2013 11:38 PM

Bush's unemployment numbers were better than Obama's.

And better and better, the further back from Obama you go.

If you toss something off a cliff, you're its high point.

Griff 06-16-2013 06:19 AM


Originally Posted by ZenGum (Post 868117)
I'm pretty sure that is a profile shot of the Loch Ness Monster.


BigV 06-21-2013 11:28 AM

How To
2 Attachment(s)
Attachment 44410

Attachment 44411

Griff 06-26-2013 08:26 AM

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Where the hateful tweets come from... In your head you have to correct for population density. Full clickable by slur map here.

glatt 06-26-2013 08:28 AM

What's up with the Finger Lakes?

Griff 06-26-2013 08:33 AM

They seem to hate blacks and gays. The tweets are spread to the county level. There is a ton of animosity between ultra-progressive Ithaca and the surrounding right-wing red neck population...

Griff 06-26-2013 08:39 AM

Turns out you can scroll in. It looks like Watkins Glen (struggling tourist trap) has a problem. Lewisburg, PA has some issues as well. Sayre, PA used to have quite a local KKK branch.

Undertoad 06-26-2013 08:42 AM

Redneckery goes north right through central PA and up into central NY, in my experience

Griff 06-26-2013 08:46 AM

The "N" word line would support that. Its been my experience as well.

Lamplighter 06-26-2013 09:20 AM

Sorry, but I don't buy it ...

For Oregon, the "red area" is focused on The Dalles,
a small city of 12K, in a county almost devoid of people.
But then if you scroll to Calif, there's almost no red or blue areas
over San Francisco, LA, or other cities.

Maybe there is 1 very busy Tweeter in Wasco County that
can't abide his gay neighbor's cow pooping on his lawn.

glatt 06-26-2013 09:39 AM

1 Attachment(s)

"The data behind this map is based on every geocoded tweet in the United States from June 2012 - April 2013 containing one of the 'hate words'. This equated to over 150,000 tweets and was drawn from the DOLLY project based at the University of Kentucky. Because algorithmic sentiment analysis would automatically classify any tweet containing 'hate words' as "negative," this project relied upon the HSU students to read the entirety of tweet and classify it as positive, neutral or negative based on a predefined rubric. Only those tweets that were identified by human readers as negative were used in this analysis.

To produce the map all tweets containing each 'hate word' were aggregated to the county level and normalized by the total twitter traffic in each county. Counties were reduced to their centroids and assigned a weight derived from this normalization process. This was used to generate a heat map that demonstrates the variability in the frequency of hateful tweets relative to all tweets over space. Where there is a larger proportion of negative tweets referencing a particular 'hate word' the region appears red on the map, where the proportion is moderate, the word was used less (although still more than the national average) and appears a pale blue on the map. Areas without shading indicate places that have a lower proportion of negative tweets relative to the national average.

The numbers that appear in the map during a mouse hover indicate the total number of hateful tweets and number of unique users sending them in each county."
Also when you mouse over a spot, you can see the number of tweets is actually pretty small. This image was for "Chink." Only 10 people in all of Virginia using that word, and it's one of the biggest hot spots in the US.
Attachment 44442

Griff 06-26-2013 11:21 AM

hmmm... I don't have that function. Looks like a mostly nonsense map in that context.

glatt 06-26-2013 11:22 AM

it works intermittently for me.

Undertoad 06-26-2013 12:05 PM

Maybe they were just quoting Sarah Silverman?


I got jury duty … and I didn't want to go, so my friend said, "You should write something really really racist on the form when you return it. Like, you should put 'I hate chinks'." And I said, "I'm not going to put that on there just to get out of jury duty. I don't want people to think that about me." So instead I wrote, "I love chinks." … And who doesn't?

Gravdigr 07-07-2013 05:55 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 44622

Lamplighter 07-07-2013 07:27 PM


Happy Monkey 07-08-2013 11:19 AM


* Does not include Photoshop factor.

Undertoad 07-12-2013 03:36 PM

Griff 07-12-2013 03:53 PM

I say we throw money at it.

footfootfoot 07-12-2013 04:07 PM

[dripping with]
It's obviously working, the drug problem hasn't gotten worse.

Even if that is total population and not percent of population, the numbers still suck.

ZenGum 07-12-2013 07:38 PM

Well there is a very strong correlation between the green line doing whatever the hell it wants and the blue line staying exactly where it is. :right:

I'd like to see a graph of drug control spending Vs profitability of the pharmaceutical industry. Or drug control spending and the profitability of private prisons (and the companies like Victoria's Secret who use prisoners as forced cheap labour. [/predictable rant]

Spexxvet 07-13-2013 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 870114)
[dripping with]
It's obviously working, the drug problem hasn't gotten worse.

Even if that is total population and not percent of population, the numbers still suck.

Beat me to it, and said much more eloquently than I would have.:thumb:

ZenGum 07-17-2013 06:42 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Bruce ... ... ye--e-es-s .... Bruce...

Attachment 44767

Happy Monkey 07-17-2013 11:48 AM

That's Bruce Wayne.

xoxoxoBruce 07-17-2013 12:09 PM

Interesting, the shape was defined before the TV and pop-culture phase of Batman.

glatt 07-22-2013 12:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Huh. I remember always hearing that gas is at all time lows when you account for inflation. Seems that isn't true any more.

Attachment 44935

Griff 08-04-2013 08:30 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Lamplighter 08-07-2013 11:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Here is one silly graphic...

... and I dispute any idea that Spokane is a happier place
to live than any other place in Washington or Oregon.
It's more likely there is just one or two very happy guys in Spokane
with computers and nothing else to do than Tweet all day and night.

... and Boulder CO, maybe, but Ft Collins ???
... likewise, San Clemente and Simi Valley, CA ???
Huffinton Post

The Happiest States In America In One Map (INFOGRAPHIC)

glatt 08-16-2013 06:06 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It's all about the fees. They kill you with them.
Attachment 45155

Griff 10-11-2013 02:25 PM

1 Attachment(s)

glatt 10-17-2013 09:56 AM

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Lots of poor kids in the schools now.
Attachment 45700

The article points out that this is a chart of the percent of kids who get a free or reduced price school lunch because they meet the federal income level for that.


The meals program run by the Department of Agriculture is a rough proxy for poverty, because a family of four could earn no more than $40,793 a year to qualify in 2011.

Griff 10-23-2013 05:50 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Global incidents of terror by year.

monster 10-23-2013 03:43 PM

Shoulda put this here.

Most popular girls' names by state through the years

glatt 10-23-2013 06:52 PM

It's amazing how parents get caught up in these name trends. But if you ask them, they will deny trends have anything to do with it.

Clodfobble 10-23-2013 09:39 PM

My friend gave her daughter the number one girls' name. I tried to tell her she would regret it. I tried to tell her that, as the owner of THE number one name of the entire 1980s, I knew firsthand how much her daughter also would regret their choice. She wouldn't listen.

monster 10-23-2013 09:45 PM

I did think about you when I saw it, Fob, and Shawfinite Monknee

busterb 10-25-2013 11:20 AM

Charts and graphs.

xoxoxoBruce 10-25-2013 04:58 PM

Lot of interesting stuff there, Buster.

Happy Monkey 10-28-2013 03:02 PM

Interesting in its duplicity....

1) The unlabeled vertical axis: How close are 108.6 and 101.7? The chart appears to separate them by a factor of 5.

2) The welfare recipient count includes all members of the household; the jobholder count only counts the jobholder.

3) There's a lot of overlap. Many jobs don't pay enough to keep you off of welfare, and some types of welfare in fact require you to have a job.

xoxoxoBruce 10-28-2013 08:02 PM

Duplicity is an understatement.


Fox's 108.6 million figure for the number of "people on welfare" comes from a Census Bureau's account (Table 2) of participation in means-tested programs, which include "anyone residing in a household in which one or more people received benefits" in the fourth quarter of 2011, thus including individuals who did not themselves receive government benefits.

On the other hand, the "people with a full time job" figure Fox used included only individuals who worked, not individuals residing in a household where at least one person works.
But they are right about one thing, there are too many people eligible for benefits. Congress should be working on getting those people to work, at a living wage, by poking the economy in the ass.

Pete Zicato 11-13-2013 01:28 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Embarrassing really.

Countries that do not use the metric system.

Attachment 46004

Gravdigr 12-04-2013 04:03 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Attachment 46138

Happy Monkey 12-05-2013 03:02 PM

xoxoxoBruce 12-13-2013 04:11 PM

44 graphs explaining the most important 2013 financial news.

Lamplighter 12-14-2013 11:08 AM

1 Attachment(s)
I think this is a neat graphical interface to show the reader
the "combinations and permutations" of the DNA code.

Attachment 46215

From today's news of a "discovery of 2 genetic codes"


Emily Willingham
Don't Be Duped By 'Duon' DNA Hype

and a supporting article:
Human DNA Is Not A Document, It's An App
Anthony Wing Kosner

Griff 01-08-2014 07:24 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Believable. Please notice SA 'Mericas great ally.

Happy Monkey 01-08-2014 07:36 PM

3 and 4 both are whole face and no hair showing. Is it the color?

(edit after reading link- yes.)

(edit after reading comments in link- maybe not. A "chador" is a cloak held shut with hands or teeth, apparently.)

Clodfobble 01-09-2014 08:22 AM

My understanding is also that the chador is long and shapeless, whereas the fitted white hijab only extends to the shoulders and she may be assumed to have somewhat normal clothing on otherwise.

Spexxvet 01-09-2014 10:31 AM

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That's Plavalaguna on the left

BigV 01-09-2014 11:08 AM

Now you know.
1 Attachment(s)
When Twil asks this question, my answers fall somewhere along this distribution:

Attachment 46416

Molasar 01-13-2014 02:58 PM

not sure if this belongs here or in one of the recipe threads ;)

glatt 02-18-2014 07:49 AM

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Winter sports

Attachment 46843

Spexxvet 02-18-2014 08:38 AM

China's hoping for ice ping pong to become an event ;)

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