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morethanpretty 07-22-2008 01:00 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 470684)
6 Years? Obviously he doesn't want to come on too strong...

Well when he seems to have backed off some since HS. He still sends letters but now they're imploring my sis to work in his lab (she's a math major) instead of marrying him.


OK, morbid curiosity forced me to check out his myspace page. He's a Cancer, fer crissakes. As if he'd ever get his ass out of his bedroom, much less his house.
He's told me he has Asperger's autism. I don't know how true that is. Yeah he was weird, but I went to school with him for years (in my grade) starting in 1st grade. I would think he would've had serious discipline or learning problems and I never observed that, just social probs.


Originally Posted by skysidhe (Post 470710)
6 years? there isn't probably anything to worry about. well not unless he's digging a dungeon. :p j/k

No but his last letter asked my sister to come help him in his lab at the top of the tower he is building.

He really does freak me out but my sister doesn't see him as a threat and isn't willing to take any steps against him. She just ignores everything he sends (which her current address is unlisted and he still found it out), which he usually doesn't send more than a letter or two a year. Has called my parents house several times, and even called her in college one time. The roommate answered and pretty much convinced him the girl he was searching for didn't live there.

Looking for a pen pal?

BrianR 07-22-2008 01:19 PM

Oh, why not? To foster better British-American relations, we can now translate each others' language.

BigV 07-22-2008 01:21 PM

you guys scare me

BigV 07-22-2008 01:23 PM

I thought I was all political and all. Turns out I'm merely trivial. 4/10. Ouchie.

Clodfobble 07-22-2008 03:59 PM


I missed filibuster, lame duck, and the quote about negotiation. I was just guessing on the last one, but I was pretty sure about the first two. Oh well.

skysidhe 07-22-2008 05:21 PM

@ more than pretty.

Finding out someones address is stalking and dosn't have anything to do with a disability.Writing letters and asking to help with towers to someone he dosn't know isn't a symptom of social shyness either. I am kind of creeped for you now.

I say just forget it but tell your sister not to help anyone with a broken arm put anything in a truck or for that matter a tower. S.O.L.

I say if he isn't asking to do something social that would appeal to a girl then forget it. Oh but maybe she's a nerd and likes building towers? * shurg*

ok enough about that.

and now a simple game.

Sundae 07-22-2008 07:01 PM

I missed the specifically American 3 and 5 and I simply didn't know 9.

xoxoxoBruce 07-22-2008 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 470787)

I thought I was all political and all. Turns out I'm merely trivial. 4/10. Ouchie.

4? 40%? You must be ashamed....

.... of getting the same as me.;)

BigV 07-23-2008 09:24 AM

hehehe... I am ashamed of my score, but never of my association with you, sir.

Griff 07-23-2008 09:24 AM

7/10 missed whip, filibuster, and lame duck.:sniff:

glatt 07-23-2008 09:48 AM

I guess lucky on a couple and missed lame duck and the negotiation quote.

BrianR 07-24-2008 06:26 AM

Creative use for default Windows sounds!

Clodfobble 07-24-2008 07:07 AM

Very cute. But I call foul, since he technically pitch-shifted a ton of those sounds to make different notes. You could make a whole song out of a single sample, if you're allowed to pitch-shift. [/nitpick] But it's a nice composition, at that.

morethanpretty 07-24-2008 01:32 PM

My sis is very safety conscience being a 100lb single female, she very aware of her vulnerability. But she does have plenty of aid if anything happens, and I'll be the first one there at the slightest incident. If we need to we can easily find this guy, its the possibility of there being others we don't know about I'm more worried about. Thank you for your concern, many of us (females especially) could use a little more caution.

6/10 on the political test...thanks for making feel dumb Sundae.

My name is Cruelty Envy Cruelty. I wonder if there is something to that....

skysidhe 07-26-2008 05:22 PM

thanks morethan! Yer nice :)

oh look.....This is panorama of Valley of the Kings!

edit- on the upper right corner is a drop down menu of other 360's.

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