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Good luck plthijinx!
Shaw, I'm glad your boss understood. We all have moments like that. My job has added a part in our call where we have to ask "is this a new or continuing issue?" its a horrible thing to ask, 1: they never give a truthful answer, or even know the answer, 2: we have the call history right there in the system, its a hell of a lot easier just to look it up. I've already gotten a 0% on a call because I didn't "verbally confirm history" even though i stated it in my notes. Fuck 'em. Its a stupid thing to ask. I'm their best agent, so they can go fuck 'emselves. |
Good luck plt!
mtp: ch'yeah, I know! People are petty. Oh, and stupid. Don't forget stupid. I don't know if I'm going to get my drunk on tonight, or if I'm going to take a couple tylenol PM and curl into my bed and sleep like a baby. |
Well, that's settled. My best friend called me and tonight I'm getting my drunk on. Eh, I've been good for a whole week. I need a night of beer and yahtzee, or whatever game we decide to play. :)
Strip poker with progress pics for the dweller NSFW thread!
Strip poker with progress pics for the dweller NSFW thread!
Seconded !!! |
Currently diagnosed PDD-NOS. Mom is still sure she's "just going through a shy phase." We hang out, but we don't discuss it.
Well dang. Best of luck to them.
We know my computer is on it's last legs, but today, as it's whirring away (when it shouldn't be) it sounds like muttley with a chest infection. we could do with another month or two...... :(
oh, and, I need a crown and I've put it off until beest's new flex plan kicks in (supposed to be 17th Jan) and his company just shifted the goalposts to an unknown date. Dentist says i can't wait much longer, budget says i must. fuckers.
Not quite upsetting, but unsettling at least.
Emails from my Aunt in Brisbane. Quote:
These floods in Australia are simply amazing. That video of the water rising into the parking lot and cars being picked up and washed downstream just blew me away.
just watched that :eek:
1 Attachment(s)
If you've never witnessed an actual flood, it's hard to imagine how impressive the power and noise can be. You don't know if it will get worse, or how long it will last, it's full of surprises... a constantly changing tableau you're powerless the do anything about, except try to stay out of harm's way.
There's the rushing/roaring center flow called the floodway, then as the water rises it creeps silently out over the adjoining landscape. Standing there mesmerized by the floodway, you suddenly realize your feet are wet, or you're standing on a rise and the water has circled around behind you. It's worse at night. edit: Aussies have another problem. |
It's rather ironic that they are being asked to conserve water.
We get flooding like that but I can't imagine having large crocodiles rising with the waters.
yikes! |
Where are you, Venice?
Let me check. * looks out the window* nope. No gondolas. I guess not. sigh, I so wish for a ride in a gondola. :yelsick: I should have said, flooding as in that photo minus the gator. |
Vegas has gondolas. ;)
Vegas should see a doctor and get rid of it.
It can't, what happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas.
Last night I tried a new recipe and made a strawberry bundt cake with strawberry glaze.
It wasn't perfect - I used my super-strong American gel colour to tint it rosy pink and forgot just how strong it is - there was something vaguely medical perhaps even tumerous about the red cake and crumbs... And I put too much cornflour in the galze - it was perfect consistency, but I could taste the flour. Needed more flavour perhaps. I didn't even take a photo of it. Dads dropped me off at school, as he always does when I have a cake to carry. The glaze had set it onto the plate, which was covered with the cake tin, despite Mum worrying it wasn't safe. It was, perfectly safe. So there is a bit of to-ing and fro-ing when we reach school. I was super-early but there are always cars parking, dropping off, trying to get back out, trying to get it. Dad wanted to pull forward into a proper space but a lady was illegally parked opposite and he didn't want to block the road, so suggested I got out there. All well and good. Except I did not know or see that there were mid-calf-high bollards in the grass verge to prevent people from pulling up on it. Trip. Fall. Smash. I went arse over tit, the cake smosshed into my arm and chest, the empty tin went rolling down the street and I just sat there, in the mud, surrounded by broken cake and trying not to cry. Too add insult to injury, one of the Dads sprinted across the road to help, not realising the red explosion he had seen when I went down was in fact yummy strawberry bundt cake and not blood. I just looking up at him and said sadly, "It's not blood. It's cake." Bless him for his reation of course. He went to help me up but I declined, having muddy, cakey, glazed red hands. Dad brought me back home and when he opened the door what was the first thing Mum said? "I TOLD you you should have put it in a tin!" She did redeem herself after my shower and change of clothes, by offering me a cup of tea and being impressed that I preferred to go straight back to school. And after all I left her with all the mess to tidy up (plate, cake-tin, and a very sweet smelling top and muddy trousers). So that was today's adventure. I'm not really upset, but I do my cake's ignominious end. |
I am sure it would have been delicious had it lived! :)
I don't think that I can take it
Cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again! |
It's just a cake, pal. Stable guy! |
I think I may have told this story here, but you invoked MacArthur Park, so here goes.
When my sister was in High School (C.1978) she got to her math class one morning to see all the lyrics to MacArthur Park written out on the black board. When the bell rang and class started the math teacher went berserk, yelling at the class and pointing at the black board, "NEVER LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!" The class pretty much had no idea what to say other than to acquiesce and agree they "would never let that happen to them." Then it was onto sines and cosines... Spring was never waiting for us, girl It ran one step ahead As we followed in the dance Between the parted pages and were pressed, In love's hot, fevered iron Like a striped pair of pants CHORUS MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark All the sweet, green icing flowing down... Someone left the cake out in the rain I don't think that I can take it 'cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again Oh, no! I recall the yellow cotton dress Foaming like a wave On the ground around your knees The birds, like tender babies in your hands And the old men playing checkers by the trees CHORUS There will be another song for me For I will sing it There will be another dream for me Someone will bring it I will drink the wine while it is warm And never let you catch me looking at the sun And after all the loves of my life After all the loves of my life You'll still be the one. I will take my life into my hands and I will use it I will win the worship in their eyes and I will lose it I will have the things that I desire And my passion flow like rivers through the sky. And after all the loves of my life After all the loves of my life I'll be thinking of you And wondering why. MacArthur's Park is melting in the dark All the sweet, green icing flowing down... Someone left the cake out in the rain I don't think that I can take it 'cause it took so long to bake it And I'll never have that recipe again Oh, no! Oh, no No, no Oh NO!! |
Stop it!
This was a genuine story of a real person who you know - ME! - being hurt, and humiliated and having the work of their heart destroyed. Please can you show some more compassion? I FELL OVER. MY CAKE WAS DESTROYED. Show some compassion people. Or I will curse you with small and random bollards forever. |
Oh I hear ya, hon. There's a reason my mom always called me Grace, as in "way to go, Grace!" ;)
:comfort: |
Sorry SG !
Those un sensitive Bastiges should be ignored !! |
Sorry SG. We aren't laughing at you. We are laughing near you.
"How was charm school Grace?" |
I'm pretty sure you guys knew I was milking it...
But thought it best to say so just in case :) |
I too feel strong sympathy for you SG. I'm sorry you tripped and fell in the mud and ruined the cake.
But I can't even type that sentence without almost breaking into song. 'Cause it took so long to make it, and you'll never have that recipe again! Oh no! |
You're still making fun of me.
I am going to write a book about my traumatic experience. And trust me, even if you are in it, I won't spell your names right. You wouldn't scoff at James Frey, would you? |
Swooning at the Clueless reference....
Yet more plumbing problems in This Old House ... :greenface
And it just had to wait until 4 pm Friday to reveal it's yucky self. Never fear. It shall be fixed by ye olde grumpe handyman. |
Upsetting me today: people who have never tried something because they already know it won't work, and they know this because they have 14 years of experience in never trying it. And the only thing they can think to do with this experience is to yell at people who are on the fence, because apparently it's critical that they lose all hope right here and now, before they do something rash that might accidentally improve the health of their children. Misery truly does love company.
Wait, you're telling us that the entire cellar is upsetting you today?
Yet more plumbing problems in This Old House ...
And it just had to wait until 4 pm Friday to reveal it's yucky self. Never fear. It shall be fixed by ye olde grumpe handyman. Aint it Grand Owning a Home ?? Good Luck , Oh And Wash yer hands AFTER !!!! |
Looks like food to me, that tail ought to yield a few pounds of meat. The skin is worth a fortune to the Italians for hand bags and shoes.
Hand snake didn't do it, but the mighty POWER SNAKE with a paddle tip got it first try. We are now shifting over to the "What's making you happy today" thread. |
i'm falling into my funk again. i need a project.
Learn to knit if you can't already
I think the Houston Ship Channel needs some cleanning up
martial arts? You could two bird that fitness thing as well.
very true and that is something i'd like to do. matter of fact my roommate used to be an aikedo (sp?) instructor. i'd love to do martial arts.
Marital arts?
takes too much time to master
Stupid boyfriend is being stupid. He says he wants to quit his job this week after he gets paid the $5k his boss owes him, which is doubtful his boss will pay him all that since he's an asshole and has been sitting on about $1000 for 2months already. B/f says he can find another job quick, which is what he said when he quit his last job prematurely, and that did not happen. WTF? Does he learn nothing from his past mistakes? Oh and this breaks a promise where he said he wouldn't quit a job w/o having another one already. We live together, I rely on him to be able to pay his bills, and he owes me $1200 from me helping him out the last time he did this. Then he has the nerve to tell me that I shouldn't worry about it! That its not my problem! If he doesn't pay his portion of the bills I'm out on the street too! WTF?
I almost forgot about the no fucking fun policy. Good to see it being endorsed by everyone, though.
Just got an email I nearly junked without reading because it had no subject. Something made me read it, and it informed me of the death of a lovely lady whose holiday apartment we rented in France. It was attached to her house in the Cevennes, above her art and ceramic studio, and most evenings we'd join her and her husband for a glass of wine in their beautiful garden filled with fuschias of every type imaginable. Every Christmas she sent us lovely watercolor cards she had painted of the gorgeous scenery in her village. I always looked forward to them and have kept every one. I'm pretty sad right now. I think she was the wife of Banana lady's cousin. Family, but that wasn't what made her special. She loved to get pictures of the kids and asked after them, even though she only evey met Hebe as an infant. I vividly remember Hebe sitting in the hallway in that apartment with her hand over her ears and a look of shock on her face as she encountered a hairdryer for the first time. A happy time with lovely people. I always hoped to return to see her again.
You know monster, sometimes I think the best we can hope for is that when we pass away, someone has such fond and beautiful memories of us. Sounds like a lovely person, and I'm sorry for the loss of your dear friend.
I need to compose a proper letter of condolence and I think I'll put these memories in. I'm going to try and root out a photo from that vacation to put on the front of a card. I think. I just talked to Banan lady, wasn't sure if she'd have checked her email and I'm glad i did -just recovering from cataract surgery she's finding it hard to read emails at the moment.
The email says the death was sudden and she was no spring chicken. I'm hoping it was not preceded by any suffering. A lovel ylady living out a dream retirement in the mountains in France. She lost her husband a good few years back, but still travelled back to England a lot to see her grandkids. She had a good life, I think, even though i didn't really know her all that well. We just always exchanged cards and the occasional snippet at christmas. I hope she got the card with the recent school pics we sent. we don't send them every year. I'm rambling. Sorry. Home alone all day. |
the email didn't say she was no spring chicken, that was all my tactless own wording. oh dear.
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