The Cellar

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skysidhe 08-03-2008 09:30 AM

I'm glad you liked those. I noticed too I couldn't read them either Brian.

This guy is making art from nails.

xoxoxoBruce 08-03-2008 05:14 PM

Psssst IOtD :lol2:

skysidhe 08-03-2008 08:19 PM

&%#@ :)

richlevy 08-04-2008 06:41 PM

Free Criminal Background Checks
1 Attachment(s)
I found this after reading an article. This free site ties together public information on everything from traffic violations to assaults from every state.

Not everything is on there, but I have found one person I know and one Cellarite on the database.

I tried some celebrity arrests.

Kenneth Lay's federal conviction did not show, but some other violations did.
Mike Tyson only had three offenses.
Britney Spears has no arrests.

I did find this one from Texas, but the birth date is off by 7 months.;)

Clodfobble 08-04-2008 08:48 PM

Man, don't go searching in that database lightly. I just found a friend on there, on charges I knew nothing about. That turned my evening rather uncomfortable...

BrianR 08-05-2008 05:53 AM

I'm not in there, despite several traffic tickets over my life.

There are several entries under my name but different race/age/location for offenses ranging from fishing w/o a license to theft and carrying an unlicensed weapon.

Not too accurate, IMO.

Shawnee123 08-05-2008 08:44 AM

Meh...there are forty thousand million people with my name. My murderous rampage arrest never even made the list.

I think I'll refrain from prying into cellar dwellar's lives, though. Seems like it's none of my bidness.

Sundae 08-05-2008 09:52 AM

My namesake has 4 traffic offenses...

I can see how it would be fascinating if there was a chance I'd see someone I actually knew. But then perhaps Clod is right. I'm too nosey for my own good and would keep looking til I found something I didn't want to see!

Clodfobble 08-05-2008 09:57 AM

It says on the main page that some states include traffic offenses in their reports and some don't.

And despite my own admonition, I kept playing with it, and found two of Mr. Clod's previous coworkers as well. I guess the reporting for Texas is more thorough.

gtown 08-05-2008 11:37 AM

WMFU's 365 days project
I just stumbled upon the WMFU 365 days project recently and it's a goldmine of weird and wacky recordings. WMFU has converted old records (and sometimes times tapes and video) into MP3s, each day for a year in 2003 and 2007. 2007 is better mainly because they tend to post the entire album instead of a few tracks. As they say:

Some words to describe the material featured would be... Celebrity, Children, Demonstration, Indigenous, Industrial, Outsider, Song-Poem, Spoken, Ventriloquism, and on and on and on. The best thing to do is to simply listen.

Amazing artifacts here and some of my favorites so far are:

Picking Up Girls Made Easy! from 1975. From the album cover: "The pick-up system no girl can resist! This amazing new record album will soon have you picking up girls automatically!" Slightly NSFW audio in a creepy 70s kinda way. I will not be surprised if a few dwellars owned this at one time ;)

Slightly NSFW picture (previously seen on the cellar) and definitely NSFW audio on Sexual Pleasures, a record to accompany a late 60's "documentary". The narrator's delivery is what sells this one.

45 Detritus includes various weird stuff. Especially check out the Knack/Beatles mashup and the Finnish disco covers.

The Gaylords - Sing American Hits In Italian. From the 50s and the title says it all.

Esther Rolle - Maybe It's. TV's Florida Evans sings in 1975.

A Collection of Children's Records. This is actually the page that helped me stumble upon the project. My wife and I were trying to find a copy of her favorite childhood record, Down By The Station, which is included here with some other records. Her favorite tracks are The Subway Train, The Happy Helicopter and Chocolate Train.

If you find any more gems, please post them here, I'm still trying to wade through all the fun...

richlevy 08-05-2008 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 470787)

I thought I was all political and all. Turns out I'm merely trivial. 4/10. Ouchie.

The Language of Politics: A Word Origins Quiz
Do you work at the Library of Congress?
You got 7/10 correct.

Missed 'lame duck' and 'pass the buck (etymology of)'. The correct answer for 'party whip' was my second choice.

xoxoxoBruce 08-05-2008 11:15 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Make spiffy animated lettering.

skysidhe 08-11-2008 04:22 PM

great album covers

hehehe I like this one

Flint 08-12-2008 04:03 PM

The cuil browser, created by former Google employees.

Cuil search for "The Cellar"
The Cellar comes up as the top hit, although results are not "listed" in a linear fashion.


Originally Posted by Wikipedia
Cuil (pronounced [kuːl], "cool", according to the creators) is a search engine that organizes web pages by content and displays relatively long entries along with thumbnail pictures for many results. It claims to have a larger index than any other search engine, with about 120 billion web pages.[1] It went live on July 28, 2008.[1][2]

Unlike other search engines[3] Cuil's privacy policy states that it does not store records of users’ search activity or IP addresses.[4]

Cuil is managed and developed largely by former employees of Google: Anna Patterson, Russell Power and Louis Monier.[5] The CEO and co-founder, Tom Costello, has worked for IBM and others.[6] The company raised $33 million from venture capital firms including Greylock.[7]

Clodfobble 08-12-2008 08:35 PM

Interesting. It comes up with weird thumbnail images sometimes. Like if you search for "keen links one might", this thread is the top result, except there's this image alongside it that doesn't seem to be related to the Cellar at all.

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