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monster 03-08-2011 01:21 PM

Less trouble when they're dead.....

monster 03-08-2011 01:25 PM

Well the numbness is just about gone, so I ate a Packzi and got fatter.

While I was waiting for the anaesthetic to kick in, they forced me to watch Ellen and the commercials were on. There was a buy one get one free deal on at a plastic surgery clinic and as the offer flashed up, boobs were shown in the back ground. Srsly, with a few exceptions, who's going to buy one tit?

I'd have liposuction/tummy tuck. Is that two procedures? Have I already used up my "free"? Of course I'd never actually have elective surgery, but you know... I'd love to be thinner, I'm failing using the willpower/diet/exercise approach. badly :(

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 01:59 PM

I know what you mean. I think if I could just take a machete and slice my belly off, then maybe glue it back together...

I'll do really great then fail, then fail then do really great.

I think we're forgetting something: we're awesome just as we are. :)

Undertoad 03-08-2011 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 715641)
I was thinking about dating my dead dentist, before he was dead.

It's the old Buddy Hackett joke.

A woman goes to the dentist and he tells her she needs a root canal.

"Oh no a root canal! The last one I had was terrible. I'd rather go through childbirth again!"

"Well make up your mind, lady, I've got to adjust the chair."

monster 03-08-2011 02:08 PM

And now I've wasted the whole day feeling sorry for myself.

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 02:18 PM

That helps, make yourself feel bad for feeling badly.

I've felt sorry for myself all day but I've still accomplished some stuff. Now THAT'S tenacity. ;)

monster 03-08-2011 02:34 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 715678)
That helps, make yourself feel bad for feeling badly.

Yup, that's me all over. hmph.

Shawnee123 03-08-2011 02:35 PM

Peas in a pod, it seems.

Whirled Peas.

monster 03-08-2011 04:06 PM

Just what I wished for.....

limey 03-08-2011 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 715625)
And then, Shawnee chuckled. ;)

I like when Shawnee chuckles ...

monster 03-08-2011 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 715727)
I like when Shawnee chuckles ...

..because you know you'll soon be receiving a supply of hobo offal for your haggis business?

Shawnee123 03-09-2011 07:16 AM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 715727)
I like when Shawnee chuckles ...

Chuck likes it too! :D


Originally Posted by monster (Post 715740)
..because you know you'll soon be receiving a supply of hobo offal for your haggis business?

Which got me thinking. We should be prepared to start a post-apocalyptic restaurant chain: The Offal House.

Zombies be stumblin' in around 2:30 a.m. after the bars close (monster, I bet a lot of them hang out at Z's) saying "I'm so hungry I could eat some whores!"

monster 03-09-2011 07:24 AM

I just got an email from Hector's Hockey team. Apparently it was naive of me not to realise that he would be expected to take a day off school to play in a local tournament.

glatt 03-09-2011 07:26 AM

Your priorities are obviously out of whack.

monster 03-09-2011 07:29 AM

It's a fucking house team and the season is over. Now I get to be the bad guy if I say no. He's their only goalie, no-one else has been in net all year because he's never missed a game. He's looking forward to the tourney. but it's not OK. you don't just dump school. I'm in shock. And beest's too busy at work to discuss it now. Which is not his fault, but I don't know what to do

Shawnee123 03-09-2011 07:35 AM

My niece was invited to play on a travelling softball team that would keep her away from home, sometimes school, sometimes overnight. She's freaking 10 years old. Brother was like "yeah, no. I know you love softball and are very good at it, but that's unreasonable."

Why would they schedule tournaments like that? Isn't that what weekends are for?

(Side note: cubey guy is playing pouty face with me today. Whuddever. It'll give him more to talk about. If people aren't talking about you, I guess you're boring.) ;)

glatt 03-09-2011 07:40 AM

That's a really hard one. It's nuts though. Who schedules a tournament for house teams during a school day? WTF? Are other parents OK with taking their kids out of school for this? Games should be on weekends or after school.

I'd be inclined to say NO. Even if it does screw it up for everyone else. Who can argue with you when you say school is more important? That's not a position anyone can argue against.

monster 03-09-2011 07:53 AM

I asked the team manager about the other kids. he hasn't replied yet. he's a really nice sensible intelligent guy. We're the only rookie family. We already did one tourney, our Friday game was 6pm. We did have to take time off school, but only because it was so far away. And Hector was a complete noob in the net, so anyone could've filled his spot, there was no real pressure to go. This one has two Friday games -8am and 2pm. wtf? it's only 45 minutes away. I don't think it was unreasonable of me to assume the Friday games would be evening ones. But apparently it was. I don't know what in the hell to do.

footfootfoot 03-09-2011 10:18 AM

In the big scheme of things I doubt he'll miss anything so critical at school it cannot be made up in an hour or two of studying. Of course, unless he is planning on an NHL career I doubt missing a game is going to be brought up with his therapist 15 years hence. It's probably gonna be something about how you cut his toast into triangles that one time when you knew he wanted rectangles...

Clodfobble 03-09-2011 10:35 AM

I'm with foot--I think it's unlikely he'll really miss much on this one day of school, it's more about the precedent. This can't be a regular pattern, and if you let him go, he may think he gets to go to the next one and the next one, and the hockey coach will continue to schedule things during weekdays because kids keep coming to them.

I guess if it were me, I'd let him go to this one because of the short notice, but state very clearly to the coach that he will not be attending any more games during school hours. If he schedules them in the future, he will know he is doing it without a goalie.

monster 03-09-2011 11:26 AM

I think we're going to have to roll with it. I checked with the teacher and he won't miss anything huge. It's the big finale of the season, then the team is disbanded. Next year, I'll know to mention up front that we don't do days off willy-nilly and maybe next year he'll have a back-up.

Asking around, it's not unusual, I think it must be my Brit showing that makes me so horrified (no days off school unless you're practically dead), because I don't consider school to be the be-all-and-end-all of education, so why did this horrify me so much? Being part of a sports team is also educational in its way. And apparently we could visit the nearby holocaust museum between the 8am and 2pm Friday games..... although there are no guided tours on Fridays... unless it's a Jewish Holiday -Purim is coming up....

I told the manager that for future reference he really ought to make sure that newbie families know this up front when they agree to a tourney. Maybe it's just because Hector is so awesome, they forget he's a rookie....

Shawnee123 03-09-2011 11:34 AM

We had to be practically dead to take off school, too.

glatt 03-09-2011 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 715788)
I think it must be my Brit showing that makes me so horrified (no days off school unless you're practically dead), because I don't consider school to be the be-all-and-end-all of education, so why did this horrify me so much?

It's normal to be horrified. School is not the be all end all, but at the same time, you have been sending the message to your kids that school is important. To skip school for a game is diluting that message. You try to be consistent so the kids know what to expect, and then somebody else out there is forcing you to be all fickle in your message by putting you in this position. I'd be horrified too. But the bottom line is that he won't miss much in school that day, and if the teacher is OK with it, it's all good.

monster 03-09-2011 11:58 AM

I wouldn't present it as skipping school -he loves school. I'd present it a choice that needs to be made (although his choice is obvious). Sure, if you pick school as part of your education, then school is important and shouldn't be skipped, but sometimes there are things that -whilst they may be not a "higher priority"- can offer different experiences which are also valuable. He will be expected to do the work that is missed. Fortunately, Friday is not a busy day for him because he is a hard worker/advance-planner and so is usually all done with the weekly tasks and has only the novel work to complete that day.

monster 03-09-2011 12:01 PM

Now that I've calmed down/got used to the idea, it's more that it didn't occur to the Manager to mention this when he brought up the tourney and to check that everyone was OK with it, than the actual missing school that horrifies me. But I'll get over it. And I bet he won't do it again, either. I suspect he's appropriately upset by his oversight.

footfootfoot 03-09-2011 08:20 PM

One of the monks at the monastery I lived at used to say, "We make our plans and then life intrudes."

zippyt 03-09-2011 10:28 PM

Ifn ya Aint got a Plan,
Ya Cant change it

Cloud 03-09-2011 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 715622)
I'm a wimp in this field. . . . Monster bursts into tears after all that braveness.

I cry at the dentist a lot, and I think this is entirely within the range of normal reactions and not wimpy. I'm a big cryer--any strong emotion makes me leak. But, I think there's something just very horrible and scary about someone messing with your head like that. Goes straight to the emotion centers of the brain.

monster 03-09-2011 10:39 PM

right @ zippy.

swim meet tonight. nearly there, pool almost in sight ('cept for the fog)..... road closed, downed powerlines. Detour took 50 minutes. we called people behind us so they were able to take earlier detours -they all got there before us. They delayed the meet and fortunately i was transporting swimmers from one practice to another meet so they already were "warmed up".

...on the plus side, seemed to work for Hebe -personal bests in both individuals, taking 2nd in the 50 and 1st in the 200 free -and that was an exciting race -from 3rd, she sprinted the last lap to touch first, by only hundredths of a second in a two and a half minute race.

Then hampered by fog on the way home. but we're home.

monster 03-09-2011 10:42 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 715847)
I cry at the dentist a lot, and I think this is entirely within the range of normal reactions and not wimpy. I'm a big cryer--any strong emotion makes me leak. But, I think there's something just very horrible and scary about someone messing with your head like that. Goes straight to the emotion centers of the brain.

y'see, I don't cry much, so it really scares people when I do. I don't think I cried at all once I left childhood until I had children of my own. that totally fucks with your tear duct function, doesn't it?

Cloud 03-09-2011 10:49 PM

wouldn't know--I'm like a leaky bucket.

just meant to say about the dentist thing--it's such a personal violation.

footfootfoot 03-10-2011 08:21 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 715853)
wouldn't know--I'm like a leaky bucket.

just meant to say about the dentist thing--it's such a personal violation.

There is something surprising and fascinating to me about this since you electively pierce and tattoo yourself -- activities, I am told, that are not pain free and usually require another person to perform.

Apart from one being healthcare/hygiene and the others being aesthetic what is it that is different about the experience to you?

monster 03-10-2011 08:39 AM

I would think it's to do with it being elective. You choose what piercings/tats to have where, (or not to have any at all), dentists tell you what needs to be done to protect your teeth and you really, generally have to trust their judgement, even though you know they're making money from you so are perfectly positioned to lie and do unnecessary work. I have no fear of needles or pain, or even the drill. If I wanted a tat, I'd have no problem with getting it.

glatt 03-10-2011 08:51 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 715894)
they're making money from you so are perfectly positioned to lie and do unnecessary work.

I've come across dentists like that when first moving to an area and looking for a new dentist. If a new dentist is telling you that your teeth are on the verge of falling out and you need all this expensive work, when your old dentists always said you had good teeth, it's a good sign the new dentist is a greedy liar.

Dentists, like most services, should be chosen based on reasoned recommendations from trusted sources. (Not trying to lecture you, but this one guy I went to years ago when I joined a new plan was just amazing in the unnecessary crap he was doing.)

Cloud 03-10-2011 08:52 AM

It's true that I have a different relationship to pain after getting my body art done, but having someone mess with your head/mouth for prolonged periods of time (as opposed to the few seconds a piercing takes) is a different matter.

monster 03-10-2011 08:55 AM

@ glatt

right. And this dentist was like this. Or felt like this. But beest recommended them to me (and now to everyone else at his work) But it turns out I'm a difficult patient (!), and my previous dentist (the one I picked before I knew anyone to recommend a dentist to me) was just so bad they couldn't be bothered to persuade me that work needed doing and let my rot progress...

Clodfobble 03-10-2011 12:57 PM

Sigh. No good deed goes unpunished.

About three weeks ago, a woman asked for a recommendation for a PPCD class. Her home elementary school doesn't run one, so she was being given a choice between the next two closest schools, one of which was ours. I enthusiastically recommended our awesome teacher and state-recognized program. She thanked me, and chose it.

So now, I go to Minifobette's first official evaluation meeting that precedes her entry into the class on her third birthday in April. And I am informed that, while she obviously qualifies, our school's program is now full. She's guaranteed a spot in the Fall (duh, my own son is the one vacating his spot,) but unless a kid miraculously drops out in the next couple of weeks, she's screwed for this year. (We do have the choice to go to a not-nearly-as-good school, but that's not gonna happen.)

footfootfoot 03-10-2011 01:31 PM


Cloud 03-10-2011 02:47 PM

Fuck Arthritis.

monster 03-10-2011 03:25 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 715979)
Fuck Arthritis.

and his wife, Sist

Cloud 03-10-2011 04:36 PM


plthijinx 03-10-2011 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 715979)
Fuck Arthritis.

agreed. mine is always nagging me. some days are worse than others but you know what i mean....aleve is a wonderful thing. then again so is naproxin. pure aleve that is....

ZenGum 03-10-2011 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 715991)
and his wife, Sist


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 716005)



The nun fainted.

Jaydaan 03-10-2011 11:12 PM

So apparently asking someone to stop coming to my work, due to being rude to my staff, is not great idea. Kid, about 18-19, threatened to kill me, showed me his knife, threatened to burn the store down, break all the windows, kill all my staff... He then threatened to "hunt me down and kill me" and flashed the knife at me. I walked calmly back into my store, hit the panic button, then went back out, to make sure he did not go after any of the .. oh I don't know, 30-50 people on a tour bus, coming into the hotel! As he was walking toward them, he was yelling death threats to me and my staff. My boss, hearing the alarm, but having no idea what was going on, started walking towards us. The guy lost it, reached for the knife and then tried to go at my boss with the knife. The guy lunged 3 times at my boss, then turned to me... I said, " you really don't want to do that, you should just leave before the police get here" He turned and ran off our property. We called the cops, blah blah blah. They caught the guy several hours later. Then we had to go down to the police station tonight and do a photo line up. I picked the guy out right away. My boss, was not so sure. He said he was too busy watching me, and figuring out if the guy was stealing from us, (the only other time I have ever used the panic alarm is when I've been robbed) and watching me to see if I was ok. After the knife was produced, my boss was more concernd with keeping us calm and safe, as well as all the looky loos watching...SIGH. So while I nailed the photo ID, because my boss was not allowed to go back and look at them again, he is not sure he got it right. bah... Stressful day!

lookout123 03-11-2011 01:29 AM

A recap of my last 8 months? I know you didn't ask, but here you go.

After spending my entire post-military adult life in sales/consulting I closed down my company and decided that high end potential and fantastic months were less valuable than consistant predictable life. I took a position with a very large corporation in a non-sales capacity. I spent a little over 6 months on a project that you've all seen in the news, and without tooting my own horn too much... I fucking rocked it. I knocked it out of the park. Actually my whole department blew the expectations straight out of the water and I blew the department averages into unrecognizeable smithereens. Woohoo, I rule!

What's that you say? my reward for doing more than you asked is to get laid off? Why? Did I not do more than you asked? Did I disappoint in some way? Oooh. I see. I have less seniority than the 4 employees who are literally on final written warning for being lazy and incompetent. I understand. Thanks for your letter of recommendation. The hour and a half notice you gave me that I was unemployed was more than I could have possibly asked for. Fuck you sideways.

And that has been among my top 25% positive experiences of the last 6 months.

SamIam 03-11-2011 01:55 AM

Sorry to hear, Lookout. They'll be sorry when you're gone, though. Hope you find something good soon.

Clodfobble 03-11-2011 08:47 AM

Goddamn, man. I'm so sorry things are shit right now. I'm glad you came to share with us, though. I've been wondering how you are. Wish it had been better news, though. :(

limey 03-11-2011 04:50 PM

Shit shitterroo Lookout. Very sorry to hear that.

footfootfoot 03-11-2011 04:56 PM

Lookout, that is truly effed. Sorry to hear that but I know you will come into something better.

Griff 03-11-2011 08:33 PM

fuckity fuck fer fucks sake.

zippyt 03-11-2011 10:15 PM

Glad yer safe jay !!

That Sucks BAD lookout !!!

morethanpretty 03-12-2011 08:50 AM

I woulda pissed my pants Jay! Glad no one got hurt and he was caught.

Lookout, that really sucks. I hope you get a better opportunity and can rub it in their faces.

kerosene 03-12-2011 12:05 PM

I am sorry, lookout. :( Take your rockin ass to a company that will appreciate it. Don't let it get you down...hubs has been through some unfair layoffs like that and I know how it can get a person in a negative mindset. I wish you the best of luck in finding something new.

Griff 03-12-2011 07:42 PM

Lookout, move to PA and market yourself to folks getting gas checks. I know a guy who can get you a token presence on teh webz and our youth soccer needs a kick in the pants.

lookout123 03-12-2011 08:23 PM

That sounds like a great plan with only a couple minor flaws. Mrs L would shoot me if I told her we were moving somewhere cold and I'm allergic to the northeast.

I've had 3 good interviews for good positions in the last 2 days so say a prayer, keep your fingers crossed, or whatever is your style.

morethanpretty 03-12-2011 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 716459)
That sounds like a great plan with only a couple minor flaws. Mrs L would shoot me if I told her we were moving somewhere cold and I'm allergic to the northeast.

I've had 3 good interviews for good positions in the last 2 days so say a prayer, keep your fingers crossed, or whatever is your style.

Good luck!

morethanpretty 03-12-2011 09:09 PM

Feeling bad for my sister, not myself. She HATES her job, and still doesn't have a good handle on the rheumatoid arthritis. Her hubby is planning on going back to school full time for his bachelors in nursing. Poor thing kinda hopes he won't get admitted (although his grades are really good.) The reason being, is that means she'll be the sole income bringer, and she's just too stressed for it. She's a high school teach, is hoping to maybe come up with a plan over the summer to get her out of it. She's nervous though, and I can't blame her. Currently administration is all over her to get kids to pass Algebra 1, even though they didn't pass any of their previous math classes and shouldn't have even been passed along to Algebra 1. Our education system is such fail.

Razzmatazz13 03-14-2011 01:53 AM

My mom went on vacation to visit her mom in Florida and I got a text halfway through my birthday that she was in the ER for appendicitis.

I'm not sure why it bothers me so much... she's doing ok now and will be healed up enough for a bus trip later this week according to the doc. I'm not sure if it's the fact that my mom is starting to fall apart, or that she's doing it 3000 miles away from me that has been bothering me the most.

morethanpretty 03-14-2011 06:53 AM

Appendicitis is not an age related thing, a lot of people have that issue at a youngish age. Don't go and start worrying that she is falling apart! *hugs*

classicman 03-14-2011 09:47 AM

I lost my appendix in my mid 30's. One night it just decided "No Mas."
I had the surgery and a week later I was back to work - No issues since.
She'll be fine.

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