![]() |
but...but..! Clodfobble! You know zipless fucks are harder to do for the females - esp. younger females (younger and younger they get...)
zipless fucks are fine IF you can REALLY do it and not let all those hormones mess with your head. Otherwise, use him for rent money. No sex. |
Mind you, this isn't an agreement I'd be able to adhere to myself, but I'm not particularly emotional about sex like that. It might work. |
Why does HE want to work it out? Tell him he can come back as a roomy. No sex.
There is only one reason a person wants to have sex with someone they tried to manipulate into changing and then subsequently dumping. Tell him he can live there but to go jump someone else, or more politely, you should both see other people, if there is really anything to work out. I would not make myself available for more hurt. On the other hand, being unavailable will make you more attractive and so, he might do some heroic deed as foot mentioned. If not then he'll just be satisfied with his flop house. I believe that is all he wants is a nice comfy place to go flop and if offered a nice warm body too. |
What Sky said, and is it just me or don't you guys think that a prereq for a good roomy is that they are willing and able to pay part of the rent and not hit up their girlfriend for fundage?
I couldn't sleep last night - got maybe 3 hours, and now I have to go in and work a 14 hour shift. :coffee2: 10:00 pm is a 1,000 years away.
...and the reason he does a 360 turn around is because he's a user and a loser? Maybe 'I' missed something. Maybe I missed the part where he was respectful, valuating and contributing, would never try to play on her emotions by getting her to change, then not respecting her for trying but then dumping her. Not being angry at you, casi or anyone, but I care about someone nice like mtp getting mind, financially and otherwise, fuck'ed. To me, this is beyond simply wanting to have sex. We all want to have sex. |
Calls to mind this blast from the past:
so, I've been working around the house today, finally getting to some projects that have been bugging me for a while--that's good, but . . .
after a couple of hours of this, I'm so tired and in pain, I'm practically crying. My back and hips hurt like hell, I'm barely mobile. I no longer have the strength or stamina to do much. things are improving slowly because I'm exercising and taking anti-inflammatory and joint supplements, but it still sucks. |
I hear ya, Cloud. I take 800mg ibuprophen every single day or I ache like a 90 year old woman.
If I'm going to walk the goggie I MUST take it 30 min. before or my knees, lower back, hips and sacro-iliac joints get so stiff and painful....the S-I joints are the WORST - they can even ache when I'm in bed trying to go to sleep. Ah, to be 19 again... TBH - all this stuff happend post-chemo. Chemo has a lot to answer for - but I suppose it saved my life...I just didn't know I was going to be in pain all the time. |
I guess you take the bad with the good, and there's a lot of good in my life right now, so . . . meh
OR, you get yourself to a doctor and see if it's something that can be fixed quite simply.
I read anti-inflammatory supplements. No Rx required. I'm betting no doctor, but good for you if you did, Cloud, sorry it's not helping yet.
no doctor yet; I'll get there eventually, but I want to see how much I can alleviate it myself first. just hurting today and feeling sorry for myself, I guess.
I mean, what is the doctor gonna say? "you have osteoarthritis. You're old and you're fat. Here's some pills. See me in 5 years for a hip replacement." (scowls) |
OR, you could be damaging yourself further. Trust me, in this game, I'm queen! I have learned through long, hard and painful experience(s), that coping strategies for joint pain can cause more damage and grief in the long run than the original problem. I know you hate bring poked and prodded, but go, find out.
well, I think it's a given that it's degenerative, but I hear you. i will--just not quite ready.
No freaking passports is really pissing me off/getting me worried,
I applied 7 weeks ago, eight weeks before we needed to travel. processing time is 4 weeks for renewals (these are renewals) 6 weeks for new applications. My card was charged three weeks ago. Where are my goddamn freaking passports? :mad: |
Minifobette has a cavity on one molar, and "pre-cavities" on three others. She's not even three yet, for crying out loud! The dentist said she's got "one of those mouths," and that the pH of her saliva is the most to blame. To get them filled, we've got to decide if full sedation or pinning her down is the way to go. Big drawbacks to both choices.
full sedation, despite the enhanced "hangover."
how is she with NO2? |
Krill oil one of the best for inflammation...
They say the pH tends to be genetic, not really connected to diet. Diet provides the sugars, the pH provides the hospitable environment. True enough, I've never had a single cavity, despite a period in childhood where I didn't brush at all for about 2 years. Meanwhile Mr. Clod has battled countless cavities, though he has religiously brushed, flossed, and mouthwashed twice a day for pretty much his whole life. She clearly got his salivary genes, and Minifob got mine.
There are mouth sprays you can use to get the pH a little more in line with whatever level doesn't support bacterial growth, but the effects only last as long as it takes for the liquid to be washed out of your mouth, minutes at best. Quote:
If it doesn't, we're going to have to opt for the non-sedated in-office cavity drilling. This is not the end of the world, except with 4 teeth it will be a long procedure to have to pin her down for (it won't really hurt, but it will piss her off tremendously,) and what we really want is to seal all 8 molars at once so we don't have to deal with inevitable future cavities until the adult teeth come in. 8 teeth isn't going to happen unless she's sedated. |
Holy mackerel, that's a lot of $.
I just got a cc from my insurance re my surgery. of the $2000 billed (so far) the insurance co denied all but $165. What a racket. |
Who's going to hold her down? You or a pro? When Hector cut his head to the skull aged nearly 3, the hospital brought in a "professional holder-downer" He was the biz. I was amazed. If the dentist doesn't have one of these, consider employing one rather than doing it yourself. And yes, Hector had major stranger issues then -especially with men as we found out when we needed the stitches removing, but this guy was all Crocodile Dundee on him.
I had pretty much every dental treatment under the sun (baby teeth removed in the chair, braces, palate expander etc...) when I was a kid and now I HAAAAAAAAAAAATE dentists...to the extent that I stopped going to the dentist as an adult as I was petrified of the pain and also of the dentist getting angry with me because I wouldn't sit still in the chair (luckily have now found a dental technician who cleans teeth in a painfree way...bless her). In short, I'd go the general.
ten grand, casi.
Sounds like a wise plan, cf.
So, now, whatever they want to give me I'll take. No. Fun. At. All. Poor kid. |
Yeah. I've still not caught back up. WITH insurance. :(
I sent my SIL an email this am and she wrote back saying she was in Cairo! WTF! She goes to Egypt often but WTF NOW? :neutral:
My other ones hurt a bit I think because my dentist was quite amazed at how long the roots on my teeth are. It was no small task. The tugging and stuff, that's what's sore later. It all started with a frenectomy, which I barely even remember. Weirdly, both my brothers had to have that done too. But, I'm probably playing the "more dentalled than anyone else" card. :rolleyes: |
Heh. My mom and I talked about this yesterday. She remembers Dr S calling my house after I'd left a particularly painful appt (I was in HS and was in the habit of driving myself) because he was worried about me driving home. It was just what I did. Go to school, go to practice, go to the dentist/orthodontist. :)
I hate my life.
wassup now?
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