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DanaC 02-26-2008 06:25 PM

God, Merc, I just read back through the thread, I hadn't seen your entry. My condolences to you and our wife. What a shocking way for things to go, so fast from well to the end.

TheMercenary 02-26-2008 06:41 PM

Thanks Dana, life throws you curve balls everynow and again, sometimes they hit you in the head.

DanaC 02-26-2008 06:48 PM

I know...and sometimes they hit you right in the solar plexis.

monster 02-26-2008 10:02 PM

I have tube-burn on my inner arms.

zippyt 02-26-2008 10:07 PM

well use more Lube Monnie !!!


Timo 02-27-2008 06:11 AM

i'mtrying a new high protein diet to bulk my skinny white ass up a little bit and ive had the runs for like 3 days,


DanaC 02-27-2008 06:37 AM

Ouch. Are you doing this with medical/dietary advice Timo, or are you just going it alone? If going it alone, might be worth a GP's visit just to make sure you're doing it safely.

Timo 02-27-2008 06:47 AM

well yes and no,
I have a friend who's really into this kind of thing, hes been doing it for about a year and recomended it to me, i'll probrably ask him...
failing that i'll see my GP,
cheers for the concern though Dana!

Chocolatl 02-27-2008 07:50 AM

Merc, best wishes to you and especially your wife and family. I feel a little relieved, to be honest, because it's like we can all breathe again, so I understand what you mean about wishing she had "gone earlier." I spent weeks dreading every single phone call I got, because each time I just knew that it was going to be The Call. Of course I miss her a lot, but I know it's a big relief for my dad, because he doesn't have to be at her side watching her suffer. I imagine it's much the same for your wife.

Shawnee, good luck for your grandma! My grandmother's aunt (my great grand aunt, I guess?) was moved to a home a few months ago because her Alzheimer's had gotten really bad. She kept leaving the house in the middle of the night claiming that there was a man outside waiting to take her back to Cuba. (She hasn't been in Cuba for at least 50 years.) Even after changing the locks, it was hard to keep her from wandering around. So it was in her best interest of her health and safety to move her. Hopefully your family is able to find a comfortable, safe place for your grandma.

Shawnee123 02-27-2008 08:18 AM

Thank you Chocolatl. :)

glatt 02-27-2008 09:30 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 435276)
Turns out those stupid dead branches were the only thing holding the fence up! Now there's a huge section of fence that's fallen down into my neighbor's yard. I'd have left the damn thing alone if I'd known it was structural.

Sounds like most of the projects I do around my place. Especially plumbing. The simple act of turning the water off to the pipes to make the fix often causes more problems than the fix will fix. All the sediment in the pipes gets stirred up and flushed into the guts of all the fixtures, and then they all stop working.

TheMercenary 02-28-2008 10:44 AM


Originally Posted by Chocolatl (Post 435507)
Merc, best wishes to you and especially your wife and family. I feel a little relieved, to be honest, because it's like we can all breathe again, so I understand what you mean about wishing she had "gone earlier." I spent weeks dreading every single phone call I got, because each time I just knew that it was going to be The Call. Of course I miss her a lot, but I know it's a big relief for my dad, because he doesn't have to be at her side watching her suffer. I imagine it's much the same for your wife.

Thanks Choc, yes we can relate to all those same feelings. Every phone call was like a stab with a knife. Esp if the Caller Id said it was the nsg home. One night they called real late and I didn't wake my wife up since she has not had good sleep since this all started at Christmas. It was just a status report. Not good, but really no change. When my wife say the Caller ID the next day she about had a panic attack. Since I was at work she could not get immediately ahold of me and freaked even more. After I got her to see my logic in not waking her up and that nothing had changed she calmed down but it was like 2 hours of hell for her til we talked. Thank God(s) it is over and we can all breathe again. Thanks for the thoughts again, all.

Griff 02-28-2008 07:50 PM

Sounds rough Merc. sorry dude.

zippyt 02-28-2008 08:53 PM

Never easy to loose a loved one ,
Condolences to both Choc and Merc

shina 02-28-2008 09:04 PM

Merc, Choc,

Take care of yourselves. I'm joining the club here, my thoughts are with you and yours.

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