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How'd the choc chicks work out SG?
Not too bad in the end!
I'll post a pic in Cherry's Cakes or whatever I called the thread. |
First post. Not a happy one. Just lost a third of my income today. Not a happy bunny.
:( |
Sorry to hear that, Blib. I hope that your post is not a prelude to your attempting to market a wonderful way to replace and exceed that income ...
I just learned that one of my best friend's mother passed away last evening. |
A former Councillor who I really liked and respected passed away yesterday. He stepped down from his seat about a year ago after a massive heart attack. The last time I saw him he looked half his previous weight and very pale.
He was a truly wonderful man. A very talented poet and artist as well as a genuine community activist. A Liberal democrat, he was always very kind to me and had the affection and respect of all the members. Rest in Peace Peter Cole. |
:) p.s. Even though you replied to my original post, I can't see it myself. Weird. But, I know, "read the bloody FAQs! " :) |
See the Cake thread!
But I will answer you anyway, rather than be too self-important. I found them sickly sweet. Cake balls (the basis of any cake pops) are cake mixed with frosting. As someone who usually leaves the frosting until last and spread thinly, the cakepops are already too rich. THEN I add a covering of melted chocolate. And in this case a pastry case too! In which the chicks were secured with a dab of apricot jam. They were complimented. But I do think I'll move onto bigguns. |
I'm just so tired of feeling sick and like I'm one small disaster away from total annihilation. I'm behind, a loser, can't keep a stable relationship. Only one thing keeps me afloat and that in of itself I feel like I'm failing.
Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment.
-Buddha |
As one "behind loser" to another, I feel what you feel and it sucks. I'm starting to figure out that "they" know even less about what they're doing than I do, so it is easier for them to get results by criticizing someone capable of change than by looking at their own shit.
great. just fucking great. the fucking faa has suspended my goddamn ticket.
Sick and tired of being sick and tired.
Fuck Crohn's |
Funerals are teh suck.
how do i fix this? money. lots and lots of money. #1 i have to hire a lawyer to fix the error in '02 then god knows what i have to do for the faa to get my medical back. |
god knows what i have to do for the faa to get my medical back.
Bend over , spread yer cheeks , and say Thank You Sir may I have Another Many times !!! Just Kidding , sorry to hear this !! |
yeah. "HI! i'm from the government and i'm here to help!!" ffs. |
I hope you can get it fixed, plt.
I know advice is the last thing you want right now but I, as a friend, am going to give it anyway.
Do NOT surrender your medical! Make them go to court and take it! Given your income level, you qualify for a PD or a pro bono case...check with the local legal hotline. Many good lawyers will take on a pro bono case if it's an easy win for them. Doing so somehow makes them look good to their firms. Get your day in court and tell your side of the issue. If you have any original paperwork from the traffic case such as the plea deal (if it was in writing) or case transcripts, bring it with you to bolster your case. The lawyer may even be able to get the DWI error expunged with a simple letter. Ask him/her about it. You have taken enough deals from the DA...fight back this time! that's my :2cents: |
My co-teacher has had a stroke... at 24 years of age, insanity.
Oh my, Griff. 24? Geez.
Will he/she be OK? |
Holy crap, Griff. 24 yo?
That's not good. Wishing them all the best. My SIL had a stroke in her early 30s.
Holy crap! What's the news on damage/recovery, Griff?
broken heart :(
Not yours I hope, Monster?
sorta. I made a ceramic mobius strip heart for beest and for some reason it was left in a stupid place and now it's smashed. I don't think I even have a photo of it.
I had that kind of feeling today, and much worse than that, I feel like a ghost, no one seems to notice me and I hate that! |
Welcome skipper386, I noticed your post.
Hi skipper. :waves:
Wow, that monster post was like, 2007. Eerie. |
You really do have a wicked sense of humour jim ;p
@llo there skipper, welcome to the cuckoo's nest. Wolf will be round directly with the meds. Try not to get under the orderly's feet. |
that's just messed up right there. 24? stroke? no. no one could think that.
It is related to migraines at that age -that's what they told my SIL. If she's coming back to work, that's excellent news.
so can some of the other drugs kids like to use - like Adderall, ritalin, etc. I don't mean to imply that she is a substance abuser, but docs know it is a possibility. |
My SIL was not active at all, either. Her case was quite extreme, she was found unconscious and only just survived. She is permanently disabled now -physically and mentally. I don't know if it could have been prevented. I think griff's cow orker has been extremely lucky by the sounds of it and hopefully will be able to do something to prevent future strokes, but if not, at least know to go straight to the doc. Well that's cheerful, huh? Sorry to bring y'all down. |
Shit - I was here to post about my recent low-grade health problems (culminating with a day in bed today, which I HATE to take in this job)
Feels pathetic now... Support and love to those really suffering health issues. Have had catarrh for a while now. Combined with viral symptoms (two tops on and shivering with the heating on - this from the person who would like to live in a freezer) and then sheathed in sweat, drenching the bedclothes with the fan on and the window open. All joints aching, heachache, every tooth in my head hurting, every follicle of hair... Also sickness (prolly from constant coughing) and then diarrhoea. Oh and complete loss of appetitie. Now that is a serious symptom. So after another night last night coughing ineffectively (despite decongestant) and sweating through the bedclothes, waking up every 40 minutes as far as I can tell, I have rested today and am up and about this evening. I will make up the time at school. It won't affect my pay (I'll get a reduced rate as sick pay I think, or maybe even not be paid - I didn't pay attention to the contract!) but Tiger will get the hours he's supposed to. Am still speaking in a hoarse whisper and coughing when I move, but I no longer feel liable to puke in anyone's lap. Damn Reception-level infection rates though. The first job I've ever loved (I did enjoy some of course) and I've had two days off in the first six months. Pathetic. Anyone suggest anything to boost the immune system that actually has medical proof? |
Colloidal Silver, while I don't have the required medical documentation I don't really get a day off. Animals need food 7 days a week. My hub and I are rarely ill no matter whose children or those that are sick, we are around.
Issue #1: Home office told me (I'm the assistant ops/office manager at a courier company) today that I have to slash our employee work hours by half because they're not happy with the amount of money we are losing. We have always lost money on our actual employees, but the revenue has usually been made up by our independent contractors and scheduled routes. This still appears to be the case, but a culture of fear has been instilled by the contracting company...and it is trickling down into my own company. Furthermore, my boss (the ops mgr) is trying to fight with really weird schedule contortions rather than making the cuts and letting the chips fall where they may. I think my idea is better because it will open my company's eyes really quick as to how badly we need those employees that would be cut. The situation is giving me a migraine.
Issue #2: I met a really nice gal about 2 months ago. We became friends and I asked her on a date in late February. She said yes and the date seemed to go great...she even said so. In the time leading up to the date, we were growing closer, and it looked like a relationship was going to develop. After the date, we talked about going on a second date in the near future, and we continued talking for the next few days as we had been. But 3 days after the date, she sent me an e-mail, telling me that after a great deal of soul-searching, she didn't see us being more than friends. I'm not mad at her...I understand that people are fickle creatures and she maybe wasn't sure of her feelings about me. I guess once she met me in person, she didn't feel that connection...it happens. But based on how things had been going, I was deeply hurt by the situation. I tried to stay friends with her after this, but about 2 weeks ago, I told her that I couldn't be friends with her right now because it just hurt too much to interact with her (we communicated a lot on FB and Twitter)...and she said she understood. Tonight, I was going to go a bar here in Downtown KC that I frequent, and asked some Twitter friends if they were interested in joining me. That's when another friend of mine told me that she and the gal in question were going to be down there. I told them both I'd see them down there. I wanted to try and overcome my "stage fright" on this issue...we have quite a few mutual friends here in KC, and we will inevitably cross paths again. And she is really an awesome person...I miss her friendship a lot. But my body started freaking the fuck out...heart racing, light headed, etc. I tried to calm myself down...I really wanted to overcome this. But between the work situation and the feelings I still have for this gal, it was just too much. I am just wiped out and feel like total shit. I hate feeling this way, but I guess you can only overcome so much at one time. This too shall pass...but this day sucked a fucking fart. |
Vada died
I never met Vada. But we bought this house from his fiance, the basement was a shrine to his football career and Hebe's room was decorated for his son. And they moved to a neighborhood where many of my friends live and became close with them, so i heard about him all the time. Strangely, our paths never crossed, despite 10 years of parties and get-togethers, but i always heard about his progress. He died today, of lung cancer. An athlete and police officer, never a smoker. The battle has been nearly 4 years, but he never stood a chance -it was stage 4 when discovered. A stong man, a fighter. I wish I had met him. |
Damn, sorry to hear that monster. Did they have any idea what caused it? Chemical exposure, or being around lots of second hand smoke, or something? A non-smoker getting lung cancer is a shitty lottery to win.
No, nothing. They cannot find any reason. The kicker is they think he was so fit, that's why it wasnt discovered until it was stage 4 -and it was discovered by accident then.
...we still get junk mail for Vada.
...and now a friend from the pool, a grandad and dad to close friends. :(
some days just suck. |
Sorry monster. |
Lung cancer is a zebra running down the street.
Wolf's user title is pissing me off. 19 years at the nuthouse.... Over just like that?
What the cock!? |
So it would seem. Facebook also says unemployed....
What the fuck happened, wolf? Unless you don't wanna talk aboot et. And I'll stfu now just in case ya doona. |
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