The Cellar

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Aliantha 04-20-2011 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by morethanpretty (Post 725001)
Well, I just realized that I never turned in a proposal for my paper, thats an immediate half off the grade, so now I'm not even sure its worth writing the damn thing. I've been so distracted by my own self loathing. The paper is due tomorrow. :(

Try and write it no matter what. It'd be a shame to fail the course by a couple of marks that you might have picked up by handing in the paper.

Can you ask for special consideration because of the things that've been happening in your life lately? I don't know what the rules are over there, but here you can often get that if you've had major health or relationship issues that've affected you.

morethanpretty 04-20-2011 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 725043)
Try and write it no matter what. It'd be a shame to fail the course by a couple of marks that you might have picked up by handing in the paper.

Can you ask for special consideration because of the things that've been happening in your life lately? I don't know what the rules are over there, but here you can often get that if you've had major health or relationship issues that've affected you.

I can kinda. The prof and dean have to agree to let me drop with an Incomplete because of an health issue. Problem is, its more stress than anything. Sure, I have a bad thyroid and headaches, but I'm on meds. I probably don't have a good enough case. My prof might let me extend my deadline, but he did that last year for me too, I'd hate to ask him to do it again.

I am trying, I have 2 sentences written and am stuck again. :(

Aliantha 04-20-2011 06:06 PM

You might feel like a sook doing it, but you should do it anyway. It's your future not his, and I'm sure he's had to help students like yourself before. It's part of his job.

morethanpretty 04-20-2011 06:13 PM

Heh, just found out that the med my doc put me on for my headaches is commonly used as an anti-depressant. Funny.

Ali, I understand what you're saying. Its just not how I grew up, its against every fiber of my being. I'd almost rather fail. I know, I know thats worse. I'll talk to him tomorrow maybe, its just so close to the end of the semester, I feel like if I can just get myself past this paper, and the paper in Psych, and the 6 other writing assignments....
Oh geeze, am I fucked.

Aliantha 04-20-2011 06:29 PM

Me either MTP. I was brought up to just get the job done, and if I hadn't prepared myself properly it was me who should wear the consequences, so I know where you're coming from.

I only asked for SC once when I was at uni, and that was when my Mum died. The stupid lecturer I had denied it (even though she died the day before the final exam) and then I was just so down I just said fuck it and let myself fail the course. In hindsight that was a stupid decision knowing that if I'd appealed I would have won because the counsellor was on my side, but at the time, I wasn't really seeing things clearly.

Anyway, I hope you can get yourself sorted out. It'll be worth it in the long run.

morethanpretty 04-20-2011 09:12 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 725056)
Me either MTP. I was brought up to just get the job done, and if I hadn't prepared myself properly it was me who should wear the consequences, so I know where you're coming from.

I only asked for SC once when I was at uni, and that was when my Mum died. The stupid lecturer I had denied it (even though she died the day before the final exam) and then I was just so down I just said fuck it and let myself fail the course. In hindsight that was a stupid decision knowing that if I'd appealed I would have won because the counsellor was on my side, but at the time, I wasn't really seeing things clearly.

Anyway, I hope you can get yourself sorted out. It'll be worth it in the long run.

Yeah, I've decided that if there is a G-d, that it is against me. I had to leave the library I was at to go get books from another library. At the other library I found that I had left my laptop's power cable at the first library. So I drove back to the first library, only to get sick in my car as soon as I parked. Fortunately I have a loving and nearby mom who went and got my power cable while I drove home to clean up. I'm still feeling pretty awful though.

BigV 04-21-2011 03:14 PM

Hello Rich

I'm very sad to hear the news about your mom. I'm sure the complications make things feel worse. I can't change anything that has already happened, but I offer you my support and I'd like to help you in any way I can.


elSicomoro 04-23-2011 12:01 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This :(

DanaC 04-23-2011 05:27 AM


glatt 04-23-2011 07:03 AM

Rich, I've been away the last few days. I'm sorry to hear about your mom.

Sundae 04-23-2011 09:16 AM

So sorry to hear you've lost your Mum, Rich.
And then the added stress of it being at the worst time of the year.

A friend of my Mum's lost her Dad on Christmas Eve.
Even if it seems like nothing could be worse than losing a parent, it was worse for her, with everything closed and having to pass on news that spoiled other families' celebratons.

Clodfobble 04-23-2011 10:51 AM


I go to register for the summer term right as the computer system opens this morning. As I'm furiously typing in section numbers, clicking the ones I want, advancing through the system, I can see the seats filling up in real time with each refresh of the page.

And then comes the big red error message: You must have a Granted Petition to register for [critical prereq course that MUST happen this summer or the whole plan is thrown off by a year.] Apparently for this one course, I was somehow supposed to know that I needed permission to register for it.

I did get into my other courses--not on the ideal schedule, but I got them. But none of it will matter if I can't get into this one fundamental class. I've emailed the department chair like it says I'm supposed to, to get my "petition" granted. But of course he's not going to respond until Monday at the earliest.

wolf 04-23-2011 11:16 AM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 723758)
My mom passed away this morning. I don't want to go into details, since I'm still processing this all and since I don't use a handle other peoples privacy is involved.

Rich, I'm so sorry. I'm seeing this for the first time. You and your family are in my thoughts.

jimhelm 04-23-2011 12:07 PM

sorry, rich :(

Pete Zicato 04-23-2011 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 723758)
My mom passed away this morning.

I'm so sorry for your loss, Rich. Peace be with you.

Sundae 04-27-2011 11:15 AM

Staff briefing this morning.
One of our school volunteers has two boys at our school. He is a very committed parent and we always say hello to eachother as we were volunteering at the same time, although I was doing full days and he was taking readers at set times. I often see him around Aylesbury in his van and always wave.

His brother has just been sent to gaol for sending sexually explicit texts to a 15 year old.

Of course it does not reflect in any way on the man who volunteers at our school. It's just I feel for the family, especially knowing one of the boys well.

I haven't used any names in this post, but of course they are in the link which is on the internet and it was reported in the local paper. It's not about hiding the identity of the man, but his brother has the same surname and I'd like to respect his privacy at least.

13 April 2011, 10:49 am
A 44-year-old man has been jailed for three-and-a-half months after sending a series of explicit text messages to a 15-year-old boy on work experience at his firm.

xxx, of xxx Road, Aylesbury, was sentenced at Aylesbury Crown Court on Monday (11/4) after admitting a charge of causing or inciting a child under the age of 16 to engage in sexual activity.

xxx, who runs First Choice Gas, took on a 15-year-old boy for a two-week work experience placement in spring 2010. The scheme is run through schools and Buckinghamshire County Council.

Within days of the boy starting the placement, xxx started to send him explicit text messages of a sexual nature. These messages became more extreme during the period of the placement.

On the evening of the final day of the placement, the victim’s father discovered the text messages on his son’s phone and the matter was reported to police. xxx’s phone was subsequently seized and evidence of the messages was recovered.

In court, it was heard how xxx had been under a great deal of stress at the time of the offence and had lost his sense of judgement but had expressed sorrow for his actions.

On passing sentence, Judge Sheridan called xxx’s behaviour “disgusting” and said the young victim must have “suffered horribly in his own mind”. He said xxx had exhibited “criminal behaviour of the lowest and disgusting sort” and had a duty to protect the young people of Aylesbury and the work experience scheme. He added that the “fabulously successful scheme had received a terrible blow”.

Investigating officer Det Con Lucy Jarrett said: “The young victim has shown a great deal of courage throughout this investigation, which has been supported by his family.

“Thames Valley Police and Buckinghamshire County Council will continue to work together to ensure that young people are protected and any similar reports of inappropriate behaviour will always be dealt with robustly.”

Clodfobble 04-27-2011 12:47 PM


and said the young victim must have “suffered horribly in his own mind”.
I doubt it. But there's just no such thing as consensual at that age, no matter how much the 15-year-old might have wished there were. I wonder how many months away he was from his 16th birthday?

Sundae 04-27-2011 12:51 PM

Yeah, I don't want to get into that sort of questioning.
The fact it was discovered by a parent.
(My niece and all that...)

Always comes down harder on male-male interactions.

But given the reaction of the judge that heard the whole trial I'm assuming it was a genuine case of abuse.

Clodfobble 04-27-2011 12:56 PM

Well if it was, that's awful and he deserves the jail time. Sorry that your coworker might be caught in any crossfire, though. :(

Sundae 04-30-2011 09:01 AM

Cold sores. Plural.
Woke up this morning feeling like my lip was a birthing sac for some bloated poisonous insect, which was trying to scratch a hole to be born through.

Oh sorry, I mean a "tingling sensation".

I have at least three separate cold sores. There may be more.
My lip is throbbing savagely, and feels as if it's swollen to bad-implant proportions. Of course when I look in the mirror it looks normal size, but I am not fooled.

This will end up being a holy mess when it all erupts.
Nice to know I have something to look forward to.

footfootfoot 04-30-2011 09:05 AM

bummer, sundae. what triggers the outbreaks, have you any idea?

HungLikeJesus 04-30-2011 09:14 AM

I think they are spread through the Cellar. I had one when I went on the big boat a few weeks ago.

Spexxvet 04-30-2011 09:24 AM


Originally Posted by richlevy (Post 723758)
My mom passed away this morning. .

Sorry, I totally missed this, Rich. You and yours have my sympathy.

BigV 05-04-2011 10:54 AM

Upset is the wrong word, stressing me out is more like it...

I have my interview today. I have "test anxiety", I get progressively more stressed out as the moment of truth approaches. Then there comes a time when I just relax when I realize I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. Then the test, the interview, the date, the delivery, etc.

Right now, it's just moving straight upward.

Wish me luck please.

limey 05-04-2011 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 730388)
Upset is the wrong word, stressing me out is more like it...

I have my interview today. I have "test anxiety", I get progressively more stressed out as the moment of truth approaches. Then there comes a time when I just relax when I realize I'm as prepared as I'm going to be. Then the test, the interview, the date, the delivery, etc.

Right now, it's just moving straight upward.

Wish me luck please.

Good luck, BigV!:ipray::stpaddy:

HungLikeJesus 05-04-2011 11:14 AM

You don't need luck - you've worked hard and you have everything you need to do well.

plthijinx 05-04-2011 12:00 PM

good luck V!!!!

rich, sorry to hear that man. prayers and thoughts are with you!

and sundae: get a prescription for zovirax cream. it clears up cold sores quickly. soon as you feel the tingle just start applying it.

SamIam 05-05-2011 01:20 AM

Best wishes and much mojo coming your way, V. You'll do great - I just know it!

DanaC 05-05-2011 06:26 AM

Good luck V!

infinite monkey 05-05-2011 07:02 AM

Shameful shit on the Cellar yesterday.

I don't care how great a person merc is deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep deep down.

We lost another bastion of viewpoints from someone who also has been in positions to know a little bit about the political process. Remember Redux. Will jill meet the same fate? Will constant badgering, calling her fat, a bitch, so that she defends herself, result in a pass for merc and a ban on jill?

Stay tuned for scenes from the next Peyton Cellar.

Really, even a blind hog finds an acorn from time to time. But he's a great guy. :headshake


Willing to Learn, Unwilling to Bow.

monster 05-05-2011 09:04 AM

I think he needs medication. This is cyclic. May be a case of physician, heal thyself. I can't see why Jill would get banned. But I guess you're saying there was no reason for Redux to be banned either.

I think we can all see what a twonk he's being, and many have said so. I don't see that he is getting a pass -except maybe from one poster.

I think/hope Jill is strong enough to stay and learn to ignore him when he need ignoring and keep slapping him down when he needs it, if she can be bothered.

infinite monkey 05-05-2011 09:11 AM

monster, you and I both have our moments. I would say we're pretty outspoken. (Understatement of the Year?) But I don't think you can be accused of being disrespectful for no reason.

I hope jill sticks around too. As glatt said, she can certainly hold her own. But will she want to?

classicman 05-05-2011 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 730980)
Remember Redux. Will jill meet the same fate?


Originally Posted by monster (Post 731007)
I can't see why Jill would get banned. But I guess you're saying there was no reason for Redux to be banned either.

If she requests it, like he did. He asked to have all his posts.

footfootfoot 05-05-2011 10:34 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 731008)
monster, you and I both have our moments. I would say we're pretty outspoken. (Understatement of the Year?) But I don't think you can be accused of being disrespectful for no reason.

Bullshit. She turned me into a newt.

monster 05-05-2011 10:36 AM

that was a promotion!

infinite monkey 05-05-2011 10:36 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 731056)
Bullshit. She turned me into a newt.

You got betterbetterbetter!

footfootfoot 05-05-2011 10:42 AM

See? You two are ganging up on me.

monster 05-05-2011 10:47 AM

it's just our way of flirting. You ever had twins before?

infinite monkey 05-05-2011 10:48 AM

Feel honored. Most don't pass the monster, I mean the muster.

(Or mustard. I know someone on here said that once, someone didn't pass the mustard.) :lol2:

monster 05-05-2011 10:51 AM

You know he's called footfootfoot because he has to buy socksocksock ...nudge nudge nudge....

infinite monkey 05-05-2011 12:05 PM

Where's the royal piss boy?

footfootfoot 05-05-2011 12:13 PM

wink wink wink

Tulip 05-05-2011 02:10 PM

I'm very disappointed in someone because I had faith that he could do what he said he's gonna do. And he's just not gonna even talk about. I'm going to be even more disappointed if he comes up excuses for it later. I'm talking in circles? Yeah, I am. Anyways, here I am pretending I'm not gonna let it bother me too much, when it really does. Well, gonna enjoy a good cup of coffee then clean up. Moving my body helps take my mind off of things.

Aliantha 05-05-2011 06:21 PM

I don't think anyone here has a clean slate as far as poor behaviour goes - except maybe glatt and a small group of sweeties - so for people to think that I should be disloyal to someone who has shown me personally, great compassion and understanding simply doesn't compute. If it makes me a bad person and guilty by association so be it, but don't for one minute thing that I approve of everything posted by merc.

Over the last couple of years, I have been trying to focus on the positive aspects of everyone here. I've tried not to engage in the shit slinging that goes on around here, but at the same time, I'm not going to sit around idly and watch people speculate about stuff that they're clearly remembering with a pretty one sided view.

Anyway, it'd be nice if we could all just try and get along now and then.

Aliantha 05-05-2011 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by Tulip (Post 731147)
I'm very disappointed in someone because I had faith that he could do what he said he's gonna do. And he's just not gonna even talk about. I'm going to be even more disappointed if he comes up excuses for it later. I'm talking in circles? Yeah, I am. Anyways, here I am pretending I'm not gonna let it bother me too much, when it really does. Well, gonna enjoy a good cup of coffee then clean up. Moving my body helps take my mind off of things.

I don't know what this is about Tulip, but it sounds sad. I hope your friend can find his way again with whatever it is that's gone wrong.

Tulip 05-05-2011 06:50 PM

Maybe I'm just expecting and hoping too much. I just care. Oh biggie. Just wanted to get it off my chest. Thanks for your words, Ali. :)

plthijinx 05-06-2011 12:35 AM

i'll man up. i told her that i wouldn't drink for a week and i did tuesday. i'm battling some inner daemons and i'm not ready to fight them yet. no excuses. this isn't an easy task by any means.

that is all.

Aliantha 05-06-2011 12:40 AM

Well, you've got a good friend in Tulip there plt. You're very lucky. Hopefully her support will make it more possible for you to achieve your goal. :)

Aliantha 05-06-2011 12:53 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 731007)
I think he needs medication. This is cyclic. May be a case of physician, heal thyself. I can't see why Jill would get banned. But I guess you're saying there was no reason for Redux to be banned either.

I think we can all see what a twonk he's being, and many have said so. I don't see that he is getting a pass -except maybe from one poster.

I think/hope Jill is strong enough to stay and learn to ignore him when he need ignoring and keep slapping him down when he needs it, if she can be bothered.

I predict that Jill and Merc will end up friends.

sexobon 05-06-2011 02:16 AM

Hollywood got Brangelina and TomKat, the Cellar gets Jerc.

Aliantha 05-06-2011 04:16 AM

That's a funny one. lol

lookout123 05-12-2011 12:29 PM

One of my 3 best friends in the world (only since we were 2) went in yesterday to have a titanium shell inserted into his skull. His brain has only been covered by skin since November after a major injury. 36 years old, married, two year old daughter.

He has not woken up, has at least one bleed, keeps seizing, and they can't tell whether he's building to a stroke or has already had it. Not good.

infinite monkey 05-12-2011 12:42 PM


Sending warm thoughts to your friend, lookout.

classicman 05-12-2011 12:43 PM

Sorry to hear that LO. I can relate. Is he in a drug-induced coma or ???
I thought that was SOP for at least 24 hours after that type of surgery.

lookout123 05-12-2011 12:45 PM

Not in this case. I don't know why, although he has had troubles with his med mix over the last 6 months. I do know that he isn't responding at this point though.

Clodfobble 05-12-2011 12:48 PM

Shit, lookout. That sucks so hard. I hope you hear some good news soon.

classicman 05-12-2011 12:52 PM

Damn. Thoughts and prayers to all involved.

glatt 05-12-2011 01:28 PM

Sorry Lookout. That's sucks. I hope he pulls through just fine.

Pete Zicato 05-12-2011 01:35 PM

Prayers for your friend, Lookout.

limey 05-12-2011 01:41 PM

Sending you and your friend every best wish.

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