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Flint 03-14-2008 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 438761)
My goddamn back is killing me. I've developed what feels like a typical crick in one's neck, except it's down by my shoulder blade, and it's been there for days despite repeated massages and hot baths and such. It's making me sleep for shit--and I wasn't sleeping great to begin with these days--which has put me in a nasty mood all around. Last night was the worst yet, and case in point, I should damn well be asleep right now except my back woke me up enough that my body decided it was time to eat, and there's no ignoring that. Now, instead of feeling full, I'm having Braxton-Hicks contractions instead, which means no way will I be able to doze a little before it's really time to get up. Piss-moan-grumble-bitch-whine etc.


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 438834)
I don't officially have one, but I guess I could find a chiropractor on Monday if it keeps up through the weekend. Oddly enough, I was stretching my arm and neck around in the middle of the night and it suddenly was much, much worse, so now I'm afraid to do any kind of stretching at all. Is it possible to describe a magic pop-your-own-thoracic-vertebrae-back-in motion I could make?

Clodfobble, my primary care physician is an osteopath (DO) and, comparing our two pregnancies, the one where my wife was getting regular adjustments was a far more comfortable experience for her. Unless you just love your MD, a DO is like a doctor and chiropractor all in one.

Shawnee123 03-14-2008 01:54 PM

I agree Flint. I go to a practice that started when I was old enough I told my mom I didn't want to go to a pediatrician anymore, and two docs had just started their DO practice. I've been going there ever since, though it has grown to a few offices and many more DOs. I swear by them, whether it's a back problem, the flu, or personal issues.

Clodfobble 03-14-2008 02:07 PM

The real problem is I was brought up with a healthy dislike/distrust of doctors. If it's not bad enough to need a specialist, I don't bother. I can't recall ever having a primary care physician, and I've never even heard of a DO before. BUT, having researched the symptoms of thoracic vertebrae problems, I am quite convinced that's what's wrong with me. And joy of joys, I managed to find a chiropractor who could see me today! I am ridiculously excited about the possibility of having my back popped--I haven't been able to do that to myself in months!

Flint 03-14-2008 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 438842)
The real problem is I was brought up with a healthy dislike/distrust of doctors. If it's not bad enough to need a specialist, I don't bother. I can't recall ever having a primary care physician, and I've never even heard of a DO before.

A DO is a doctor with a healthy dislike/distrust of doctors. And, they will pop your back.

HungLikeJesus 03-14-2008 02:21 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 438842)
The real problem is I was brought up with a healthy dislike/distrust of doctors. If it's not bad enough to need a specialist, I don't bother. I can't recall ever having a primary care physician, and I've never even heard of a DO before. BUT, having researched the symptoms of thoracic vertebrae problems, I am quite convinced that's what's wrong with me. And joy of joys, I managed to find a chiropractor who could see me today! I am ridiculously excited about the possibility of having my back popped--I haven't been able to do that to myself in months!

A DO is a Doctor of Origami. They can fold you into all kinds of shapes.

Shawnee123 03-14-2008 02:41 PM


Originally Posted by Flint (Post 438844)
A DO is a doctor with a healthy dislike/distrust of doctors. And, they will pop your back.

What Flint said, and...

Here is an article about DOs. A couple good points:


A doctor of osteopathic medicine (D.O.) is a physician licensed to perform surgery and prescribe medication. Like an M.D., an osteopathic physician completes 4 years of medical school and can choose to practice in any specialty of medicine. However, osteopathic physicians receive an additional 300 to 500 hours in the study of hands-on manual medicine and the body's musculoskeletal system.

Osteopathic medicine is dedicated to treating and healing the entire patient as a whole, rather than focusing on one system or body part

Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 438849)
A DO is a Doctor of Origami. They can fold you into all kinds of shapes.


elSicomoro 03-15-2008 02:28 PM

My wife is going to a conference in Miami for 4 days...I hate her.

DucksNuts 03-19-2008 09:46 PM

I ate too many easter eggs :greenface

HungLikeJesus 03-19-2008 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 440214)
I ate too many easter eggs :greenface

I did that too once, Ducks.

Then I found out you have to peel them.

Aliantha 03-19-2008 10:03 PM

it's not easter yet ducks. You should save the bellyache till Sunday. ;)

DucksNuts 03-19-2008 10:09 PM

Yeah, but my good clients have been bringing in eggs for me.

Peel them?

Aliantha 03-19-2008 10:10 PM

are you doing an...actually, I might just start a thread instead of having a conversation about something else in this one. You know how touchy some people can be. lol

Razzmatazz13 03-19-2008 11:42 PM

Lack of cellar time due to life interference is what's upsetting me. Need to get myself a new job, so I'm heading out to a temp agency tomorrow to see what's available...and just as I decide to do that, my car also decides it's thinking about blowing my dad is also taking me out for emergency car shopping, my college loans kicked in earlier than they told me they were going to, and when I attempted to use the "easy and quick online payment option" I got a notice in the mail a few weeks later saying I had "insufficient funds" (WHICH WAS HIGHLY UNTRUE) and my bank consoled me by telling me "oh, that just happens sometimes"

Pleh. I hate growing up.

On the upside, things with the new boyfriend are going great! Oh, and I got my hair done again...maybe I'll take some photos when I have some downtime.

Giant Salamander 03-20-2008 02:00 PM

Holier-than-thou Europeans are irking me today.

Hypocritical bigots need to realize that bigotry is bigotry, no matter who you're raping with your judgment stick.
"You're American? You're white? You're a male?
Well, then it's my duty to inform you that the world is a Very Big Place, and, until you renounce your country and join our imaginary international brain-orgy, I'm afraid you're no better than a monkey driving a pickup truck."
"But I didn't - "
"- even say anyth -"

When was the last time one of those arrogant little shits visited Georgia to expand their cultural horizons?
Fuck them. Fuck them in the eye.

[/end rant]

binky 03-20-2008 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl (Post 438762)
I have horrible butterflies about my interview (16.15 this afternoon)
I'm going to try and bury them with food

Try NOT to vomit on your interviewer

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