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Fuck Romney, Ryan, the right and the tea party. They would kill their own mothers to keep the black guy from getting another term/ |
Fuck yeah, Shel, say it like it is.
1) The change in the way the feds, through FAH ("Fanny Mae, and "Freddie Mac"), that loosened the restrictions on the loans that they would buy, from the banks/savings and loans. What that amounted to was, the realtors, the banks, the appraisers, the investors, hell, even the termite exterminator, made money, as long as the feds would buy the loans. And with the restrictions removed, there was just a signature to say "I made $X about of dollars last year". <wink, wink> The wink wink, was that the realtor or bank would tell you "that income figure is never verified". <wink, wink> There is your subprime mortgage market debacle. Why subprime? Because they brought in the highest returns. 2) The huge derivative market, and how it was unregulated, (I've marked it with bold font, below). This was a HUGE investment instrument, and affected investors (principally financial companies, world wide. The Washington Post (not a conservative newspaper), had this to say, focusing mostly on the Wall St. finance angle. A bit long, but a good read. Quote:
Gas was at $1.84 per gallon, when Obama was sworn in. (Nationwide average).
Gas today is at $3.81 per gallon (Nationwide average). Source: http://fuelgaugereport.aaa.com/?redi....com/index.asp Of course, California has Democrats running our State, with no concern for working people, so our current gas price is $4.59 per gallon. All prices are for regular gas. |
How Biden can beat Ryan, in Thursday's big debate:
1) Be different! Have a Biden vs. Biden debate! ;) 2) Slip Ryan a roofie, before the debate! 3) Tell the moderator, his dog ate all his debate notes. 4) Get an earpiece from the secret service, and get coached by a roomful of government and debate experts, live. 5) Pray to St. Jude the Apostle, the patron saint of Lost Causes - REAL hard. :rolleyes: Because Ryan is going to kick Biden's ass!! :D |
Probably by using the Gish Gallop.
If you actually READ the Declaration of Independence, and other documents our founding fathers wrote, you get a real feel for just how smart they were. |
Paying healthy, working age people, a stipend every month for the rest of their lives, and dependent on the dole, is not a function of government. However, Romney was discussing his demographics of likely voters in his speech. He wasn't talking about his policies. Clearly, those who are on some form of welfare, are not likely to vote for Romney, no matter what he did in the campaign or debate. That's why "he doesn't worry about them" - he knows he can't get their votes. Political strategy sessions should be kept secret from your political opponent. (of course) You have to say it, because it's a political strategy session fact, being shared with supporters at a fund raiser. Getting that "inside story", is what big supporters, love to hear. |
I have read the Declaration and the constitution several times. The founding fathers were extremely smart FOR THEIR TIME. Times have changed and things are not the same as back then. Do you think people from 250 years before the founding fathers would have been ready for the ideas the founding fathers came up with? |
The Republicans are fighting for something: 1) a smaller, and more efficient gov't: It may sound wacko to a liberal, but even governments, can't keep spending more and more Trillions of dollars, beyond their means. That WILL collapse the monetary system, no matter WHO you are. Also, as the gov't gets larger, and has more and more control over everything, it's obvious that your personal freedoms evaporate faster than the dew on a warm Summer morning. If you want to keep your freedoms, you have to limit the power of the gov't, to usurp them. For instance, if the feds control the health care system, they may say, that you could keep your current doctor. That sounds good. But once they have control of the health care system, they can change it in a flash, so you can't keep your doctor, and there is NOTHING you can do about it. Because unlike a health care company, you can't take threaten them with a lawsuit, you can't take them to court. They've changed the law, and it's all legal, and you're just OUT OF LUCK. The gov't has what no company can have - sovereign immunity. That's the big difference - with a company, they usually have an oversight gov't official - like the Insurance commissioner, you can appeal to. If that fails, you can take them to court, and force them to live up to the terms of their contract with you. And EVERY treatment option for you, when you can be seen by what specialist, etc., it's all up to the gov't. This is the same gov't that took 5 days to get bottled water to the Superdome, during Hurricane Katrina (while 15,000 people or more, waited), and thought it was a good idea to put burning tear gas canisters into the WOOD frame building where the residents were staying, in Waco, Texas - catching the structure on fire, and burning them all to death. Is this REALLY who you want to be in charge of setting up your health care system? Senators who tell you they'll "vote for the health care bill, and write it later?" Really? :eek: |
And Romney has said it was a mistake to leave Iraq and Afganistan and also wants us to go to war with Iran. Is this who you want in charge of ANYTHING? REALLY?!!! :eek: |
Quote: "Some men look at constitutions with sanctimonious reverence, and deem them like the arc of the covenant, too sacred to be touched; who ascribe to the men of the preceding age a wisdom more than human, and suppose what they did to be beyond amendment. Let us follow no such examples, nor weakly believe that one generation is not as capable as another of taking care of itself, and of ordering its own affairs. Each generation is as independent as the one preceding, as that was of all which had gone before." -- Thomas Jefferson
Yes, we were attacked by Al-Qaeda, and yes, they were in Afghanistan, but that doesn't mean we have to go to war with all of Afghanistan. And it doesn't mean we have to build up their country and spend 10 years there, either. In 3 months, we should have been in and out. We had Al-Qaeda's leaders trapped in Tora Bora you may recall, early on, but we didn't have the US troops needed to make the assault, and the Afghani's we had doing a lot of the fighting with us, didn't have the fighting skills, arms, and mettle, to do the job. Jefferson was a real case study in never being satisfied. He wasn't satisfied with his wife, he also wasn't satisfied with his farm, his state, the federal gov't, the way the war was being fought, etc. He stated he didn't like slavery, but kept a number of slaves, all his adult life. So why would he be satisfied with the Constitution or the Declaration of Independence, or much of anything? You can find opinions against the constitution, all over the place, especially in the liberal and/or progressive followers. The problem is, if you made a Constitution that the liberals and the progressives really liked, your country wouldn't last 50 years. FDR was a great progressive and liberal, and thought he should be able to "pack" the Supreme Court, to get what he wanted approved. Was his idea a good one? I don't believe so. Lots of examples like this. Read "The Naked Constitution" by Friedman, and you'll get past this "every generation should blah, blah, blah", progressive idiocy. Romney is trying, for political purposes, to distance himself from Obama, on foreign affairs. And that's hard to do, because Obama has followed the path that Bush begun, very closely. Romney will not be staying in Afghanistan, and we won't be going to war with Iran. It's not in our best interests to do that, if that makes sense to you. It IS in our best interests, to ACT LIKE we may choose to go to war with Iran. Why? Because the Mullah's have still not decided on whether to pursue nuclear weapons. We want to "nudge" them away from doing it, with a bit of saber-rattling (something they understand very well). It is FAR better to threaten them now, than face the alternatives, (either a war, or Iran with nuclear weapons), later. Also, the Iranian "rial" has gone right into the shitter, so they are starting to get civil unrest against their gov't, and they have a LOT less $$$ to spend on things like a nuclear weapons program. |
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