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Sundae 02-06-2012 03:54 PM

I got my snowfall Saturday night.
It was poor.
Small and wet.

All gone today, and I spent most of Sunday in bed because this silly cold keeps coming and going.
Fingers crossed for longer, deeper and lasting longer. Soon.

infinite monkey 02-06-2012 03:58 PM


It was poor.
Small and wet.
Sounds like one of my ex-boyfriends.

monster 02-06-2012 05:45 PM

I wore shorts outside today. In the first week of February. In Michigan. There is no snow in sight. Usually, we're at least a foot under and haven't seen the grass for two months.

HungLikeJesus 02-06-2012 09:09 PM

It's in a baggie under the couch cushion.

Griff 02-07-2012 05:29 AM


glatt 02-07-2012 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 793274)
I got my snowfall Saturday night.
It was poor.
Small and wet.

That's more than we've seen around here.

infinite monkey 02-07-2012 08:50 AM

I hate winter. I hate snow. I hate cold.

HOWEVER, if it's going to be winter, be freaking winter. I want blizzards and snow days and hibernation and bleakness.

Those are the kinds of days that make the first days of spring so special. A tough winter makes the spring feel like a time of renewal, of starting over. The first days of open windows or lidless cars, the people outside with silly grins on their faces after being basically holed up (as best they can be) for a few months, kids playing outside, going for walks, flowers poking through where only a month or so before it was blankets of snow, then mud, then beauty.

This winter sucks, and it may as well be called The Longest Fall.

Lamplighter 02-07-2012 08:57 AM


BigV 02-07-2012 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 793374)
I hate winter. I hate snow. I hate cold.

HOWEVER, if it's going to be winter, be freaking winter. I want blizzards and snow days and hibernation and bleakness.

Those are the kinds of days that make the first days of spring so special. A tough winter makes the spring feel like a time of renewal, of starting over. The first days of open windows or lidless cars, the people outside with silly grins on their faces after being basically holed up (as best they can be) for a few months, kids playing outside, going for walks, flowers poking through where only a month or so before it was blankets of snow, then mud, then beauty.

This winter sucks, and it may as well be called The Longest Fall.

Except for the hating cold part, I agree. But since we've had a real snowfall, I'd say Fall is done, Winter is done. It is Spring now. Cherry blossoms on the trees in the neighborhood. New rosebuds on my roses just outside my window. Driving around with the windows down. Wearing just a t-shirt. Spring.

Lamplighter 02-07-2012 09:51 AM

:D... and then the rains came and came and ca. . .

infinite monkey 02-07-2012 10:26 AM

It's still February. It's Ohio. We WILL have substantial snowfall in February and March, maybe even April.

So it's not Spring, by a long shot. It's still The Longest Fall.

Beest 02-07-2012 11:31 AM

I'm Sooorrry , It's all my fault (TM)

At New Years we had a noob expat family over, only bee here a couple of months. I joked with the guy, oh yeah, it's mild now but by late January it will be 10 degrees (f) maximum and so much snow theres nowhere to shovel it. I almost made a bet, but didn't because I know my luck, (unlucky at cards....)

Sundae 02-07-2012 02:47 PM

2 Attachment(s)
Two quick pics for you.

Gritting lorry going by as the snow started falling Saturday night (to come to nothing as documented above).

Hard frost on the gate into the churchyard I cut through on my way to school.

glatt 02-07-2012 02:56 PM

I like the gate shot!

infinite monkey 02-07-2012 03:01 PM

Me too. The frost patterns are cool.

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