![]() |
It may read the same, but saarrrf London in those days was pretty much as white as ice cream. Maybe I'll record on camera at Christmas as a study in native speech in the British Isles. |
It could be cute and sweet and still pig-ugly. (Although are any children truly pig-ugly? I like to think they all have different potential ;) ) Or it could be gorgeous and have just headbutted you in the nuts on purpose (not you personally, SG.), in which case it's crying would maybe not have quite the same emotional effect on a person.... |
You need to open a window, get some airflow going. Aside from that, you should also check for a leak in your water heater--those often live next to the air conditioner, and if there's open water next to the air intake, it will be blowing wet air throughout the house. |
I don't think ugliness would make much difference in this situation, but if the child habitually behaved in a nasty way, I think it would lessen the emotional impact on the teacher. I'm not saying that it would make it okay to have such a child crying, nor that such a child has any less rights. Just that it wouldn't push my emotional buttons as much. Pig-ugly? Well, one of the lads in that class has already earned himself the unspoken nickname of Booger-boy, because he has not yet mastered tissue technology and wiping techniques. Bluerchchchch. On dry days he isn't too bad though. |
I thought I heard someone say moist? Sorry....
Back to what you were doing. |
Congratulations! You moved into that apartment, what, two weeks ago? If that? And you have already achieved a level of grottiness that most people would take months to reach! Well done! I am glad to see the student lifestyle is being carried on according to its finest traditions. Bravo, sir! May I suggest you purchase a large supply (at least one complete four-person set per house resident) of crockery, cutlery and utensils. That way you can let the dirty dishes really build up. An unmatched collection of random plates from your local thrift shop really adds charm. No student residence is complete without empty pizza boxes. If you don't have at least two per room (and four or five in the designated garbage area) you should try going through other people's garbage. You will also need several toasters and kettles. The best ones are unreliable and preferably dangerous. Don't worry about buying these, as people will give them to you. Customize them by smearing ketchup and such down their sides, and cooking this on. Even if you and your housemates never touch drugs, a token bong or two is always a nice touch. Your username seems extra ironic right now. Seriously, doing some cleaning, and getting some airflow and maybe a dehumidifier might be good. If there is mould on your mouse ... what is that environment doing to your lungs? |
Yeah, we should. It's just that it has been raining for 3 hours every day for a whole week lately, I guess. Our place doesn't seem that humid....but I dunno. So far there's no big cleanliness problem, just the kitchen trash needs to be taken out everyday, which sucks cause we let 2 or 3 full trash bags lie in the corner until we take them all out. Stinky, yes yes. |
The thing that peeves me off to no end are the neighbors' kids who run up and down the stairs at all hours and the noise filters right thru the paper-thin walls between the units in my townhouse complex.
I still maintain that I am not mean. |
I know it is very very trivial, but dammit, it upsets me.
Arsenal's game is not being televised this weekend. Fox Soccer Channel is going to televise games for relegation bound teams but can't be bothered to air the top-of-the-table arsenal game. bastards. |
The tensions in the party are getting a little much. I'm all for a fight, but it's getting nasty and personal. Don't get me wrong, I can handle myself just fine, but there are times it would be nice to just y'know....be on the same fucking side? I'm not going to let the bastard drive me out like he has other people. And it's always women he focuses on. The man's an aggressive bully. I am tired of having to fight all the time. The irony is, like most bullies, he characterises me as the aggressive one, and is currently trying to persuade people that I'm a bully *chuckles* Of course, this would be easier for him to do if he hadn't committed one of his insane diatribes to print (email).
I sometimes wonder if I want to keep doing this. I am good at what I do, I am committed and I work hard...I am ready for the fight most of the time and am usually quite sanguine about having to deal with this side of politics, but the past few weeks have been a bit heavy. They won't know how much it gets to me, because I put on my game-face when I go into meetings and I make sure my own side turns up and supports me. But still...it gets a little psychologically draining when it's constant. |
Hang in there, Dana--don't let the jackass get to you. Just keep seeing him for the fool he is, and he'll implode eventually...especially since everyone's seen his crazy email. He might be kicking it up a notch because of that, trying to cover himself; but he'll just dig himself a deeper hole. Sit back and enjoy the show. :)
*smiles* thanks blue. That's pretty much the advice my mates have been givin me as well.
Maybe he will combust, fueled by his own rage? Or maybe he'll learn how to send out an e-mail? (that's is the part that really bothers me)Well, it probably won't be e-mail Dana!
:) |
Dana, may I suggest that you recruit some of the people who The Jerk has driven out of the party. Get them to come to the meeting(s) and relate what the used to do for the party, and why they resigned.
If it is your word against Jerkie's, it might help to have four or five other people telling similar stories. Just a suggestion. Good luck, be strong, Jerkie is probably going into full counter-attack mode because he can't defend his email diatribe ... his best hope is to knock you out before he is called to account for it. I hope this doesn't sound patronizing. You sound like you can take care of yourself. |
Wish I could ZenGum, but that kind of ambush would count as 'Uncomradely behaviour'; have to be very careful not to do something which could be twisted against me :P
There ways around it. I am exploring options at the moment. An important factor in this, is that whilst he, as an individual, is engaging in this kind of behaviour, he is also part of a larger faction (as am I). Right now his faction are characterising this as him just being a hothead (very convenient when your rottweiler attacks the right people no?) whilst miming actions of peacemaking in our direction. If I take this further it will amount to a declaration of war, and the pretence of peace will no longer be viable. |
What if, instead of sitting passive, you offered a decisive peace-making move? Basically, a statement declaring such-and-such (i.e. ridiculous bullshit--don't say that of course) is a diversion from our real goals, let's go forward and get to the real work. That would make you look really good, and maybe even work, since most people would probably love to grasp the opportunity to just forget about it. And it would suck the wind out of his sails, for a while anyway. |
Actually, that's rather close to what I am plannng to do:P
The Chair will be putting forward a motion a) supporting the Prime Minister (who's coming under a lot of internal fire at the moment) and b) expressing confidence in the CLP officers and that said officers should be supported in their work and should not be subject to, or hindered by, personal attacks or harrassment. That's a first step. The next step will be less peacful :P |
Hmmmmm, while I usually favour peacemaking, I'm not certain the Blue's idea would work here. Sounds to me like The Jerk is a serial offender. If he gets away with it this time, he'll just do it again, soon. It might be necessary to get him fully removed from the scene. Which, given what you've said about the factions, might be both difficult and escalatory.
Thanks for reminding me why I hate politics. The goals may be worthy, but the crap you have to wade through... bleurch. |
*laughs* I know. Politics is a very, dirty business. There are times I enjoy that side of it...and times I really don't.
The other thing that's upsetting me is the whole being-in-love-with-one-of-my-best-friends thing. Most of the time I get by just fine and enjoy his company and that's great. Sometimes though it creeps up on me and I just feel totally fucking awful. Spent half of last night crying. I know, from tentative forays in conversation, that he is totally not interested in being involved with anybody, despite the fact he is attracted to me (I'm pretty sure he is, and so is our mutual friend). It's just such a waste, we'd be great together. I know it, the two people who know us both and know how I feel, know it. But I can't say anything explicitly about it because of how he feels about getting involved again. Don't want to make him uncomfortable around me ya know? I keep thinking, maybe at some point the time will be right and he'll see what's in frnt of him...or maybe I'm kidding mysef and I ain't really his type. But...I dunno, there's definately a strong connection between us. Like I say, most of the time I just shove that shit to the back of my mind and get on with being his friend, but every so often it breaks my heart and right now it feels like a physical ache. |
Well ZenGum, you sound like you know what you're talking about, so if you consider a moment...a decisive peace-making move is not the same as peace-making at all. ;) As Dana said, of course, it's a first step.
Oh Dana...as for the more important stuff...seduce him now. Sure, there's the possibility it might not work, but life is too short to keep wondering, "what if." You have to take that chance--trust me on this. Even if it results in disaster. |
emo's... it's almost ironic
oh, and ben lee |
- - - - Dana, I agree, seduce the guy now. |
on notice at work.
come in. close the door. "not working out for me..." *gulp* |
does "on notice" mean canned or "last warning"? |
Ack, bad show BigV. Hope you can find a way through this mate.
@Blue and Monster. I have taken the cowards way out.....a mutual friend (fiend?) is going to subtly sound him out. Thing is, I tried subtly sounding him out ... though I thought I was making it fairly obvious where I was coming from...but as my friend pointed out to me, he's a bloke and is likely not to have seen the signs. So, when he's saying to me he isn't interested in getting involved with anybody, too many compromises etc etc, he probably hadn't caught on that I was asking him with myself in mind:P |
Ohhh, silly me. You mean like that move where you smile sweetly at them and bob your head and flutter your eyes and draw near and then unleash and kick them as hard as you can in the crotch, and keep up the sweet smile while you're doing it? Always a goodie. I can be so naive sometimes. |
Don't be subtle. Be plain. Be clear. Yes, we xys appreciate it, I know this one does. |
A guy I knew from maryland is dead.
I wasn't too good friends with him, never really talked to him, but caro was going to go to his band's gig the very day after it happened. She's really upset, as are most of my friends in the states. http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/loc...al_sports_util |
I was on a certain board that shall go unnamed here on the Cellar that was highly political and very involved with law (high profile here in the U.S). I was constantly being attacked verbally by this person at board meetings and through e-mails...and he was sending out nasty e-mails about me behind my back to the other members. He was trying to get me removed from the board which I had been a part of for 3 years, and he was a new member. Within a couple of months I did not respond to any of his personal and political attacks with any fervor, and he ended up digging his own grave and lying in it within a short period, and he was asked to resign in a not so civil manner. I had nothing to do at all with his removal from the board, but I did get to cast a vote in favor of when the time came. Moral of the story...Do not be baited and then bite, as he will surely cause his own destruction. All you have to do is offer peace, be patient, and sit back and watch the flames lick higher and higher. :D Just read your post Ibram...sorry about your acquaintance. It sounds like you are there for your friend that was deeply affected by it. Nice work. |
Upsetting? Eh. More like a comedy of errors.
Wednesday evening I stupidly left the lights in my car on. (The alarm that's supposed to alert me to this doesn't work. Or rather, it rings all the time when the door is open, so I'm used to ignoring it.) I jump started the car from our minivan. Thursday at work I ONCE AGAIN left the lights on. I waited for AAA to come do a jump start. After my 30 min. drive home, I waited a few minutes and tried to start the car. It was fine. But I guess it really wasn't--I could tell as soon as I put my key in this morning that the battery was half dead. Not that surprising; it's over four years old. So I drove my daughter to school in the minivan and then went to Auto Zone for a battery. It took about 5 minutes to place the new battery in and attach the cables and, lo and behold, the car started just fine. At this point I was looking at being 10 or 15 minutes late for work--not bad, all things considered. All I had to do was put on the bolts that hold the battery in place. Oops. I dropped one. Unfortunately it didn't just fall all the way through to the ground. It took me some time to fish it out. In order to do so I had to get the battery out of the way, so I now put it back in and reattached the cables. The - cable was sliding around on the terminal, so I tightened it up a bit. And the conector just broke in two.n Now, I'm not very strong, so anything I can destroy with my bare hands is in pretty bad shape. So, one more trip to Auto Zone for a new connector. (Not to mention a can of hand-cleaning glop.) This time everything went well and I got the battery connected and bolted down, and got to work an hour late. (Bonus: One fun thing I got to do after arriving was to explain, fruitlessly, to a vendor that "GMT" and "London time" are not the same thing, because GMT doesn't change for Summer Time.) |
Nice story, SteveDallas!
A personal tip: if you change the oil in your car yourself, always remember to replace the oil drain plug before you pour in 3.5 liters of new oil. :smack: And always, always, keep a few old towels in your car... so many uses. |
This was us recently. But after the last time we bought a charged battery starter thing so I can jump it myself :D |
I've actually thought of that--what kind did you get?
a yellow one :D
Everstart, apparently. it was about $40 iirc
Jim bought me one of those when my blue jeep kept turning its lights on by itself and draining the battery. It's yellow too.
What's upsetting me today? The cellar sucks lately. |
Headaches every fucking day for I don't know how long now. The neurotic thing is I keep feeling like the weight of my hair is somehow partly responsible and if I cut it all off this will be better.
Your hair could be contributing?
How is everything with bub going? Oh and Jinx....2nded |
Yah clod I mentioned this in gabbly but I dunno if you heard me over the chaos so...
I spent several months growing my hair out to a nice length that I was satisfied with..and started having migranes...alot....so I decided it was probably partly due to my hair...and went and had it cut didn't help at all. P.S. 3rded jinx |
I 4ted
1 Attachment(s)
But don't worry, I'm not going to go all nutty and shave my head or anything. I just get grumpy when I get headaches, and my hair getting in my way puts me in a worse mood. I've cut my hair short several times before, it was like that back when I very first joined the cellar... Ah, good times. This is what I try to go for, but it never quite works out looking like this of course: |
bub is typo for hub(by) is my guess.
Well, I dont know if they are sexually active, but they are driving me nuts...wiggling inside however they do. Crawling all over my puter screen. Oh...and apparently, one shouldnt run over matchbox cars with the lawn mower, the little bastards take revenge and fly up and leave a hole in your chin....and your shin. |
Ewww! I hate creppy crawlies .....Ducks...that's bad karma running over a matchbox car....did you not consider the terrible effects your callous actions might have upon the lives of innocent matchbox drivers?
Seriously though, bad luck on the chin-shin thing. Hope they ain't too bady gashed :( The thing that's upsetting me today (I seem to be spending an inordinate amount of time in this thread just lately...) is that my eczema has flared up, on my face this time. I have the low level constant eczema on arms and legs and so on, but this is one of those sudden, really fucking itchy, swollen red face jobs. |
Stress related Dana?
*nods*yup. Emotional (as opposed to busy) stress tends to flare it up.
Things have settled down. All subsequent testing has come back normal, or at least abnormal in ways it was already expected to be, so we're just in the old standby mode of "watchful waiting." I've had to officially break out the big pants. But I get to find out the gender in another four weeks! |
Yeah, sorry, I didnt know bub didnt translate.
Are you an *all belly* type pregnant person, or does it go on everywhere? Glad to hear things have settled. |
Yes, I'm generally really good about weight gain--actually, last time they were worried toward the end because they thought I hadn't gained enough, but baby measurements were all good, I just had "thin skin," apparently. :) Which means the big pants are still too big by a long shot, but the normal ones are out so I have no choice.
Nah, just wear the big saggy ones and repeatedly hitch them up all day long.
get you some braces ( suspenders ) they will keep a hitch in your Get-a-long ALL day !!!!
How bout a tent dress? I understand they're popular...
Pinafore's are very popular and great for pregnancy.
i'm deathly ill.
I either have a chemical burn on an acid reflux hole burnt in my esophagus. It hurts like you could not imagine. And fucking Taiwanese drug laws wont let me have anything other than like, a little bit of codeine for it. Not even the good stuff, and not enough of it. Endoscopy tomorrow to check it out, and hopefully start actually fixing it. |
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