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Sundae 05-02-2008 06:53 AM

My corset didn't arrive.
I feel like crying. I am also very angry at the seller who did not respond to my Wednesday plea explaining that I needed the item by today. Also didn't respond to my Thursday plea asking if I could pay more for delivery to ensure delivery today. Just sent me a generic "your item will be despatched" etc ect on Thursday afternoon. Which got my hopes up, thinking they were going to get it out First Class delivery that day.

Nope. Postie has been and gone. I have the shoes. Red to match the corset. I have the skirt - really cool zip up one, black. I have the choker - black to match the skirt.

Funny how the other items got here on time.

So tomorrow I have to go into town and try to find something else to wear. Who knows, I might find something wonderful. But it won't be a corset and I had my heart set on that.

I'm considering leaving bad feedback for the first time in my life.

ETA - they called me after I emailed them AGAIN
They have been very decent and are sending it to my home address tomorrow on a guaranteed Saturday delivery (which they are footing the bill for)

So nothing is making me unhappy!!!
Oh. Except the massive swing to the right in the council elections and the fact everyone has now agreed that Boris Johnson will be Mayor (official results tonight but exit polls and political pundits have agreed)

lookout123 05-02-2008 03:16 PM

You know how sometimes when balancing the checkbook you can forget to carry the one and later it turns into a costly mistake. I wish I was that smart. I remembered to carry the one, unfortunately I forgot a whole freakin' month's worth of expenses and it is biting me really hard. :( :thepain: :mad:

elSicomoro 05-02-2008 03:37 PM

Wait...don't you work in finance? I want to see your client list, mister...I think they'd like to know about this!

Srsly, that sucks man. I do shit like that occasionally...fortunately it's gotten better since I've started using a calculator to back up my brain.

lookout123 05-02-2008 03:41 PM

Yeah, yeah, yeah. I work as a financial advisor, that doesn't mean I'm a good bookkeeper. Totally different skillset.

yeah, a whole freakin month worth of expenses entered. I already ran payroll for the month so this is kind of a big deal. ah, whatthehell. live and learn.

Sundae 05-02-2008 06:03 PM

Ken Livingstone lost the London mayoral election.
He was washed out in the anti-Labour landslide, despite all he has done for the city in the last 8 years. I was hoping against hope that he could hold on (and he so nearly did - it went to second preference vote) as it looks likely there will be a Conservative goverment in the next election too. At least if we had Ken, he would fight parliament on our behalf.

But the people that think only with their pockets have won the day, and voted in a buffoon to represent all our interests.

It's a sad, sad day. I am grieving.
Sorry Ken - we tried our best.

Clodfobble 05-02-2008 06:56 PM

Oh for fuck's sake... Minifob just got into a boxed game of Mancala that I didn't even know we had. I know for a fact he swallowed at least one of the little playing stones (like marbles, but flattened,) and I suspect it was several more.

His poop will be bejeweled! :rolleyes:

Razzmatazz13 05-02-2008 07:01 PM

Still sick...the consensus is that we suspect some kind of e coli was in the pizza. Had to call off work today, and they were NOT happy.

Oh, and SG, I feel your pain. Boyfriend's birthday is on monday, and I had ordered the perfect (rare and out of print!!) gift for him off ebay...won and paid for with quick shipping for an extra cushion of time...3 days later I get an email that my money was refunded...with an email saying "oh, sorry, I accidentally listed two of those, my bad." RAWRGH

monster 05-02-2008 08:49 PM

As 10yo daughter went to bed, she mentioned that she felt sad because her best friend's mom had had a stroke and was in the hospital, unable to talk. Sad enough, she's probably only about 40, but when you add in the factor there's no dad because he was a soldier, took a headwound, never recovered and commited suicide you just start to feel there's no justice sometimes. She'd just started to get their lives back on track after getting the govt to admit responsibiilty and help them financially.... :cry:

Cicero 05-02-2008 08:56 PM

d'oh! :(

There really isn't anything I can say to that, that won't sound insanely stupid.

Because sometimes, in certain situations, there really isn't any justice. You just have to fight to be happy with or without it. That's a, no matter what.

Do you know what? Sometimes I really do believe things are a matter of luck. My intellect shirks this notion..but still..

Cloud 05-02-2008 09:15 PM

RBS strikes again.

Cicero 05-02-2008 09:17 PM

The Royal Bank of Scotland?

monster 05-02-2008 09:22 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 450652)
The Royal Bank of Scotland?


monster 05-02-2008 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 450655)

they used to be such a piss-pot little bank and now they're an international PITA

this was supposed to be an edit, not a quote -I'm knucking fackered.

Cloud 05-02-2008 09:30 PM

Random Bad Shit. The kind of life-changing, devastating bad news you can't ever plan for or anticipate.

classicman 05-03-2008 12:35 AM


Originally Posted by Cloud (Post 450660)
Random Bad Shit. The kind of life-changing, devastating bad news you can't ever plan for or anticipate.

Thanks for the definition - I've been wondering how to categorize that.

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