The Cellar

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infinite monkey 05-20-2012 09:54 AM

Part 3

I dreamed about the race because we did an amazing race thing at staff retreat. My team came in second (it was so funny!) Mr G because one of our speakers was the coach of a state champ basketball team.

I did win the Office Clown award (who, me? Lol) so maybe that was the win.

I remember saying I was glad clod was on my team because she's so smart. :)

I don't know why the family thing. Just how weird dreams get I guess.

glatt 05-20-2012 03:43 PM

Woah. Weird dream.

Clodfobble 05-20-2012 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey
I remember saying I was glad clod was on my team because she's so smart.

Yet I feel compelled to point out, you got the winning answer. So put away those hook knives, chica. You're the one who got me $333,333.33!

Sundae 06-14-2012 01:36 AM

This morning, between birdsong (when Diz wakes me up) and my alarm going off, I dreamed about Big Sarge. As usual with morning dreams I can pinpoint many elements and work out where they came from in my waking life.

I was at school, but I was also in an office. We were doing Art, but somehow I was a pupil rather than a TA, even though I was a fully grown woman (as you would be, working in an office!)

I was working on an advert for Chiltern Railways (our local rail company). It involved a man in a clown suit sleeping overnight in a railway station, just so he didn't miss his appointment in London the next day. Except it later changed to him getting a ridiculously early train and then falling asleep on it because the seats were so comfortable, and shuttling back & forth and missinh his interview anyway. It was all about how people perceive trains as unreliable but in fact they're so good you will miss your interview anyway (!)

Sarge called me on my office phone/ my mobile.
It was a video phone/ Skype.
He was cooking. Now I knew Sarge always cooked in high heels. Not a gender/ trans*/ cross-dressing thing, he just liked the added height and tilt when cooking. But because he was in the corner of the room where everyone could see, I felt a little awkward. I'd always seen it as it was - a quirk, his decision. But other people might judge. Especially if the children in the class mentioned it to their parents.

But the good thing was he was really there.
He asked me for a kiss goodbye.
I felt unsure; taking a personal call in Art class is one thing, letting someone wander into the office when you are working and then having a snog is another. But as it turned out it was a chaste married-style peck on the lips. Afterwards I felt bad - I mean he lives in another country, surely I could have gone for it - would I ever get the chance to see him again?

BigV 06-14-2012 12:36 PM

Of course you would when you visited him to get your shoes back!

Sundae 05-03-2013 02:44 PM

I got locked out of the house today.
No, that's the real bit. Locked out for 5 hours - very cross. 99% my own fault, which made me crosser.
I had no intention of sleeping, but being in the sun - wrapped up due to my poor old skin - in the warm and with nothing whatsoever to do, I dozed off.

Wolf was in my dream.

Everything felt like it was going wrong. I was distressed.
"That's normal," sez Wolf, "I've worked in this profession long enough to recognise the signs. This is a phase and you'll come through it." I woke up SO HAPPY and comforted.

Mum and Dad turned up immediately after - I think it was probably them coming down the front path (I was in the back garden) that woke me up.

Thanks, Wolf.
And you have a good English accent when you so choose.

Sundae 05-06-2013 03:29 AM

Seems to be the season for Cellar Dreamin'.
I spose it's a bit Tom Jones given that I spoke to two Dwellars yesterday and fell asleep halfway through mentally composing a post - you didn't miss anything, it was a grumpy one I've since thought better of.

Anyway. I had a wonderful story I was planning (this comes partly from a collection of stories put together by Neil Gaimen that I am halfway through.) Only Diz jumped on my head and woke me up and I could only remember the title. I was sleeping downstairs on one of the 'rents lovely new leather recliner sofas.

The title was The Girl Who Learned to Purr.
Bruce said it sounded like the title of an autobiography. Which I liked! So I started mentally writing my autobiography. Only to wake in my own bed (for real this time) because... Diz jumped on my head. Funny how even dreams within dreams feature that event. I actually wrote the title down, because in the dream it was so wonderful. It doesn't really translate into the waking world.

Anyway, I set up the bed in the spare room (Mum was actually sleeping dowstairs - she has some really grim sickness bug again - this one featuring vomiting as an added extra). And when I slept I dreamed I was in America. The people I visited kept sorta changing their identity. I offended Grav by thinking he was Buster (yup, easy to work that one out!) I was staying at a Dwellar's house out in the suburbs and just loafing around in my baggy joggers and a t-shirt. I felt a bit weird about it; I'd come all this way and I might as well be at home.

But I was paying for my keep by baby-sitting. No surprise, the kids were the same age as the kids I used to work with. In the dream I knew who they were, but I'm not sure they were really based on anyone's children. Oh! Just thought! One of them was Max! I was making him laugh by attempting an American accent. Yes, he was a Merkin in this dream.

We went to a department store - me still horribly dressed down and needing a good wash. And went into a HUGE lift. It was so large it had it's only little booth/ shop-thing. Like they have on station platforms. It sold hotdogs, nachoes, popcorn and various "American" food which is nothing like real American food. We were going there to meet Claudette.

I was with Susan. Who was a Dwellar I'd known for a long time. But I couldn't remember her username. I thought it might be Griff.

I woke up natrally from this dream, as Diz is not allowed in the spare room without supervision. And I had to deal with Claudette being dead all over again.

infinite monkey 05-11-2013 10:50 AM

I don't remember hardly any of it...but last night i dreamt I went to Manderlay again...wait, no, that wasn't it.

I was with a bunch of Dwellars, don't even know who, and in walks Merc.

You can write your own story from there, because that's all I remember!

And griff as Susan. *snickers*

Griff 05-11-2013 10:52 AM

My manhood is being besmirched!

Crimson Ghost 05-11-2013 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 864718)
My manhood is being besmirched!

There's a lotion for that.

Aliantha 05-16-2013 05:54 PM

Last night i had a dream that I went to visit sundae and her family. Her Mum and Dad were there, and so was Sundae of course. Sundae and her Mum were fighting the whole time I was with them, and so when they all went off in a huff, I decided to go to the pub. That's where I met Fred (can't remember how to spell his user name when I'm not looking at it). I only took $50 with me, and he spent most of it on one bottle of wine! I was not happy. Then I woke up.

Sundae 06-16-2013 05:31 AM

Glad to be a walk-on in someone else's dream :)

Infi was in mine in the early hours of this morning.
We were being really spiteful to eachother.
We worked in the same office and I loved my job and she hated hers (I have actually been in that situation IRL, but of course not with Infi.)

We were basically trading the same insults back & forth the whole time.
Infi was moaning (and I mean it was really bloody boring) about the hiring freeze. "Soon, Paul will be the only IT tech between here and South Africa!"
"Oh well done," I said, "great line. Sad I've already heard you use it so many times..."

There were various spats in a similar vein, but when she said, "And where did all your money actually go? Really. I'm the only one who dares to ask you that..."
And to deflect her I hit back even harder - verbally. Because I knew it was all on shady things.

Oh, Shawnee you were English. And looked like Pooka.
And on waking properly I remembered there'd been a spite-fest between two girls on Big Brother, which I watched before going to bed. So I can assure you, you were probably just guest-starring because you had issues with work recently.

Flint 06-16-2013 09:45 PM

It was Shawnee123, btw, if this was the thread I'm thinking.

Sundae 02-12-2014 11:23 PM

Dreamed about Bruce last night.
Probably mixing up the Cellar with Zombieland, both of which featured in my evening.

There was a big group of us holed up at Bruce's. Which was underground, but still nice.
He brought out his "special" tobacco. He only ever rolled it in green papers, so that the grandchildren knew not to steal the butts. Made sense at the time.
I was both living it and reading it. I found myself lying in bed sucking on a green tube and realising I couldn't get high from an unlit smoke, and anyway it was via the Internet so it might not work. And yes, this was part of the dream...

And then I was back in Bruce's world and he had a clock with people from the Cellar on it. Like in Harry Potter, but better (I always thought the film interpretation was too literal)
I was hurt not to be on there, but I scrolled back I the thread and there I was.
It was about 04.50, which I realised was the time I had my alarm set for. Whigh made total sense. LJ didn't get up until gone 11.00 apparently, but I couldn't work out the time difference.

Aliantha 02-15-2014 04:41 PM

I had a dream that Jim was my bf. God knows how that happened. Maybe it was because i had been thinking about you all and thinking its high time i came and caught up on things.

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