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plthijinx 07-20-2005 10:19 AM

LMFAO! Mr. White Chocolate fred Jazz, Biatch!

wolf 07-20-2005 11:16 AM

That is so you!

plthijinx 07-20-2005 12:44 PM

hehe, yeah it is.

here's something cool i just recieved. anyone remember the blown fuel hydro boat the Proud Mary?

Queen of the Ryche 07-20-2005 01:00 PM

Tricktickler K. Sneed

tee hee

plthijinx 07-20-2005 02:05 PM

any relation to the nascar driver dick trickle?

hmmm i wonder.......

D. Magical trickle Flava


Queen of the Ryche 07-20-2005 02:17 PM

mine is Trick Tickler, but looks like you got the Trickle...........haha!

my O.G. choice was Suede K. Shizzle - maybe I'll go with that, My Nizzle!

Undertoad 07-20-2005 03:38 PM

URL self-explanatory. Video starts automatically. Be sure the sound is turned down.

Trilby 07-20-2005 04:03 PM

Um...this is very disturbing. That kid needs someone to help him get out of there. obviously I don't know anything about the situation but mom appears to be distraught enough to hurt someone. Yikes.

BigV 07-20-2005 04:31 PM


Call the police. Made me sick to my stomach just listening to it.

mrnoodle 07-20-2005 04:40 PM

I feel really really bad for that kid. And the mom, actually.

And the eunuch husband/boyfriend
And the people who had to share the highway with her when she went to "get gas" (or buy some more meth)

If the roles were reversed (and the man were the aggressor), someone would already be dead, probably. Scary breakdown, that.

wolf 07-21-2005 12:40 AM

So that's what happens before the ambulance gets to the house.

The young man has clearly done this before.

Trilby 07-21-2005 03:52 AM


Originally Posted by wolf
So that's what happens before the ambulance gets to the house.

The young man has clearly done this before.

You mean to say he's a professional :stickpoke: ? I don't care if he is--mom needs an evaluation and some meds. I've a 15 year-old son and while he can be maddening I can't see myself losing it to this extent, shrieking and calling him a worthless POS, bastard, etc. I am, with all my faults, supposed to be the grown-up.

Undertoad 07-21-2005 06:52 AM

Having watched it in action this year via J, this appears to be what teenagers do. They try to exploit your weaknesses. Some adults do the same thing.

mrnoodle 07-21-2005 11:22 AM

The teenager's probably an equal participant, on the days when he's not deliberately filming it for teh internet.

jinx 07-21-2005 11:53 AM

Forbidden Library
Banned and challenged books

The censored copies of Fahrenhiet 451 crack me up, but this just shocked me - who could challenge Shel? I mean, he wrote The Giving Tree!


Silverstein, Shel. Where the Sidewalk Ends. Harper. Challenged at the West Allis-West Milwaukee, Wis. school libraries (1986) because the book "suggests drug use, the occult, suicide, death, violence, disrespect for truth, disrespect for legitimate authority, rebellion against parents." Challenged at the Central Columbia School District in Bloomsburg, Pa. (1993) because a poem titled "Dreadful" talks about how "someone ate the baby." On the other hand, this book does present the negative consequences of not taking the garbage out.
I have a clip of Tori Amos reading Sara Cynthia Sylvia Stout...

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