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rkzenrage 03-06-2007 01:21 PM

Wow... got teh visual.

Perry Winkle 03-06-2007 03:30 PM


Originally Posted by rkzenrage (Post 320738)
Wow... got teh visual.

Was yours involving a hotdog and a hallway and then a garden hose and a salami like mine?

Trilby 03-06-2007 03:34 PM

I'm pretty certain that all this above mumbo-jumbo has to do with Castration Anxiety.

Good luck, boys.

RellikLaerec 03-07-2007 01:31 AM

For the really tough ones!

Well.... When ya gotta go....:eyebrow:

Shawnee123 03-07-2007 07:42 AM


wolf 03-07-2007 01:02 PM

I sooo need a can of that Nut Buster stuff for work.

monster 03-07-2007 04:03 PM

RellikLaerec 03-07-2007 10:48 PM

Wolf. For yours or someone else's?
Monster. I, myself could some of that at work sometimes. Guy at work, doesn't know how to keep his pants up at all. they hand around his freaking ankles it seems. :lol: Great pic!

wolf 03-08-2007 02:01 AM


Originally Posted by RellikLaerec (Post 321194)
Wolf. For yours or someone else's?

I am informed that I have balls, but I do not, personally, have nuts.

Well, except at work.

I am, in fact, a nut buster.

wolf 03-08-2007 02:26 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Not especially Hairy Potter

Ibby 03-08-2007 04:32 AM


Elspode 03-10-2007 01:10 AM

I'm just gonna say it. The lad is well-hung.

Ibby 03-10-2007 09:30 AM

whoa, i just realized i wrote 'wold' instead of 'wolf'


Ibby 03-10-2007 09:31 AM


Originally Posted by Elspode (Post 321992)
I'm just gonna say it. The lad is well-hung.

Wait, that's well-hung?

Thank you for drastically improving my self-esteem.

Undertoad 03-10-2007 09:39 AM

Well there's the whole grow-er vs show-er aspect

/grow-er m-self
//but would well prepare before a publicity photo like this

xoxoxoBruce 03-10-2007 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 322030)
Well there's the whole grow-er vs show-er aspect

/grow-er m-self
//but would well prepare before a publicity photo like this

And self esteem should be divorced from either.
Same goes for boob size, ladies. :cool:

Kagen4o4 03-10-2007 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 322026)
Wait, that's well-hung?

Thank you for drastically improving my self-esteem.

spode was talking about the horse.

Elspode 03-10-2007 04:41 PM

Ah, but the lad is uncircumcised, and from the appearnce, 'twould appear he didn't fluff much, if at all.

SteveDallas 03-10-2007 05:30 PM

Ohhhhh, Wilbur!

Kagen4o4 03-10-2007 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 322114)
Ohhhhh, Wilbur!

"thats not a carrot!"

Sundae 03-11-2007 12:29 PM

Am I the only one to assume it's shopped?
The legs don't match the arms imo and despite Equus covering this topic, how likely is it a young actor would allow these publicity shots to circulate? In the play he is naked on stage for seconds, not a full frontal, stand still and show it off....

The only official shots I've seen have ended at the top of the pubic line. Even if full length shots were taken I'd expect him to wear a modety pouch.

Sorry to be a wet blanket and all that - seeing cock on WTF NSFW is appreciated regardless.... Disparity in nudity as previously mentioned ;)

lumberjim 03-11-2007 12:59 PM

i wasn't about to stare at it long enough to tell if it was shopped or not. i think i need to take the homophobe blasphemy challenge or something. i tell my self i'm not a homophobe, but i recoiled from that picture.

Elspode 03-11-2007 01:04 PM

Well, now that you mention it, SG...I think you're right. The legs are far more muscular than the upper body, plus the resolution of the torso just isn't right in comparison with the hips to legs.

Trilby 03-11-2007 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 322240)
i recoiled from that picture.

I was stoic and stared and stared, nay studied that photo, and I am sad to announce that I agree with Sundae. The legs are massive, warrior-like legs; like Russel Crowe in Gladiator...his powerful thighs, capable of vigorous thrusts, potent momentum, breathtaking propulsion and possibly even forceful torque...................

Look. I just don't think those are Harry's thighs and dong. I'd like to think that this unassuming lad is hung like that, as would be a happy surprise for anyone lucky enough to come across it, but I don't think it's his.

limey 03-11-2007 02:52 PM

I must confess to only staring at the dong first time around, but now you, er, come ... to mention it, it looks 'shopped to me, too.

xoxoxoBruce 03-11-2007 03:05 PM

The picture could have been the original before they cropped it for the public. But cranking it up in Photoshop, I can make out the legs. His right leg (our left) ends before the edge of the frame... like it's jaggedly broken off. The bent leg shows the foot but no trace of the horse down there. He might be blocking the horses leg but that's a stretch.

I'm crushed that he would allow such a thing. Surely he's put a spell on the pictures so people couldn't do that with his permission.:dunce:

Perry Winkle 03-11-2007 03:19 PM

I'd agree it might be photoshopped, but not because of any disparity between upper/lower body.

My upper body is way less developed than my lower body. It's not uncommon, really--look at joggers, bikers, soccerers, etc. Bodybuilders will pump their upper body up to massive proportions, but more fitness-minded people will have more massive legs and moderately proportioned upper bodies.

Just an e.g., I can rep* 500 lb. squats and 1,200 lb. leg presses, but I can't rep more than 225 or so on a bench press.

* our colloq. defn. of rep is that it's an amount you can do several (2+) reps of on at least two sets.

kerosene 03-11-2007 03:36 PM

My husband is built kind of that way too, with very strong, large legs. Personally, I like that in a guy much better than the out of proportion giant upper body and small legs look we see so often touted as the ideal.

Flint 03-11-2007 04:49 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It's a classical (pre-steroid-era) physique, reminiscent of Sandow (pictured below).
The arms and legs are properly proportioned. The leg in question looks bigger because it is foreshortened.

Kagen4o4 03-12-2007 03:57 AM

i hate to bring this up it really going to affect your life that much if you never know what harry potters wand looks like?

oh and nice work grant, show off ;)

xoxoxoBruce 03-12-2007 06:37 AM

Not about being deprived, it's about being conned.:cool:

Undertoad 03-12-2007 09:39 AM

A larger, correctly-timed, extended version of the humping-puking-eating it dog animated gif has been located.

At 2.2 mb, it's too large for modem users so I am just linking it.

(the original is here)

Spexxvet 03-12-2007 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by lumberjim (Post 322240)
... i tell my self i'm not a homophobe, but i recoiled from that picture.

There's a difference between disliking another man's penis and disliking a person who likes another man's penis. The former means you're heterosexual, the latter homophobic. The trust test, of course, is how do you feel about Lezzzzbians? ;)

Shawnee123 03-12-2007 10:08 AM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 322447)
The trust test, of course, is how do you feel about Lezzzzbians? ;)

My brother always said the way he figures it he and lesbians have a lot in common.

Sheldonrs 03-12-2007 11:09 AM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 322450)
My brother always said the way he figures it he and lesbians have a lot in common.

They both like flannel and birkenstocks?

Perry Winkle 03-12-2007 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4 (Post 322405)
oh and nice work grant, show off ;)

I didn't mean to sound like I was bragging. I consider myself quite the pansy. :p

glatt 03-12-2007 07:49 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 322443)
A larger, correctly-timed, extended version of the humping-puking-eating it dog animated gif has been located.

At 2.2 mb, it's too large for modem users so I am just linking it.

(the original is here)

I LOVE humping/puking/eating dog. It's the best thing on the Web.

RellikLaerec 03-12-2007 09:55 PM

OK.... I don't think that is Daniel Radcliffe. That's Elijah Woods!

Kagen4o4 03-13-2007 01:49 AM

nah its Tobey Maguire.

Sheldonrs 03-13-2007 09:24 AM

Radcliffe, Wood or Maguire? Hmmm...If I could do a taste test, I would know for sure.

Spexxvet 03-13-2007 09:33 AM


Originally Posted by RellikLaerec (Post 322622)
OK.... I don't think that is Daniel Radcliffe. That's Elijah Woods!

Maybe Elijah Flacid?

Kagen4o4 03-13-2007 05:29 PM


lumberjim 03-13-2007 07:17 PM

it's Frodo, isn't it? Frodo Baggins? of the Underhill Bagginses?

Kagen4o4 03-14-2007 03:42 AM

its not hairy enough to be frodo's

bluecuracao 03-14-2007 03:52 AM

How do you know?

Oh never mind, don't answer that.

monster 03-14-2007 11:41 PM

All talk, no Pics?

Kagen4o4 03-15-2007 12:41 AM

you got anything to top harry potters penis?

limey 03-15-2007 03:50 AM


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4 (Post 323182)
you got anything to top harry potters penis?

Yes :D all he has to do is bring it over here!

Trilby 03-15-2007 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by limey (Post 323209)
Yes :D all he has to do is bring it over here!

Good one! :lol:

monster 03-15-2007 01:08 PM

monster 03-15-2007 01:23 PM

xoxoxoBruce 03-15-2007 03:23 PM

Are you done dickin' around?:haha:

richlevy 03-15-2007 04:45 PM

He's a Ballchinian. (can anyone name the movie?)

Ibby 03-15-2007 05:41 PM

MIB 2.

richlevy 03-15-2007 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by Ibram (Post 323404)
MIB 2.


RellikLaerec 03-15-2007 06:23 PM

don't ya mean wiener?

Kagen4o4 03-16-2007 02:02 AM

i want to get him arroused just to see what happens

Sheldonrs 03-16-2007 02:16 AM


Originally Posted by Kagen4o4 (Post 323520)
i want to get him arroused just to see what happens

I'm sure it would be hard on everyone if you did. ;-)

SquadRat1 03-16-2007 12:17 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 323604)
another :eek:

I'd say she has some "work" done....

Moved here from the WTF thread. xoxoxoBruce

Kagen4o4 03-16-2007 04:53 PM

theres been so many one liners today!

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