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Sundae 06-10-2008 04:55 AM

She used to post as LadySycamore.

Syc I see you point having seen the photos.
I was imagining an English cemetary, where the dead are laid out in individual plots and the grounds are maintained. I just pictured grass on her individual grave.

I agree it seems a shame to decide on a burial and then just leave the body with no marker.

Good for you for marking her passing, and her resting place.

DanaC 06-10-2008 06:15 AM

In some ways it seems a shame....but in another way it seems a little poetic. Like she's truly gone back to nature. She is the field now.

You've done right by her Syc. You're a good man.

elSicomoro 06-10-2008 01:20 PM

Thanks, ladies.

I just want to stress though...I was very self-conscious about putting this stuff up (both here and at The Bosque). I hope it doesn't come across as me trying to be some over-the-top do-gooder..."Look at what I did! Aren't I awesome?!"

Rhoda and I weren't on bad terms per se when she died, though we hadn't spoken in almost a year. I had no ill will towards her. And though it was painfully obvious that we weren't meant to be together, I still love her a great deal...I mean, shit, we spent 6 years together and lived together for most of that time.

Paying my respects was one of the main things I wanted to do on this trip. I didn't go to her funeral because 1) I broke my ankle the day after she died and 2) I wasn't sure that my presence would be welcomed, and I didn't want to fuck up her special day. When I saw that grave, I felt like it wasn't right and that it needed to be "fixed." So I did both...and now I'm at peace.

DanaC 06-10-2008 01:27 PM


I just want to stress though...I was very self-conscious about putting this stuff up (both here and at The Bosque). I hope it doesn't come across as me trying to be some over-the-top do-gooder..."Look at what I did! Aren't I awesome?!"
Not even for a for a moment m'dear.

kerosene 06-10-2008 04:29 PM

You did the right thing, syc. :)

lookout123 06-10-2008 04:51 PM

Well done syc.

Cicero 06-10-2008 06:49 PM

Crap. I didn't know ladysycamore died.

Shawnee123 06-11-2008 11:37 AM

This job. Specifically how we have back-pedaled to jumping through hoops for people who have waited until the last minute, which flies in the face of regs saying we can treat no student differently than any other, imho. I feel like a trained bear riding a tricycle and ringing the bell. Also, everything gets out of whack and I get behind on people who have been waiting patiently, and make mistakes because in this job consistency is SO important, and then my boss will email me and ask where I am in processing because Susie filled out her FAFSA yesterday, is getting kicked out of her apartment, needs new tires, is pregnant, has fibromyalgia, and a bad case of the acne.

OMG as I was writing this I got a forward of a voicemail from a whiny ass student bitch from my BOSS. It took everything I had not to tell her to go fuck herself.

Oh, and the IRS can kiss my ass. Since I don't get 15 grand in earned income credit and I don't believe in using the tax system as a savings account my total tax liability always leaves me owing a little each year. Because I won't let the gubmint mismanage my money one more second than I have to, I do not mail my return and check until the 15th of April. Therefore, since there was no direct deposit information because I don't get money back, I fell into the group of folks who not only didn't get the fucking Stimulus Payment (aks STress Payment) in May with direct deposits, since the IRS did not have my return to process before the 15th I am now almost 2 weeks past the date I was to get the money due to the last 2 numbers in my social security number. STill not in my mail as of today.

I mean it's free money and all, but I thought that just for once in my whole freaking life a single working adult with no dependents wouldn't get fucked in the ass by every government agency on earth.

The day started out pretty well...:(

DanaC 06-11-2008 12:15 PM

I have to go to an executive meeting. I really, really don't want to. I want to stay at home and watch Youtube......don't wanna be all on guard and ready for attacks....don't wanna be watching for the subtext on everything that gets said. Must. Not. Lose. Temper. This. Time.


footfootfoot 06-11-2008 12:25 PM

just as my shoulder was getting better i refucked it last night --twice-- left me kneeling at the foot of the stairs. Now in a sling debating the merits of vicodin, percocet, hydrocone, alleve, and some "muscle relaxer" my sil gave me.

Also typing one handed, despite all my practice, it's slow going since I one handed type w/ the other hand.

HungLikeJesus 06-11-2008 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 461411)
...i refucked it last night --twice-- left me kneeling at the foot of the stairs ...

I think I could get a poem out of that...

SteveDallas 06-11-2008 12:38 PM

I personally have other body parts in mind when I'm of a mind to fuck something, but hey, if shoulders are your thing, it's no business of mine.

footfootfoot 06-11-2008 12:57 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 461415)
I think I could get a poem out of that...

Maybe dar could write music to it...

glatt 06-11-2008 01:00 PM

At least your humor isn't broken

Clodfobble 06-13-2008 04:48 PM

A particular person I am forced to deal with on a semi-regular basis has officially crossed the line from irritating to genuinely, clinically, batshit insane (yeah, look it up in the DSM-IV.)

My stepson has supposedly begun washing his hands overly frequently, and what's more, doing so in a secretive manner. This worries said Batshit Insane Person. We pointed out to BIP that in fact both the kids have always been freaky about washing their hands, and this is predictable since she herself is a germ-phobe and is constantly drilling into them the need to wash their hands and never touch "dirty" things. She denied that she is a germ-phobe, and insisted it is perfectly reasonable to encourage hand-washing

1.) after using the bathroom,
2.) before meals,
3.) after meals,
4.) upon arriving home from school, and
5.) whenever one uses the computer.

WTF? Yes, BIP has taken to heart all the typical local-news scare articles about how the computer keyboard is the germiest thing in the average person's house. The children must wash their hands every time they touch it.

So, she's making the kids wash their hands a minimum of 8-10 times a day--and also enforces such behaviors as never touching the kitchen garbage can, and opening/closing the bathroom door with one's elbows instead of hands, not just in public but at home--and yet she sees no connection between this and a child who has begun to compulsively wash his hands at additional times?

No, there is no connection. We are being accusatory and looking to pin blame, obviously. Because it isn't just handwashing, see! He has also been discovered "spraying down" his toys.

What the hell does she mean, "spraying down?"

Oh, you know, with the sanitizer spray.

And why does a kindergartener have access to sanitizer spray?

Because it's in the bedroom. Because she, Batshit Insane Person, sprays down all of the child's possessions about once a week. Only once a week! That's completely reasonable, and nothing like the child doing it himself at times other than times she has deemed necessary!

She honest-to-god, cross-her-heart-and-hope-to-die, sees no connection whatsoever between her actions and this child's behavior. She is in fact shocked that we would suggest she is doing harm, either physical or psychological, by "protecting" the children as such.

Hay-zeus Creesto.

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