The Cellar

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Sundae 03-06-2011 08:59 AM

I confronted her last night. In the most pansy way possible of course, and trying so hard to restrain any bitterness and anger that it might have sounded like an off the cuff query.

But this morning I was convinced she was ignoring me.
Well, she DID ignore me when I came down this morning - I said "Good morning" and got no reply, but despite my sinking stomach I wasn't 100% sure that she heard me. despite her attacks on Dad/ Grandad because of their hearing, she doesn't hear as well as she thinks she does these days. Although she's said to me that sometimes she simply ignores me. Liar.

Anyway, this afternoon she offered to re-hem my trousers. Something she suggested about three weeks ago. Which is a lovely thing to offer, and makes me wonder if I was wrong this morning and in fact instead of punishing me, she was just feeling bad that she'd hurt my feelings?

Oh and the answer to the question was apparently that Laura can be a real firebrand. Well, shit, I know that. She's the only one who can control my Mum. I wouldn't call it being a firebrand, I would call it being a manipulative and selfish bitch who only has four important people in her life, and they all live at the her address. But hey.

Despite my mean words I'm nowhere near as angry about it today. It's no worse than Mum telling me I needed to get Ste to help me plan my Glasgow trip, because he knows about these things (he helped plan their Las Vegas/ Hollywood trip). Ste knows and I know that we've both been on solo holidays and both know how to use the internet. It's only Mum who thinks he has a special skill. And after all, I have no issues or jealousy when it comes to him.

FSM, I wish I didn't need constant ego-stroking. Especially from the one person who wouldn't identify it even it it dressed up in ego-stroking clothes and danced on a table singing Ego Stroking Days Are Here Again.

End of topic. Thanks for not smacking me.

zippyt 03-25-2011 11:51 AM

So I have the day Off for Our anaverery ( 22 years , Thank You Verry Much !!!)
yesterday I was at a charcoal plant fixing their busted ass Old POS Truck scale , I get done , dude says Pull up to the doc Ill have a Fork lift load it for you , Me WTF ????
Oh yer boss called , we are swapping out Some of the bill for a Pallet of charcoal ( my Boss is on a BBQ Team ) . oh Ok
So I have this 4x4x4 Cube of Charcoal on the back of my truck ,
I call my Boss " DUDE WTF ???!!!
I have tommorow Off and have to be on a Job 8am Monday How The Hell are you going to collect this shit ??"
Oh Ill call you in the AM with instructions where to be to drop it off ,
Me Well so much for the day off ,
Him well we will just call it 1/2 day off

so 7:30 this Morning my phone starts BLOWING UP !!!!!
2 customers with problems and a Fellow tech trying to figuer out where we are going to Meet up to transfer this Pallet of charcoal , AND Go do the jobs He has to do today ,
I call the shop , My boss has taken the day off and is NOT answering his Phone ( FUCKER !!!!)
so I get 2 other techs to cover my calls , (I Bet you LUNCH they will be calling me for advice )
Drive 1.5 hrs to drop off this Pallet ( No Fork lift , so we Mexican Back hoe this shit Bag by Bag into his truck ),
Drive 1.5 hrs Back home .

What a Wounderfull day Off ,
im going to transfer My phone to the shop number !!!!!

infinite monkey 03-25-2011 11:56 AM

You crack me up, zippy!

Happy anaverery! :)

monster 03-25-2011 12:39 PM

yer boss sucks earthworm balls, zipper.

Happy anaverery :)

glatt 03-25-2011 01:37 PM

I have to wish you a happy anaverery too. 22 years is awesome! Way to go.

footfootfoot 03-25-2011 01:46 PM

Happy anaverery!
Hip hip Hooray

Griff 03-25-2011 04:44 PM

22 is a nice run!

ZenGum 03-25-2011 10:39 PM


I call the shop , My boss has taken the day off and is NOT answering his Phone ( FUCKER !!!!)
Now that is just being a total dick.


ETA: Not you, Zip, a boss who intrudes on your day off then disappears himself.

zippyt 03-25-2011 11:10 PM

Thanks every body :)
Only 2 calls asking advice
Then 2 calls Thanking me for said good advice

casimendocina 03-26-2011 11:21 AM


Originally Posted by zippyt (Post 718639)
im going to transfer My phone to the shop number !!!!!

Do it!

Happy 22 years! Champion!

monster 03-26-2011 12:02 PM

Was that a Catch 22 situation?

xoxoxoBruce 03-28-2011 01:28 AM


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 718713)
22 is a nice run!

Yeah, that's how long my second one lasted. Zip, you have to take another day off to make up for that shit. :(

footfootfoot 07-19-2011 10:12 AM

The Ghetto Dump across the street has been kind of quiet and tidy lately and a friend's mom moved in recently so that is good.

However, there has also been someone there working lately who brings his crazy-ass part bull terrier part husky or malamute dog with him. The dog will go on multi-hour barking jags which is only extremely tedious.

This morning the inchling came running to the living room saying there was a dog at the door. I fugured it was one of my neighbors whose dogs occasionally get loose and roam around. I walk to the screen door to be confronted by an 80-90 pound, hackles raised, snarling and growling, Bull terrier head with two-tone eyes standing in my mud room making little lunges at me when I started to open the door.

Realizing That the mm was standing next to me and she was half a head shorter that the dog, I realized we were outgunned and I quickly slammed the solid door. The dog ran around to the back of the house and I went and shut that door too. A few minutes later the mm was shouting that the dog was back and in our yard and mrs. foot, who is a dog person and worked in shelters for dogs and was channeling St. Francis, went out to talk with the dog. (Whatever, you ride that rocket, home girl. Personally, not a fan of the teeth even if my arm were 100%)

This is the part that will really surprise you and you would never have seen coming in 1,000 years: (sarcasm alert) The owner stood about 150 feet away from his dog and repeated about 50 or 60 times a command for the dog to "come here" while the dog completely ignored him and growled at mrs. foot. I went out into the yard and the dog ran out of our yard and into the street near the owner and proceeded to cavort around the owner, ignoring his calls.

I told the owner I didn't appreciate being menaced in my own yard and he said, here's another one from left field, "The dog is very friendly and doesn't bite." and another all time classic "He got loose, he never does that."

I told him I wasn't interested in finding out the hard way if his dog was friendly or not, and it wasn't my problem that his dog slipped its leash. Finally, I told him if the dog came on my property again, he would probably never see the dog again. I am considering calling the Chief of Police and putting him on notice of my intent to put the dog down since we do not have an effective dog warden or effective dog laws in this town.

By the way, yesterday I took delivery of a Remington 870 Express and enough ammo to deal with a horde of zombie dogs.

skysidhe 07-19-2011 10:24 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 745222)
mrs. foot, who is a dog person and worked in shelters for dogs and was channeling St. Francis, went out to talk with the dog. (Whatever, you ride that rocket, home girl. Personally, not a fan of the teeth even if my arm were 100%)

hehehe that was cute


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 745222)

I told the owner I didn't appreciate being menaced in my own yard and he said, here's another one from left field, "The dog is very friendly and doesn't bite." and another all time classic "He got loose, he never does that."

By the way, yesterday I took delivery of a Remington 870 Express and enough ammo to deal with a horde of zombie dogs.

humor aside, I am glad no one got bit. Very strange dog behavior to intimate a family, on their own property. Good thinking too, to shut the door to guard mm.

Pico and ME 07-19-2011 10:32 AM

Not really, that is if the dog thought it was defending its territory. My husband was threatened by a similar type when he was out jogging. When he ran past its house, the dog jumped through an open screen door and chased him. My husband stopped running and yelled out to the the kid in the yard to get the dog. The mother came out and said "oh, she wont bite'. But the dog already had gotten its teeth on on my husband's fist and it was bleeding.

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