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Adak 10-11-2012 08:04 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 833730)
Adak, as a Romney supporter, how do you feel about him walking away from his conservative stances from just a few months ago and becoming moderate now? For example, he clearly said in the most recent debates that we need government regulation of private industry.

Do you think he's just saying what he needs to so that he gets elected, and he's really deep down a conservative? Or do you think he was saying what he needed to during the primaries and he's really deep down a more liberal guy than a conservative guy?

I'm curious how you reconcile in your own head the different things he has said to different people in just the last 6 months.

Completely expected. Romney knows business, and he knows business needs regulations in place. Without regulations, it would be a hell hole, we know that. Wall St. particularly, has moved heavily into financial instruments that are nothing more than gambling with little or no "ante" on the table. That has proven to be a big factor in several of our economic crashes, and should NOT be allowed. You want to gamble, you put your chips on the table FIRST, then and only then, do you have "skin in the game".

Obama has failed to change this - probably because so many of his staff (cabinet, appointee's, etc.), have come straight from Wall St.. I thought SURELY he would fix this mess, but Noooooooo! :mad:

Yes, you benefit by adopting a more conservative tone for the Republican primary.

Romney is a smart guy, he will change tactics, to meet the situation. His deeply held ideals, will always be more conservative than Obama - that's certain. As you may know from his record in Mass. as Governor, Romney WILL entertain and support some liberal bills, when the people earnestly desire it.

glatt 10-11-2012 08:09 AM

And you're OK with liberal bills being passed under the next president, whether they have a (D) by their name or an (R?)

infinite monkey 10-11-2012 08:50 AM

Adak, election's just a moment away
And you're without sense once again
You laughed at me
You said i never knew Romney
I wonder if you know him now


So many ways he didn't care
So many words pulled from the air
Most people poor in a storm
Why do they ho?
Why'd they ho?

We lost all that common ground
You know Romney will let us down
But then most of all
I Do Love You

--The Commiedores


BigV 10-11-2012 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Stormieweather (Post 833738)
And just because you're poor, that doesn't mean you are a lazy, good-for-nothing bum, looking for a handout.

Adak will ignore this.

infinite monkey 10-11-2012 10:06 AM

I know how that post feels.

BigV 10-11-2012 10:11 AM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 833202)

You read the report. You look at the graphs. You listen to Romney's words. Then you come back and tell me which scenario his plan would take us to. And be prepared to substitute some numbers for his pitiful and unconvincing hand waving. You've shown your willingness and ability to support your statements to a degree far exceeding Romney's. Go on, convince me. I might vote for you.

Adak's conspicuously ignoring this position too.

infinite monkey 10-11-2012 10:18 AM

I know how that position feels.

BigV 10-11-2012 10:50 AM

Adak, or anyone who understands and believes Romney's tax plan, please help me.

He's said that we as a country need to solve our budget problems, and the main way to do that is to reform the tax code. He's said he will cut tax rates by 20% across the board. This is supposed to generate enough increased growth to create millions of jobs and broaden the base. He's claimed that his tax cuts "absolutely" not increase taxes, and that it will be done in a revenue neutral fashion, paying for these cuts with compensating eliminations of deductions. I think I have that right.

So here's my question.

He says he's gonna solve our budget problems by growing the economy.
He says he's gonna grow the economy by cutting tax rates.
He says he's gonna keep the same amount of money coming in by eliminating deductions.

So, business is being held up from expanding because they have too many deductions? Business is afraid of deductions?


Reduce rates, meaning the amount of taxes due on a given amount is LESS.
Eliminate deductions and exemptions equal to the amount of the amount of tax savings from reduced rates--this is what being revenue neutral means--so the net tax due is the same.
What's changed? I pay the same amount in taxes, how does the deficit go down?

Romney's tax plan does not add up. He won't explain it, Adak won't explain it. mercy won't explain it. Urbane Guerrilla won't explain it. Firing Big Bird won't solve it, but that's all he's offered. Oh, that and Planned Parenthood.

He's stupid or he's lying. And I don't think he's stupid.

Lamplighter 10-11-2012 10:56 AM

He's really saying the old joke was right... we just need more wheelbarrels.

infinite monkey 10-11-2012 11:23 AM

I know how that wheelbarrow feels.

Thanks, I'll be here all week. Please try the strychnine (the strychnine is bipartisan, you can all partake.)

DanaC 10-11-2012 11:29 AM

*coughs* wheelbarrows *coughs*

infinite monkey 10-11-2012 11:30 AM

I think it's wheelbarrow. I think.

Read up for more information.

Stormieweather 10-11-2012 11:35 AM

Brookings Tax Policy Center article


we showed that a revenue-neutral plan that met five specific goals that Governor Romney had put forth (reducing income tax rates by 20 percent, repealing the estate tax, the alternative minimum tax, and capital income taxes for middle class households, and enhancing saving and investment) would cut taxes for households with income above $200,000, and—as a result of revenue-neutrality—would therefore necessarily have to raise taxes on taxpayers below $200,000.

This was true even when we bent over backwards to make the plan as favorable to Romney as possible

More generally, the basic power of arithmetic is overwhelming in showing that Governor Romney has so far overpromised on the tax side.
Somewhere else I read that the Romney deficit reduction and budget balancing assumptions are based upon "possible" and "potential" economic upturns. So...if I were to make a million dollars a year, I could get out of debt very quickly. :p: A bank will not give me a loan based on that "assumption", but it's ok for our entire nation's economic well-being?

Stormieweather 10-11-2012 11:47 AM

By the way, more than 95% of all taxpayers fall into the 'below $200,000.00" income level.


BigV 10-11-2012 11:54 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Mitt Romney is, by his own admission, "completely wrong".

Attachment 41121

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