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Elspode 10-03-2004 12:43 PM

Indeed, it is always heartening to see cautious, thoughtful self-mutilators in action. Wouldn't want anyone to get hurt.

wolf 10-03-2004 01:12 PM

They call it an expression of personal power.

I call it Borderline Personality Disorder.

Elspode 10-03-2004 01:15 PM

Yeah, well...most strong personality traits have a listing in the DSM IV. :D

wolf 10-03-2004 01:16 PM

No, dear. Just the fucked up ones.

BrianR 10-03-2004 04:25 PM

Careful there, sweetie pie. I might resemble that remark!

zippyt 10-03-2004 09:56 PM

Wolf I guess I have an untrained eye , but I don't see any photo shopery in this pic . Just a freakazoid hanging around waiting for a bite !!!!!

Troubleshooter 10-04-2004 09:39 AM

The first thing that came to mind when I saw that idiot hanging like that was:

"Where's the paintball gun..."

Bullitt 10-04-2004 04:56 PM

As a very active and concerned member of the paintball community, I hope shooting random things isn't the only thing you use a paintball gun for.

Cyber Wolf 10-04-2004 07:50 PM

Nah, nothing random. Just folks who get their jollies by hanging themselves up by fishhooks. :D

footfootfoot 10-04-2004 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by wolf
They call it an expression of personal power.

I call it Borderline Personality Disorder.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned but I'd say he is well over the border and deep into the woods. hee hee :biggrin:

Cyber Wolf 10-05-2004 06:20 AM

Thank you so much, Bruce, for giving me the heebie-jeebies. I'm gonna be feeling things crawling up my arms and legs all day!

Troubleshooter 10-05-2004 07:07 AM


Originally Posted by Bullitt
As a very active and concerned member of the paintball community, I hope shooting random things isn't the only thing you use a paintball gun for.

Actually I don't have one. All I was thinking was that if some monkey wants to get his jollys from endorphins, I want to help.

Elspode 10-05-2004 12:37 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Rakarin 10-05-2004 07:33 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Elspode

Ah, yes. I have a good friend where I work. Her workers and I love her soooo much!!!!

While I don't know where all the pictures are, we have redecorated her office a few times. The first two times, while she & her husband were building their house, she was living in a trailer temporarily. So, because we looooove her so much, we redecorated her office to... acclimate her to the trailer lifestyle.

The third time, she was gone for a week. So, to keep her office safe, we wrapperd *everything in her office in newspaper. Her bookcase, her chairs, her box of paper. The only exceptions were her printer and computer, because of heat, and we only draped a sheet of newspaper over her flat-pannel to avoid heat.

We love you, Margaret!!!!
:angel: :angel: :angel: :angel:

lookout123 10-05-2004 07:50 PM

i had an old manager who was... shall we say extremely anal retentive? this is a guy who would take the time before he went home each night to double check that all of his pens were either capped or turned so ballpoint was retracted.

anyway - i knew he was going to resign, so the day before he did, i went to work 2 hours early and turned everything upside down.

everything was in it's normal spot but upside down. bookcases, desk, chair, computer, pen holders, business card holder, pictures, every plaque on his I love me wall... i even turned his chairmat upside down.

it was pretty damn funny. but then he came in and saw it. he was almost crying when he left and said he wouldn't come back until tomorrow. oops.

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