![]() |
Yeah Ibs....you need to get better man...
so you can post more cute photos of that haircut! :D |
what was that sound you ask? the sound of things going RIGHT over datalyss's head, my dear! |
UG said:
You're a nicer kid than you know. I said: I'm not You said: Oh yes you are! But my point was that I know JUST how nice a kid I am because nobody thinks higher of me than me. JEEEEZ everything gets SO unfunny when you gotta go ES'PLAIN it all! oh, yeah, and im starting to feel better this evening too. |
*chuckles* Thatnks:) I do think its the right thing to do...I also think it's very dangerous politically and might damage a)me, b) the local party, c) our chances at the next council elections.
But...I'm the Women's Officer for this CLP and I'm damned if I'm going to just ignore him in the hope he'll move onto some other comrade; likely female and likely new to the party and politically inexperienced, or a long time member who's in a vulnerable state of mind (i.e one woman who, whilst sitting in her car in the hospital carpark, with her husband dangerously ill in intensive care, was treated to a 15 minute haranguing phone conversation with him accusing her of all sorts of stuff and threatening her with dire consequences after she'd opposed him on something). I honestly don't see how I can do that. The fact he's also my political enemy and a leading voice in the other faction, frankly that's just gravy and makes the decision a little easier (in some ways). If this man was in my faction I'd take him to one side and explain in no uncertain terms that he has to stop or I'll take action. And I would be true to my word on that. Tonight is the Local Government Committee (LGC, lot of confusingly similar acronyms in political parties:P) the body that liaises between the two local labour parties and the unified authority they both send councillors to. The man I've lodged the complaint against has this particular body sewn-up. It's going be a fairly unpleasant meeting. Friday is the General Committee, on which we have the edge on numbers and a sympathetic (read best friend and supporter) Chair. They will dig up every last half dead delegate for that and do everything to disrupt. That also is likely to be an unpleasant meeting. Then there's an executive once a month, a General committee every month and an LGC every month.....basically, if we have reached a ceasefire by New Year I'll be very surprised. Then there's the Council Group. I have one friend I trust absolutely and two I like but who blow with the wind. Its a group of eleven, one of whom I have just lodged a complaint about, another who is his best friend and Group Leader.....and the Leader's wife, the Group Chair...their decades long friend the Group Whip, and their other decades long friend the Group Secretary....We meet as a group once a month. I suspect by Christmas I'll have unwittingly achieved the infamous Size Zero. *chuckles* |
This is hard Dana...you must get stressed and not eat like me. If you don't eat, you don't think correctly. You know that and I know that. To win your war you must take care of number 1 properly. There's a time to fight your battle but there is another Dana, that needs her to be there for her, and her immediate needs. Those take priority.
#1 Food. #2 Rest- think outside of the box whilst drifting off. Fantasize. #3 Soak your feet in hot water, then lotion and massage, and relax. #4 Imagination (butterflys in the valley maybe) + #2 #5 Sex #6 Don't let the negative ass get into your head...if he does anyway, well.....turn his voice into that of Mickey Mouse. Hey- get happy. That will piss off your enemy. Go to a picure show. I bet you have some free time to show yourself a good time. :D You make me proud Dana....gutsy. I like it. :D Don't forget to celebrate the tiny battles in the war!! |
Get a longer cord?
@ Cic. Sound advice mate. Lot of friends telling me the same.
I am much more relaxed tonight. Tomorrow will be hard, but I have managed to spend several hours today just quietly pottering about doing wardwork, and went and had a pub lunch with a mate. I think the stress levels have started to die down as I have committed to the course of action. What I always find difficult is waiting and indecision. Having to wait until I knew exactly who could be there and who could guarantee to be there for the next 3 meetings etc, before finalising my decision, that was stressing me most of all I think. Now I am sure of my course. It might succeed, it might flounder, but it's the course I am on and I'll live with it. Was still a tad stressed last night regarding a comrade who seemed annoyed at me in the meeting and I wasn't sure why. He voted with us, but I could tell smething was up and he's someone whose opinion matters a lot to me (a ward colleague, the councillor I trust). I had one of those flashes of realisation at 2 am and knew exactly why he'd been annoyed: I had been working on the assumption that since my friend *** had been ringing aound as well as me and had talked to him, that she had filled him in on the details (details were kept sketchy from all but 3 people until the day before) and she'd been working on the assumption that I had...I realised at 2am, that my colleague had walked into that room without knowing what was about to happen. All he knew, was that I was going to do something and I needed his support. God bless him he gave that support and voted with us, but that was a horrible position to put him in and that kept me awake for the rest of the night. He's a good man, straight down the line, no games. So...I knew I had to make things right with him and I think he had every right to be very angry. Hence was fully prepared to grovel. Tried calling him in the morning several times, no reply. He evengtually got back to me at about 3pm and accepted my explanation and apology without rancour, bless him. He's concerned about the route I've taken, but fully supports me. Once I had that sorted out I felt fine. Went to tonight's meeting, which was a tough one, though not relating to the complaint, and it didn't bother me much. I have a handle on this I think. Tomorrow will be stressful, but it's a different and altogether less consuming type of stress. Thanks for the advice and ra ras guys. Means a lot to me. *smiles* |
Seems like CA is dealing with another serial arsonist like the early 90's :(
A minor gripe but ...
The last two IotDs were great, but I haven't (yet) been able to come up with any witty posts about either. This is particularly getting me down because these are right in my field. I have started threads about horny moose and wacky Japanese stuff. Yet, with a laughably horny moose, and some seriously twisted Japanese stuff... I got nuttin. I feel I am letting myself, and the cellar, down. I am very sorry. Between laughing. |
You should be ashamed! That's really poor form. No wonder you're upset.
I am compensating by imagining what would have happened if the moose had found, not a buffalo statue, but the giant Pikachu ... |
Lots of men compensate by imagining things that are just never going to happen. It appears that you're no exception. ;)
(Oh, and Mills and Boon novels are all that different, are they?) |
no, they're not very different at all. In fact, I can explain the whole plot of any one of them to you right now.
Did you know that all the authors have a formula that they have to follow? |
Not that M&B are all much the same. I think you may have had enough wine now, ma'am. |
yes I know that's what you were doing, and I was just agreeing with you.
god you're annoying. lol |
so, back on thread ... I'm what's upsetting you today, huh? :( |
No, you haven't annoyed me that much. I wouldn't say you're 'infuriating' which is a prerequisit for a M&B romance. Hubby probably wont mind too much since you live in another country.
You're entertaining me today. I probably should talk to you in another thread. |
*sighs* The two Js have fallen out. Had a screaming row and are both now upset. He's been prickly as an old army blanket just lately and picking fights with everyone. I can see him sabotaging good friendships and a good relationship and it really upsets me. I know him better than anybody else, but that means I also know it's pointless trying to get him to see what he's doing. He is absolutely adamant that the aggression, or hostility, or lack of respect etc comes from them first. Any attempt to calm him down and get him to see that his good friend hasn't just started raising their voice at him out the blue for no reason, just makes him feel that you are taking their side, and are just not seeing what he's had to put up with. Cannot see his part in provoking those reactions in people, goes off feeling like the whole world's against him, and that now even his friends don't like him...*heavy sigh* which is of course not true.
Had a text convo with her and haven't spoken to him yet. She clearly understands where he's coming from, but that doesn't make it any easier at the time the row erupts. Having lived with him for 12 years I know the patterns of those rows. She tells me her side of it it's like hearing myself talking to mum back in my 20s. Want to hug her. Want to hug and slap him. |
Ah well, perhaps it's all for the best. You can't stop other people from making their own mistakes anyway. |
(male) J is spiralling down. I don't know how far he'll go. He walked out on her today after picking a further fight. She knows what it's about, as do I. Something from his past he thought he had finished dealing with has reared its head. Complicated, family stuff. Ihaven't seen him like this for....god nine years maybe? It isn't like when we were splitting up, this is a deeper, much older pain.
He won't talk to her about it. Said there's no point, left her in a state and went home. he is trying to deal with it I know, by removing himself from everybody that matters so he can't hurt them whilst he is getting to grips with his issues. Damnit, he'd got away from this. Found a way he could reconcile himself to the past. Now he's fucking back in that place again. Breaks my heart. Breaks my heart to hear my friend Female J, so wildly upset she is hyperventilating, and can't actually talk when she's phoned me. I talked her down. I think. She knows what he's dealing with. Butthe whole thing sets off nasty resonances with an old relationship and the hurts she suffered there. They'll sort it out. But I hate knowing that she's heartbroken and he's in hell. |
Wow Dana...Is this your ex-husband?
Ex-partner. We're the same age and we lived together from 18 - 30. He is my oldest and dearest friend. His girlfriend is my closest female friend.
Just don't let her (female J) think that anything about it is her fault, or the cycle continues. She probably didn't even trigger it. No sense in creating new ghosts while just trying to let go of the old. Well...I'm going to try and keep it in mind myself. The going is about to get tough. |
*nods* that's pretty much been my tack.
Thing is...I used to be the one dealing with that and this has sent me back to places I didn't want to be. Fuck. Fuck this feeling of utter helplessness in the face of his overwhelming pain. |
Good News: Diagnosis for my lung issues.
Bad News: severe bronchitis/borderline pneumonia Bad News: need to quit running if I don't want it to turn into full blown pneumonia (deep breathing draws infection deeper into air sacs) Mixed News: got my period late last week, but that's actually OK, because the Leviquin for my chest can't be taken if your knocked up. Should be off the antibiotic before prime baby making time this month. Sigh. |
*hugs* poor you LabRat. Take the medical advice and avoid running. You'll be back on the baby making horse (so to speak) before you know it.
That's horrible, LR. Please take care of yourself--I suggest you stay in bed as much as possible, and keep very warm until you're completely better. Pneumonia is nasty, nasty stuff.
Oh LR, I just got over pneumonia...its a bitch.
Hope you can get over the bronchitis and it doesnt turn into pneumonia. |
This is kinda weird, but whats upsetting me is I just hired a cleaner for my house and I hate that she will be cleaning my mess!!
I'm really OC about mess, and am a bit freaked that someone else will be *cleaning* my house. She's just gonna be washing the floors, vacuuming and stuff...but still.... |
feel better LR. p-no-mia sucks.
on a much less upsetting level (only irritating): In setting up my business I cast a skeptical eye and the big boom in office condo buildings so chose not to buy one and am only renting space within an upscale suite of offices. overall, it is absolutely fantastic except the guy who owns the place has the office on the end which gets the setting sun and warms up a little bit. His solution is of course to crank the AC from noon on. As I type, my fingers are absolutely numb. i'm in the freaking desert. my door leads outside where it is 85. i'm freezing here. |
oh. damn...
just kidding, i tried that. the air actually kicks on if i do that (defeats the purpose) and I pick up road noise. eh, I'll live, i'm just bitching. |
My husband is away till Sunday and I'm due to ovulate in 2 days time. That's the bad news.
The good news is we had a quicky before he left this morning, so hopefully he's got some long lived sperm. lol I've even heard that the 'girl' sperm do live longer and so if you'd like a girl (which we would) you should have sex 2 to 3 days prior to ovulation so only 'girl' sperm are left alive. I don't know if that's really true or not, but I'm going to console myself with it at this point. |
is it just me or has there been a little more ovulation talk in the cellar lately?
I believe you're right. Hey, maybe it'll overwhelm the recurrence of undocumented immigrant bashing we've also been having lately.
A girl can dream... |
it's probably because a couple of us are trying to get up the duff with little success.
I think I've only posted one or two comments about my situation though. Sorry if it bothers anyone. |
Lookout, there's a very simple solution: get a piece of cardboard and duct tape it over the air vent(s). Leave a small slot as necessary to regulate how much air you actually need to get through. I did this in my old office and it worked great. Use clear packing tape if you want to avoid looking ghetto in front of clients.
Today the train I was riding on broke down on the way to work. It got as far as Ngarunga Gorge Station, jerked forwards and backwards a bit and then farted and died. The rush-hour commuters sat there for 30 minutes, reading, listening to ipods and looking at the waves in Wellington City Harbour. Woohoo.
Late for work. Again. And I was doing so well. |
good idea though. |
Here's some population statistics (continuously updated): 107,488,944 Births this year 262,400 Births today 44,198,800 Deaths this year 107,980 Deaths today 154,665 Absolute population growth for today (births minus deaths) |
we are obviously not killing enough people.
Are you suggesting I shouldn't be trying to have a baby HLJ?
But, no, it wasn't directed at you. eta: It is pretty mind-boggling to think that there have been a quarter of a million births already today. |
may all those looking to get in a family way achieve success. or at least have fun trying. :knockdup:
How many of those quarter of a million births do you think are being born under the same premise? |
Thanks lookout. That's really nice of you to say.
well, if you subtract the "we live in the middle of a freakin desert and only have a few scraps of clothing and flies to play with, what else do we have to do?" types, the "c'mon babe, you know i love you, and besides my parents won't be home for like an hour" kids, and the "heeyyouoo. itshhh 3 aclockk and yer hchhot! wannaa gto my plasshh?" adventurers.... wait, what was the question?
Oh and if you friggen women listened to me.....VITEX AGNUS!!!! get it
Or tequila....
I don't think not getting drunk often enough is my problem. lol
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