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And Bruce, we know a charming little place in PA where we could send her:rolleyes: |
I just found out that my main (read: currently my only) contracting gig will be ending in August because the company is closing. I was under the impression it was at least moderately profitable, so I don't understand why the owner is choosing to dissolve everything instead of selling the business as a whole, but he was nice enough to give everyone plenty of notice, anyway. I'm not going to be as hard hit as any of the full-time employees, of course, but it'll still hurt. We've always budgeted the necessities as if we only had one income, since mine was unpredictable, but unpredictable is still better than nonexistent. Anyone got any voiceover needs, or a few thousand files they need edited and processed? :(
My sis was let out of hospital at the weekend - scary fact is that they warned her she might have lost at least partial use of her hand due to the infection. It was caught in time, but it scares me how a simple cut took hospital intervention within 24 hours and there was still a reasonable element of danger. Knives don't kill people, infections do - as it were. Clod I'm really sorry to hear your news. Financial instability (even a rock of the boat) is always scary, and it must be much worse with children to consider. Here's hoping the J man is looking out for you as well as Foot's MIL. Apparently when he closes a door he opens a window. I do that if I've been in the bathroom a while too. Seriously - fingers crossed. |
Politics is a dirty place. My good friend J has thrown her hat in the ring for the parliametary candidature for the neighbouring constituency. This means she is trying to get selected by the party to stand as the MP candidate in the next general election. her constituency and mine are 'twinned' so many of the main players are the same in both. The faction I've mentioned before and who make life very difficult in my constituency are also doing the same in hers. They would rather have our party lose the seat than win it with J as the candidate.
The selection fight has started to get nasty. The other faction have started leaking stuff to the press and generally undermining J in favour of another candidate. What upsets me is they have no reason at all to harbour such hatred towards her. Not only are they smearing her in the press they are slandering her to anyone who'll listen. I cannot understand the level of vitriol. I mean, I can understand them hating me.....I am absolutely their enemy and have (and will continue to) attacked them; though never in the press, I will always keep in behind the party doors. J has never done anything to any of them. She's a really lovely person. |
you need to to obtain some very compromising photos of the b'stards.
wallet stolen
with everything save my soul and car keys in it fack filled out police report gotta go to DMV tomorrow early to get new license damnit |
Aw thats shitty fresh, I hope it turns out OK and that the person who stole it gets boils all over their body, old testament style.
I think I have a blood sugar problem and I didn't eat enough today. |
freshness, that's tough. I've lost my wallet twice and, luckily, found it again both times, most recently on Monday. It was sitting on the ground next to my motorcycle. Once I lost it in the ocean and my wife found it before I even knew it was gone. But it made me think what I'd have to go through to replace everything in there. Did you look on the ground next to your car?
or in the ocean?
Those were the next two places I was gonna search.
Got it stolen at the Lifetime Fitness Center I work out at yesterday. Musta dropped outta my pants or something while I changed... But I'm pretty sure it's not there since my credit card had already been charged 300 dollars and attempted to be charged close to 1,000 in a mere 3 hours after I got it stolen..... Luckily called the plastic company and froze it all and won't have to pay for anything. I had a AAA insurance card, BC/BS health insurance, +-20 bucks cash, my debit card and a shitload of giftcards. Heading over to the DMV in about 25 minutes. So not a big problem, but I'm going to watch my bills for a while and freakin' learn to lock all my shit up before I work out. |
Rotten luck Fresh.
At least you cancelled it in time. I lost my debit card without even knowing I'd lost it. I called my bank to cancel it when I tried to withdraw some money at 21.00 that evening and realised it was lost. I got home at 15.00 (I know because I switched the tv on and a certain programme was just starting). It turned out that at 15.30 my card was used a mile away in Walthamstow to buy an electrical item worth just under £1000 I can only assume it fell out of my car in front of my house, and the wrong person went past at the wrong time, saw it and acted on it immediately. They informed me a couple of weeks later about the transaction, which they had cancelled the next day, and I had to pay a £50 excess because I reported the loss after the purchase. Three months later the bank fraud dept asked me for a crime number. They claimed that I would be liable for the full amount after all, due to my late request to cancel the card and its subsequent use. They advised me it was "suspicious" that I hadn't reported the loss to the Police. They told me to go to my local police station and report it retrospectively - despite living in a different city by then. I tried - they were baffled and told me I must be confused. I was lucky they didn't laugh in my face. When I called the bank back they reiterated that without a crime number (for a crime I didn't know was committed until later) I would have to refund them for the transaction they had written off. Luckily my Mum worked for the police issuing those numbers at the time (albeit in a dufferent location) and she phoned them up on my behalf and set them straight. I don't bank with them any more. |
I swear to god, as I was typing this, the following popped up on my screen.
Well, doubleshit. the error has vanished as well. ffs. starting over AGAIN. |
fucking civic duty my ass. piece of shit trial judge announces a 4 week trial. tells people who are travelling for anniversaries, family vacations, etc to just reschedule. Another guy has devoted the last 18 months to prepping his company for launch... she tells him to delay it another month, no big deal. 3 of us stand up and explain that it isn't the loss of income for four weeks that is devastating (although that is bad enough) it's that we are each single person business owners and if we go away for a month there is a very real likelihood that the company will fold. Her response? Guess you need to hire someone quickly then. I further explain that my job is tied to market hours and I have to meet my clients during those times. Her response? If they're good clients they'll wait.
Fuck her and fuck the piece of shit on trial. 4 fucking weeks. |
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