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Griff 12-09-2012 07:39 PM

So Merlin wasn't in the house when I got home yesterday evening. Nobody remembered when he left as the door can be a turnstile. He didn't show up today, we asked a couple neighbors, nothing seen of him. The woods are full of gut piles, douchey hunters, and coyotes. Imma getting nervous about the old boys situation.:(

Chocolatl 12-09-2012 07:49 PM

Hope Merlin turns up soon! :(

Thanks ortho and Ali. I still have a very decent full head of hair, it's just strange after having it be so thick for the past few months! I'm already on an SSRI, so I doubt it's serotonin, but I'll keep that in mind.

orthodoc 12-09-2012 08:06 PM

Oh no, Griff ... hope Merlin turns up as well.

Griff 12-09-2012 08:24 PM

Thanks guys.

xoxoxoBruce 12-09-2012 09:17 PM

Give him a big hug and a thorough scolding when he comes home. :(

Nirvana 12-09-2012 10:30 PM

Do I know that feeling Griff, so sorry that is the suck~ :(

DanaC 12-10-2012 02:28 AM

Any news on Merlin?

Griff 12-10-2012 05:33 AM

Nothing yet.

Aliantha 12-10-2012 06:01 AM


Trilby 12-10-2012 06:45 AM

Spiderman got away for two days once----and I'd had her since kittenhood AND (bad owner, bad owner!) she hadn't been fixed yet. I live in a high traffic are AND by a creek full of aggressive racoons, opposums and fox. she was gone two days (had never been outside before) but came home and
VOILA! Was NOT preggers, either!

Merlin will be back. I feel certain he will.

infinite monkey 12-10-2012 07:07 AM

Oh no. I hope Merlin comes home soon. :(

footfootfoot 12-10-2012 09:31 AM

Merlin come home!

BigV 12-10-2012 08:11 PM

have you tried wandering around the woods, bleating?

Griff 12-11-2012 05:36 AM

Benny and I did a couple hours in the dark last night. It isn't looking good.

glatt 12-11-2012 07:39 AM

Sorry, Griff. :(

xoxoxoBruce 12-11-2012 10:00 AM

Do you think Benny would willingly get in somebody's car?

BigV 12-11-2012 12:14 PM

shit. is he chipped? tagged?

infinite monkey 12-11-2012 12:18 PM

I hate this place. Not the Cellar. THIS place.

morethanpretty 12-11-2012 05:49 PM

Having a completely insane moodswing. I should probably take my meds and go to bed before I do anything worse than yelling at people on the phone.

BigV 12-11-2012 08:19 PM


check back in later though.

Griff 12-11-2012 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 843215)
Do you think Benny Merlin would willingly get in somebody's car?

Yeah, he is/was a complete sweetheart except when someone was on his porch.

Originally Posted by BigV (Post 843238)
shit. is he chipped? tagged?

Tags no chip.

BigV 12-11-2012 09:08 PM

fucking fuck.

I'm upset at myself. I parked carelessly the other day, got a parking ticket. $44 bucks. OUCH. But it gets better. Since I didn't pay it promptly (within 14 days) a late penalty of $25 bucks has been added.


Somebody's gonna get $69 less holiday this year.


DanaC 12-12-2012 03:56 AM

That sucks V :( Bad enough having to pay out, but when it's your own fault it sucks ass big time.

@ Griff: still no news?

Griff 12-12-2012 05:48 AM

Nothing. The neighbors expressed sincere concern for him which was nice, but nothing new.

orthodoc 12-12-2012 07:06 AM

I'm sorry, Griff. Still crossing fingers and hoping for good news.

Sundae 12-12-2012 07:15 AM

Good news/ bad news.
Wokplace Assessment Review has me signed off until January, then a phased return. Have to assent to abstinence (I do!)

Hate to be away for Christmas week, but I still have a job.
Also have to go onto SSP (which is even lower than my normal wages). But I still have a job.

And I've lost 2.5 stone.
If I can make it 3 by the time I get back to work then they'll see the difference.

Sorry Griff, haven't commented on your situation, been too concerned with mine.
I really feel for you. Bloody awful - fingers crossed and all that.

V, it will come back to you one way or another. Which is hippy-speak for "I feel your pain too". Not a good time of year for frivolities.

limey 12-12-2012 10:16 AM

Sundae, you've lost 2.5 stone - they'll see that all right! Well done, even if it was kind of forced on you! The not back to work til January thing sucks, indeed, but then you're going back to the job you love.
Big V - been there, done that (not with parking fines, but same sort of thing), bummmmer.
Griff - I do hope Merlin turns up safe and well.

BigV 12-12-2012 11:23 AM

Merlin, come home, please!

I've mentioned before that Twil's dog is

part antelope, part Houdini, part fence climbing monkey, purebred recidivist.
Last night she called me and said "Jack's back." *blinkblink* Back? Yeah, he'd slipped his bonds and had some adventure through the area. He was all muddy and wet when she found him and brought him in. I know well the ache of a missing family member. I hope he turns up at the pound or the neighbor's or back in the yard! And soon. Merlin, come home!

Trilby 12-12-2012 11:24 AM

well, that's GREAT actually, Sundae! Time OFF!

Now, how are they going to (if they are) monitor you? How will they know if you've been naughty or nice? what is a phased return?

and congrats on the wt. loss babeh!

Griff---I'm so sorry. :( I hope Merlin comes home.

and sundae---what is SSP?

I"m an ignorant Yank you know.

limey 12-12-2012 12:37 PM


Originally Posted by Trilby (Post 843417)
---what is SSP?

I"m an ignorant Yank you know.

SSP is Statutory Sick Pay, a government allowance payable when your employer's sick pay stops. Dang commie idea if you ask me!

Sent by thought transference.

BigV 12-12-2012 12:39 PM

2.5 stone?! that's 35 pounds? Wow! wtg!

Trilby 12-12-2012 12:45 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 843434)
2.5 stone?! that's 35 pounds? Wow! wtg!

I know! I stopped drinking and all I got was consciousness (which is overrated IMHO)

BigV 12-12-2012 01:35 PM


eta--a reaction, not a suggestion

DanaC 12-12-2012 01:58 PM

2.5 stone? And you didn't have to go in the jungle to do it!

Well done chika :)

Big Sarge 12-12-2012 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 843434)
2.5 stone?! that's 35 pounds? Wow! wtg!

Please excuse me for having certain thoughts, but I bet your butt looks great in those jeans.:o

Lamplighter 12-14-2012 11:00 PM

Two weeks ago, this part of Oregon had a major rain.
Rivers were "blown out"... flooding and chocolate colored.
My wife and I spent a great weekend at the coast,
and came back to PDX on Sunday.

It was a fantastic drive home, up over to coast range,
first along the Wilson River to the summit,
and then down Gales Creek to the Willamette Valley.

I was so cheerful and looking forward to getting back on-line again.
I planned to describe the brilliant green of the river and white hanging fogs,
the yellows of the vine maples on the forest floor,
the greys of the forest punctuated by the greens of the cedar and fir.

But first, I started catching up on my un-read postings,
and got into those god-awful postings in the "Merc - Wtf" thread.
I've been fairly dispirited all week.

So now it's another weekend.
I am going to use it to get over those disappointments,
and spend more time with my G-daughter, my wife, my dog,
or anyone else that can put up with me and my foul mood.

Aliantha 12-15-2012 12:00 AM

Cheer up Lamp. It's not all bad. :)

Sundae 12-15-2012 04:41 AM


Originally Posted by Big Sarge (Post 843529)
Please excuse me for having certain thoughts, but I bet your butt looks great in those jeans.:o

Actually my jeans are hanging off me so it looks like my butt is halfway to my knees.
A look prized by teenage boys, but not so desirable when you're fair, fat and forty.

It looks quite tidy in my size 20 trousers though ;) (US size 18)

Lamp, stay out of certain threads, put some Dwellars on Ignore if you have to.
There is good news out there.

Clodfobble 12-16-2012 12:03 PM

A trip to the urgent care clinic this morning revealed an extensive kidney infection. My back is killing me, and I keep puking up anything I eat. Yet despite being exhausted, I can't sleep. All I can do is lay here and hope the antibiotics start working soon. Blech.

orthodoc 12-16-2012 12:11 PM

:( Sorry to hear that, Clod. Try to stay hydrated and feel better soon!

footfootfoot 12-16-2012 12:28 PM

ow ow ow ow ow

limey 12-16-2012 12:35 PM

Get well soon. Keep up the fluids.

Sent by thought transference.

footfootfoot 12-16-2012 12:50 PM

Not an expert in kidneys, but mightn't they want a little time off, or are they like livers and need to be punished?

Chocolatl 12-16-2012 01:11 PM

Yikes. I'm sorry about ur kidneys, Clod! Get well soon!

DanaC 12-16-2012 01:52 PM

Oh Clod, that sucks. Get well soon m'dear.

Griff 12-16-2012 03:14 PM

Sorry to hear it clod.

glatt 12-16-2012 05:08 PM

get better soon.

Lola Bunny 12-16-2012 05:57 PM

aww, man, that sucks, Clod. Hope you feel better soon!

Clodfobble 12-16-2012 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 844162)
Not an expert in kidneys, but mightn't they want a little time off, or are they like livers and need to be punished?

More water helps flush the infection out. More chocolate almond milk, on the other hand, probably not the best idea. But my stomach's got their back in that regard, couldn't keep it down if I wanted to. I am feeling a little better now though, might even manage to eat breakfast tomorrow.

Aliantha 12-17-2012 12:43 AM

Didn't you have a kidney infection not so long ago clod? I hope this one sorts itself out soon. xx

Sundae 12-17-2012 07:35 AM

Argh, Clod. I've only had cystitis. It was bad enough once to become a kidney infection and it hurt like buggery.
Many healing thoughts to you.

BigV 12-17-2012 12:07 PM

take all your antibiotitcs
take your pain medication
take care of yourself.

Have Mr Clod take care of you for us, hm?

Yes, I know this makes me a selfish bastard, guilty.

Sundae 12-18-2012 07:41 AM

I asked way back when, that Dad would take me to Amersham on Friday 21st.
It was fine, agreed, done and dusted.
Checked again today - because I am aware things have changed.

Your father cannot drive at night any more.

Well, all fair and good but he drives to church every Saturday night.
And (why this irritates me) no-one has said anything about this new rule to me. My travels plans depend on it.

I get it. I do.
I just wish Mum had discussed this with me.
She knows what a tight budget I am on. She knows I can't rely on my salary this month. Good job I asked. I can't even offer to go during the day, as I have a counselling session from 15.00-16.00. Dark by then.

I'll deal with this of course.
And they both have so much on their plates I know why my travel plans weren't considered.
I'm being a spoilt brat.
But better to get it out here than be bratty to them.

It's just a £17 reduction in funds for the hoolie.
Put that against Dad's health it's nothing.

Chocolatl 12-20-2012 05:36 PM

Hope you were able to work something out, Sundae.

Chocolatl 12-20-2012 05:49 PM

Our pediatrician's office is closed through the end of the year. Wanting to rule out infection as the source of Beans' five day fussiness, I decided to take her to the after hours pediatrics place. (Verdict: just teething.)

After a 45 minute wait, the doctor came in and started manhandling Beans. She (understandably) freaked out. Rather than slow down and coo to comfort her, he just yelled "HEY!" in her face and kept going. He kept checking her over roughly, and she got so upset she was choking on her own cries. So the doc yelled in her ear "DON'T GET PISSED!"

What an ass! Who yells at a four month old baby who was in pain to begin with? The mama bear in me wanted to tear him to shreds. Needless to say, we're never going there again.

BigV 12-20-2012 07:09 PM

What the fuck?

I'd file a complaint. He must work for someone, the franchise owner for the clinic. Really, really unacceptable. This guy doesn't know what he's doing, and who knows what harm his ignorance could cause. Not that I'm wishing you ill, but what makes you think an idiot like that got even that right?


orthodoc 12-20-2012 07:39 PM

Seriously, file a complaint. There's no excuse ... I can't even conceive of yelling at a baby I was examining. He needs to be fired. Think about filing a complaint with the state medical board. He can be called on the carpet for unprofessional behavior, endangering a patient's welfare, etc. Frankly, I think he needs a psychological evaluation. Please do make a complaint, choco, I hate to think there's a doc out there behaving like that.

Chocolatl 12-20-2012 08:11 PM

Thankfully it was only at "asshole" level and did not escalate to "psycho." He was using the tone and volume you'd use for an adult who was hard of hearing, instead of the comforting murmur you'd expect for a teething baby. It was just a complete lack of bedside compassion, in contrast to our regular pediatrician who is so sweet and gentle.

BigV 12-20-2012 09:19 PM

Big rant follows.

You're the mom, so, ok. Don't expect a babysitting request from me though. I think it's total bullshit. Being an asshole to a baby. Hm. Why? I know you talk to Bean, you're immersing her in language, teaching her. The good doctor was also speaking to her, but not to teach, he was only scratching his *own* itch, venting his own frustrations.

It's been a really long time since I was a baby, but I know some stuffs about them. They get your speech to them, on a visceral level. And you can move that needle in either direction, more comfort, more stress, whatever. But they're not verbal. They can't be admonished. Why did he speak to her like that? What was the purpose? I bet he wanted her to be more cooperative, that's understandable, desirable. So, I ask myself again, why speak to her like that? Was it out of utter ignorance that a crying four-month-old baby wouldn't be able to understand his words? Was it indifference? Callousness? Did he really think he could shock her into silence? Speaking to her like she's a hard of hearing adult is stupid, at best. I'm running down the list here, and *none* of them fit. Asshole fits. Other, worse descriptions fit.

You and I talk with words. We can use them (and other modes) to communicate with each other. Bean doesn't have words yet. She was communicating with the doctor, and you, and it's up to the adults in the room to accommodate her. There's nothing, not one single thing that a four-month-old baby is obligated to do, not even settle down, not stop crying, nothing. The universe revolves around them. As it should.

Naturally, as parents, we know there's other stuff going on, but we let them have their "illusion". We have the bandwidth to do so and still have enough left over to take care of business in the rest of our lives. Sounds like your doctor doesn't. Maybe it was an anomaly, or maybe there's a bigger problem, I don't know. But in my opinion, it should not be left to stand unchallenged. I'm not the kind of man that sends his meal back to the kitchen because it's messed up, I'm an easy-going guy. But this subject is serious and though Bean's almost certainly undamaged by the episode, it should have never have happened and it for damn sure should never happen again. Letting it slide is a bad idea. I wouldn't be interested in an apology or a refund or anything. I just want assurance that it is on the record and that it won't happen again.

ps, I'm sorry about the babysitting remark, that was unfair. YOU'RE fine, I'm frustrated by what the doctor did, not what you did.


I'm sorry that the doctor was an asshole and that he treated Bean badly. I completely understand your anger at his actions and your frustration with the situation. I applaud your restraint. I sure hope Bean doesn't suffer too badly; new teeth are terrible. Poor little Bean.

footfootfoot 12-20-2012 09:28 PM

Still, kick that doctor in the balls for me. We have a similar doc up here and no one is willing to report his fuck-ups, NOT EVEN AFTER HE KILLED A PATIENT by prescribing the wrong meds.

He tried to put our pregnant friend on Lipitor because her cholesterol was mildly elevated.

Luckily, she knew not to take it and asked him if he was serious and if he knew what he was doing. She didn't file a complaint.

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