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Griff 07-10-2008 08:13 PM

That is beyond suck. Sorry man. That's what you get for voting. :3_eyes:

footfootfoot 07-10-2008 08:55 PM

Dude, that really blows. A lawyer friend of mine explained to me how to get out of being selected for jury duty something to the effect of spouting racist bigoted remarks which barely pertain to any questions asked of you. You may lose a day showing up for selection but you won't be selected.

Do you know either of these people?
Mr. X? Sounds like some cocksucking faggot jew/chink/nigger etc. name.Do I look like I'd know some faggot jew/chink/nigger etc.?
There all guilty as hell and should be sent back where they belong etc. etc.e tc.

Apparently you won't be asked to sit on jury duty.

I changed my voting registration and since then I haven't been asked once in many years.

Clodfobble 07-10-2008 09:56 PM

That sucks lookout, I'm sorry. Sounds like it's time to invest in a Blackberry and keep constant email communication going throughout the proceedings.

xoxoxoBruce 07-10-2008 10:01 PM

That might get you dismissed... hopefully.

SteveDallas 07-10-2008 11:47 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 468184)
That sucks lookout, I'm sorry. Sounds like it's time to invest in a Blackberry and keep constant email communication going throughout the proceedings.

I'm sure it depends on the court, or possibly even the judge, but when I did jury duty earlier this year, we were under strict orders to have our phones OFF. Not silent, not on vibrate, but off. And when it came time to actually deliberate, the bailiffs collected them.

Sundae 07-11-2008 05:47 AM

Sorry for you Lookout.
One of our Sales Managers (in a previous job) was in the same situation. He lucked out in that "his" trial was only two days in the end. May it happen for you.

Just as an aside.
I've wanted to be on jury duty since I hit 18.
I've never been self employed and only once been on bonuses that would make it hard for me to miss work.

I was summonsed. Once. The week before I left London for Leicester - all plans made, not working, moving out date agreed with landlord, employment agencies in Leicester contacted. And they called me for jury duty. I could have cried.

Of course I had to advise them I couldn't attend as I wouldn't be living in the area on the date of the summons. I asked for a deferral but I was given a (? cancellation?) because of the change in geography. Sigh.

Don't get me wrong - I really like the job I'm in at present. I'd probably come in every evening just to catch up and be involved. I'd just love the chance to be part of a court case.

glatt 07-11-2008 08:07 AM


Originally Posted by SteveDallas (Post 468215)
I'm sure it depends on the court, or possibly even the judge, but when I did jury duty earlier this year, we were under strict orders to have our phones OFF. Not silent, not on vibrate, but off. And when it came time to actually deliberate, the bailiffs collected them.

When I showed for jury duty earlier this year, cell phones were banned from the courthouse. Couldn't even make it through front door security with one. Fuckers.

footfootfoot 07-11-2008 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 468184)
That sucks lookout, I'm sorry. Sounds like it's time to invest in a Blackberry and keep constant email communication going throughout the proceedings.

Or you could play sudoku...,00.html

how can I make my text into a link or vice versa? I forgot while I was away.

glatt 07-11-2008 08:32 AM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 468271)
how can I amke my text into a link or vice versa? I forgot while I was away.

Highlight the text and then click the little blue globe button to fill in the address.

lookout123 07-11-2008 09:46 AM

I would like to point out for the record that I'm not some dickwad that refuses to serve or thinks my job is more important than another person's. I have served on two juries in the past. Both less than a week. I was fully willing to sacrifice another few days for this. But realistically 4 weeks + deliberations wouldn't just hurt my personal funds it would put my business in real danger. Clients aren't all that understanding of their money manager being gone for a month, for any reason.

footfootfoot 07-11-2008 10:22 AM

I don't think a person is a dickwad for wanting to preserve his business rather than serve the judicial system of an administration which has amply shown it won't bail him out when his business fails and he is bankrupt. Unless of course his business has members of the current administration, or their families on its board of directors, in which case, you would be bailed out when you went bankrupt and you also wouldn't have to serve jury duty either, nor would you have to serve in the military.

So, no I don't think you are a dickwad for wanting to earn a living rather than be a drain on our country's allready tapped finances.

And on another totally unrelated topic, nuke a gay whale for christ!

(Do I sound bitter and cynical? I'm don't feel bitter and cynical)

Sundae 07-11-2008 10:47 AM

I wouldn't judge someone because being on jury service had a negative impact on their livelihood.

I think it would bring a negative attitude to the process of justice.
Of course it is important that successful and well paid people also serve - it just seems a shame that you can't get some sort of dispensation for having served twice before.

I'll come and pretend to be you if you like?
I'll just need airfare and a dialogue coach

Flint 07-11-2008 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 468273)
Highlight the text and then click the little blue globe button to fill in the address.

!!! I've been typing [ url="*" ] text [ /url ].

glatt 07-11-2008 01:11 PM

That'll work too. If you're old school.

lookout123 07-11-2008 01:15 PM

I'm happy now because I've just been released, but the whole process has left me a bit angry.

This morning I was threatened with contempt of court and warned about my attitude and lack of respect. I explained how I felt I was showing the exact amount of respect needed for someone willing to allow small business owners suffer and go out of business with a wave of their hand because they've lost touch with the world just outside their doors. I still didn't get dismissed for that though.

The judge continued the questioning right up until the point that I said I thought it was a travesty that I would be forced to sit in a courtroom for four weeks watching my business fall apart before I could say "Guilty".

The defendent about shit himself and I was dismissed shortly afterwards.

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