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zippyt 07-12-2008 09:18 PM

Pico , all you need is a tshirt to sleep in , swim in etc,,,
Cooler of beer
oh and bug spray !!

Just kidding , go have fun , DON'T Stress !!!
Oh and Pics are Mandatory !!!!!!

monster 07-12-2008 09:23 PM

you will be plenty warm. take cotton sheets to sleep under as well as sleeping bags. if it gets really hot and humifd you'll be more comfortable on the sleeping bags rather than in them, but you'll want something on you. Plan ro sleep in undies and t-shirt if not nekkid, is generally not worth the effort of changing.

Get a decent-sized cooler, buy ice on a regular basis. We take cereal, disposable bowls and spoons and milk in the cooler.

monster 07-12-2008 09:28 PM

oh yes... zippy got it -BUG SPRAY

zippyt 07-12-2008 09:35 PM

it looks like a nice place Pico

Pico and ME 07-12-2008 09:56 PM

Pics there will be...that is if I remember to get the battery and film for my camera nice digital is broke so I'm gonna take my little point and shoot. Thanks for the sheets suggestion Monster. Its a great idea and it never occurred to me.

Bug spray I did think of...I hate mosquitos!

zippyt 07-12-2008 10:04 PM

we but water bed sheets on our king sized air matres ,they are JUST right

morethanpretty 07-12-2008 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 468729)
oh yes... zippy got it -BUG SPRAY

and sunscreen! I think they make sunscreen w/ bug spray in it...or bug spray w/ sunscreen in it...

Hiking? Comfortable shoes and pants or long socks at least.

A good thing I like to take to eat out camping are foil packets. Favorite meats (already cooked), veggies, butter and some spices. Place 'em in the edge of the fire and they'll heat nicely, can eat 'em right out of the foil. They should stay fine in the cooler, just keep the foil tight and store 'em in a ziploc.

Also staying clean can sometimes be an issue, its convenient to take along towelets you can wipe down with, there are special ones for your backside too.

Don't worry too much! There's always a Wal-Mart nearby to save you.

Pico and ME 07-12-2008 10:32 PM

Ive been told that even getting ice will be a challenge...not easy to come by and expensive, but I will tuck away the foil packet idea for future use...its a good one.

zippyt 07-12-2008 10:35 PM

get some 1/2 gallon milk jugs , fill with water , freeze , they hold for a few days , and make water when they melt

Pico and ME 07-12-2008 10:36 PM

Damn. Shoot, should have thought of that. No time now.

zippyt 07-12-2008 10:45 PM

quart jugs work well to,

Carol keeps 7-8 of them in the freezer at all times ( A full freezer is WAY more efficent than empty one )

Sundae 07-13-2008 05:42 AM

I have purple hair that I wasn't planning on.
And there are two toned, tanned, topless men outside my house and all I can think of is.... why couldn't they dig up the pavement tomorrow when I'm at work?!

Not into eye candy really, more bothered by having to have the blinds drawn so I can wander about in my knickers before getting ready for work at the pub.

Unnatural woman that I am.

Griff 07-13-2008 05:55 AM

Two-toned? Tell them to leave their shirts on at work, can't be sporting a farmer tan in public.

footfootfoot 07-13-2008 06:09 AM


Originally Posted by Pico and ME (Post 468733)
Pics there will be...that is if I remember to get the battery and film for my camera nice digital is broke so I'm gonna take my little point and shoot. Thanks for the sheets suggestion Monster. Its a great idea and it never occurred to me.

Bug spray I did think of...I hate mosquitos!

Film??? Be still my beating heart...:blush:

xoxoxoBruce 07-13-2008 08:19 AM

Luddite. :p

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