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elSicomoro 07-18-2008 03:01 PM

Mrs. S had to serve on jury duty this week. Sat around all day Monday, and got called into voir dire in the early afternoon. Someone got sick during voir dire and an ambulance had to be called. Before it was finished, the defendant pleaded out. So they had to start all over again on Tuesday. She sits through voir dire all day Tuesday, and is selected as a juror at the end of the day. When she arrives for the trial Wednesday morning, this new defendant has also pleaded out, and the judge let the jurors go.

When I served on jury duty in the City of Philadelphia, you had to check electronic devices in. St. Louis doesn't have that requirement, though they are required to be turned off during proceedings.

Griff 07-18-2008 03:07 PM


Originally Posted by BigV (Post 470093)
can't find my passport

Dude, McCain is 7 points behind, chill.

elSicomoro 07-18-2008 03:19 PM

Oh, did I mention that my car got booted while I was making a delivery to a fucking hospital?! Read my blog for today.

Griff 07-18-2008 03:22 PM

Oh, friggin nice.

jinx 07-18-2008 08:22 PM

If you were still in Philly you might have been on Parking Wars. Surprisingly funny show...

elSicomoro 07-18-2008 11:29 PM

I've watched some of the episodes...funny indeed. I'm not sure who's worse sometimes: the PPA folks or the violators.

What happened to me today was on the hospital property, so it was their security that booted my car...the fuckers. At least my boss gave me $20 of the $25 back.

TheMercenary 07-19-2008 05:56 AM


Originally Posted by sycamore (Post 470103)
Oh, did I mention that my car got booted while I was making a delivery to a fucking hospital?! Read my blog for today.

I would have added in your letter that you will be contacting all of the other delivery guys in your area and we will no longer leave our vehicles, all the patrons will have to meet you at the street where you park your car.

Maybe they can set up an official area for cars to park.

Sundae 07-20-2008 07:47 PM

Forget what I said about studying for the OU.
I'm out of here in a month.
All my supposed security blown away by HM's pissy mood.

Fuck him.
He who must not be named.

He came home pissed off.
I was still up - well, it's Sunday Night Music Club - much as I hate it, it happens every week and I don't say a word because it's his house. So I stay awake as long as I can in the hope that the random people he brings home from the pub don't wake me up.

About 01.00 I hear a yell. I scream (I had my earplugs in, didn't know anyone was in)
Apparently Hely has broken his lamp.
Earplugs out, I can hear him cussing and huffing and puffing and he shouts out again because he has cut himself.

At this point I dress and go to say he doesn't have to do that (clear up) I will do it for him tomorrow.

He says he'll do it himself

I go to the toilet and realise he has brought home a scrappy end of toilet roll (I have bought the last 16 now) and mention it to him. He says yes he brought it back because he knew there wasn't any

He then asks when Hely is going to be let out
I say I had her innoculated yesterday (I did it on my own, despite the fact he said he would take us in his car) but I wasn't happy with her going out just yet

I say - I'll buy you a new lamp, you know I'll buy you a new lamp
admittedly I am angry at this point
Angry re the usual Sunday night no sleep
Angry re the usual Cherry clean up (the only room he has to do is the living room and that is a tip and has been for 6 weeks)
Angry re his so often repeated idea that Hely needs to be let out despite the risk of her bolting
Angry just anyway

Me - YES I AM ANNOYED BECAUSE.... (door slammed in face along with something muttered)

so I go into my room saying
Me - FINE! shut door
(but I bet you.....)

Him at door

So that's that babbas.
After all my swallowing my annoyance at Sunday night disturbances, at cleaning up after him in the kitchen daily, at my 3 room clean every week and him doing nothing. It all comes down to this. Barely nothing, and I'm out.

Of coure he probably doesn't mean it.
But after what wasn't even a disagreement - I mean I raised my voice for half a sentence, and that after he had raised his - how can I ever feel secure again?

Details given (and I hope you'll note they never were before) because this time I know I was annoyed but I did not lose my temper and was not in the wrong.

So much for being here for the next 6 years.
Looks like I'll have to move back to Mum & Dad's after all.
Very, very unhappy tonight.

jinx 07-20-2008 08:03 PM

Sorry to hear that SG but honestly not surprised, Ive seen too many friendships end when people who aren't fucking try to live together. I hope you can transition smoothly.... maybe he'll feel like enough of ass to be helpful with your move at least.

Clodfobble 07-20-2008 08:23 PM

Oh Sundae, I'm so sorry. I really hope he realizes he was being an idiot and apologizes and it all blows over. Will you be able to keep your jobs if you're living with your parents?

Sundae 07-20-2008 08:51 PM

Nope. They live 40+ miles away on the wrong side of London (= car or expensive commute)

Have had another thought since the doom & gloom posting. I might be able to bunk at the pub for a while. Still heartbreaking (I'd have to lose Diz and that makes me cry immediately) but I could keep my jobs.


I know I can't stay here now.
This is the first time he's told me to leave.
And our rows have been worse.
But we haven't had one in MONTHS.
So this is a new development, and I can't live like that.

To think I was planning six years ahead!
I feel so naive.

bluecuracao 07-20-2008 09:11 PM

Hey SG, if you haven't had a fight in months...maybe this one will just blow over, and you won't have one for another year. :)

skysidhe 07-20-2008 10:05 PM

I have 4 days left to vacation and I am whinning about one day! ( I want to sleep )

pffft! @ me

DanaC 07-21-2008 04:56 AM

SG, are there no rentals nearby that you can look at?

This is horrible. I know you must be feeling really shit at the moment. I so hope you find a solution that allows you to keep Diz.

kerosene 07-21-2008 09:27 AM

I am so sorry, Sundae. What a crappy situation. Do you think he will calm down enough to listen to your side of things anytime soon?

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