Radar |
04-28-2007 11:47 AM |
Originally Posted by Spexxvet
(Post 338637)
Our individual morals don't have to be mutually exclusive, do they? Your morals are valid, in that they are what they are. We are both right, in our own opinion. Surely, morals can change. You don't feel the same way morally now as you did as a teenager, do you? If they can change, why can they change do to the influence of someone else?
Gotta log off for a while.
I'm sure if you ask a child molester whether he's doing something immoral, he'll say he's not. Hitler thought what he was doing was saving the world. The fact remains these people are insane and are sociopaths.
Yes, individuals may have different sets of morality. Some find merely being born gay to be immoral. Some find sex before marriage to be immoral.
Personal morality and government morality are entirely different things. Your personal morality does not grant you any authority to legislate your religious beliefs onto others. Government morality is merely here to ensure that we don't physically harm, endanger, or violate the person, property, or rights of non-consenting others.
Peter McWilliams does a fantastic job of describing this more eloquently than I'd ever be able to in his book "Ain't Nobody's Business If You Do".
The whole book is available to read online (though I recommend buying a copy). Here is the chapter in question...