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I finished my fafsa last night, then I tried to apply for a private loan from the bank that I've had accounts with since I was 13 years old. The bank denied me even with my dad cosigning for alot of shit that doesn't make sense, and gave me an 800 number that doesn't go anywhere to "answer all of my questions". So now I'm trying a stafford loan (currently on hold going on 10 minutes now) to get info about that, because I went to the FA office this morning and they just said to "call the 800 number" or "try applying again" because the rejections were due to me not having a cosigner...even though I did.
It's all fucking nobody's fault, because "we don't handle that, xxxx dept handles that, here's their 800 number" and I keep getting 800 numbers until I hit one that has NO people available to talk to at all, and then the recording tells me to have a nice day. |
Also I'm now late to work today, where I'm supposed to be covering a shift for another girl because I can't get through to anyone. Awesome.
(Don't mean to shit on your help guys, I really, REALLY appreciate you trying to help, but this is getting really ridiculous and frustrating.) |
Razz, I'm really just trying to understand this, but why wouldn't your FA dept lead you to a Stafford loan (administered by the school) and tell you to forget about the private loan. Again...you need NO co-signer, NO credit check. I'm quite confused. Make sure you're asking the right questions, arm yourself with information. A great resource is http://studentaid.ed.gov/PORTALSWebA...lish/index.jsp
The more you know, the easier it will be to navigate the process. Please let me know what happens, and why you are not applying for a stafford... |
I'm fucking COLD! I ask for a heater, but NOOO, if I get one, then others will ask for one and let's not forget about the fucking safety issue of having a heater in my cubicle. Fuckers. I have problems with cold, it says so on the mayo clinic website!!
Luckily my boss is going to say it is because of health problems that I need it. If I still get denied, I am getting the ugliest brightest fucking blanket and MATCHING fucking sweater. We'll see what they do then when the precious visitors are being shown around and I am bundled up like a bag lady. Oh and thanks for telling me that the temperature is good for Everyone. Apparently I don't FUCKING count. fuck |
Just get a big heat lamp. Tell them you have bad night vision.
Pearl the dog is in surgery tomorrow morning to remove the 1" steak bone she ate over the weekend.
Luckily she was in the x's watch, not mine, and so x has offered to pay 100% of the bill. You don't feed dogs cooked bones, people. They can't digest them. She is under really good vet care, and she's a strong girl, she will make it. They were very good at assuring me this one is not a problem. It's in her stomach and so it should be pretty simple. They had her under anesthesia before and she did very well. This is one of the best vets in the area. And those are all the thoughts I keep repeating. |
I'm sure your puppy will be fine UT. It's still frightening when your pet has to have an operation though. Keep your chin up. She'll be home before you know it.
Will definitely be thinking good thoughts for Pearl tomorrow.
My friggin lift kit broke. What the hell? :headshake http://pic20.picturetrail.com/VOL162.../329084445.jpg |
Get ready with the snuggles and hugs, UT. Pearl's gonna need extra love when she gets home.
U.T.Thinking good thoughts for Pearl.( a beautiful name btw)
Jinx-I don't know enough about cars to know what I am looking at except something that looks like a bandage :blush: |
Hope everything goes smooth for Pearl, UT.
jinx - that looks like installation error, to me.
MY KIDS ARE DRIVING ME NUTS. All day long, bickering, competing over who gets what first, who sits in the front seat, who chooses the TV show, who gets the computer, who made the mess in the living room, who was the last one to scoop the litter box, GRRRR! And then my daughter gives me this doleful look and says "do you hate me?" Knowing damn well I could never in a million years hate her, it's just a way of pushing my buttons. If you ask me, summer vacation is at least 2 months too long!
bbro - without wantingto sound harsh, at least you have the option of putting more clothes on. I have been too hot in every job I've had in the last 6 years, and the longest of those had air-con! If you have a health condition I do commiserate - you should be provided with a personal heater, or at least allowed to provide your own.
But the coldest person in any working environment should never be allowed to raise the genberal temperatue to above recommended guidelines. And no amounts of fluffy jumpers and blankets should be allowed to sway that. UT - very sorry to hear about Pearl. She's with the experts and I'm sure she will be good as new very soon. My cats have raw bones all the time, and HM gives them cooked ones - no problems yet, but I am wary. When we move, Diz won't be getting any more cooked bones. Especially not the spicy chicken ones, which he somehow didn't realise would result in cat sick all over my bed...? Juniper - I thought you packed them all off to camp or summer school in the US? Not a parenting dig - we were shipped off to our Grandparents here :) |
UT--thinking of Pearl, I'm sure everything will come out fine (pun intended.) Lots of lovies when she gets home!
juniper, I used to know a group of ladies who had a huge party every year when their kids went back to school. |
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