![]() |
almost better now mate. :) I can even breath through my nose!
he died
he's making a comeback isn't he?
probably. ;) I made up that bit about him dying for dramatic effect. Looks like I only managed consternation here...
I ashamedly admit that I remember that song too. :thepain:
I was young, stupid, teenaged, and had not yet learned to recognize a talentless prettyboy carried entirely by the studio techies. If he's not dead, I think he should have become Jason Donovan's soul(-less) mate. |
Foxsoccerchannel...not...playing...arsenal matches. their tied for first with manchester united and FSC is playing a freaking FA Cup match between what i believe are two league one sides. are you freaking kidding me???
but, aha! just found out that they are on setanta and i know of a restaurant, ok - bar with a kitchen that has setanta. off i go. i can take my work with me and call it a working lunch. ***just received my email notifying me of my bill from the saturday night. I went to a silent auction for a charity group. ouch. i'm not sure whether to post this in the happy or upsetting thread.**** |
Don't misunderstand - I'm a fan of the FA cup. I actually care more about that than the Champions League (ya i know, backwards) but to have to lower league teams televised in the US instead of this game? BTW, did i mention that this is just one of the multiple replays of this FA Cup game? I'm happy that these players get the opportunity to be televised, but... but... not in place of a live Gunners game.
I won a couple different weekend getaways and a champagne brunch. Didn't get the Wii. |
inconsequential. Maddening. |
bad day today.
:( |
I have a pain at the top of my right thigh. It's on the outside of the thigh, the part that continues round from the butt.
It started last week and I thought I'd burned myself sitting too close to the outside heater when we sat in the yard with HM's brother (a smoker). It was an occasional sharp pain but the most significant characteristic was the burning sensation of my skin when I lay in bed. This evening it has been worse rather than better. It is sharp enough to make me cry out when I move, and I can feel (albeit less intensely) as I am sitting here on the edge of the bed. It is seriously painful and feels like whenever I use the muscle it is ripping or tearing. Any use is painful, even if unrelated, like sneezing or earlier when I was on the loo. And yet bizzarely it hasn't hurt once during exercise and tonight it is at its worst when I am having a rest day. It's scaring me a little. I am thinking of going to the doctors about it. |
I'm confused--is it both muscular, and on the surface of your skin?
Until tonight I thought it was skin deep.
Tonight the sharp pains are definitely muscular, but still feel close to the surface if that makes any sense. Even now, lying on the bed with the laptop propped up against my bended knees I can feel it, and it feels like a burn. When I move it will really twinge and make me swear. I keep cecking the skin execting to see shiny scar tissue, which I have cracked by moving and is now weeping. But it looks totally normal. It must be underneath. Sorry, I'm confused about it myself so I'm probably not making any sense. |
go to the doc sg. If it's that painful you should have it seen to.
SG, could it be a pinched nerve, or maybe a muscle spasm?
ok, I was going to post this before but decided against it at the time, but I've decided to go ahead and post it anyway.
I don't know if this happens to other chicks, but at certain times during my monthly cycle, I've noticed that the nerves around my upper thighs and groin area seem to become what I'd describe as hyper sensitive to the point where I need to be a bit gentle about how I move etc because it kind of hurts and even though it's the nerves that're causing it, it sometimes feels like it's deeper than the surface. Normally this is about a week before I'm due. |
I had a doctor tell me once, a long time ago, that pains like that were due to a mild vitamin C deficiency (basically you have a greater need for it than normal at that time.) But I never could tell a big difference between when I took the vitamins and when I didn't, so maybe she was full of crap.
Hmmm...I'm glad it's not just me then.
I'll try taking vitamin C next time it happens and see what happens. It doesn't happen every time, so I guess it kind of makes sense that it could be a deficiency. |
Choclatl - reading up on it, it does sound like a pinched nerve.
Damn, I don't want to rest it! Maybe I will go to the docs and get the diagnoses confirmed - better than not going to the gym on a whim. |
Fucking Everything. areshole bastard gits. And why does nobody stop me from taking so much on? why does nobody else step up? grumfuckingumble.
I know how you feel monster. You kow you'll feel better about it tomorrow though right?
might take a few more days -still got to deal with the backlash of what didn't get done today. :rolleyes: |
When I woke up this morning the pain was all but gone and I felt silly about being so worried last night. However when I bent to pick up a towel after my bath it gave an almighty twang and I realised it was best to get it checked out.
So I'm not going to the gym today (booooo!) and have an appointment for 09.10 tomorrow. As soon as I've finished this cup of tea (and taken the beans and lentils off simmer) I'll go and do my fortnightly shop. Which I hope will cheer me up - very down today and finding it hard to get going. |
*hugs SG* up days and down days honey, they come and more importantly they go.
I recommend soaking in a warm bath this evening to ease the pain btw. Preferably having taken an ibuprofen twenty mins prior :P I have the next meeting (battle) tomorrow evening. Which means this afternoon is going to be filled with phone calls and stress atthe thought of any of my people suddenly dropping out or getting ill. Rang D last night to run a couple of ideas past him and he was (yes, you guessed it) on his sofa, under a duvet groggy as fuck with a nasty sounding cold. 'Bout ten mins before I phoned him I was thinking "Shit, my throat feels tickly, and that was about my twentieth sneeze of the evening, I just did...." Woke up this moning to discover some bastard's been sandpapering my throat whilst i was alseep. Whoever it was kindly deposited a drill at the back of my right eye and I think it's slipped down into my sinuses now. Cannot (and I really can't emphasise the imperative enough here) be fucking ill this week! Nor can D, come to that. How many others of my lot are currently sinking into miserable colds, at this very moment? *mutters to self and shuffles off to dose up on caffeine* |
Ah, but Dana, how many of the other lot are also sinking into a miserable cold?
Chicken soup and sleep where you can. If Ripley/Dana doesn't stop this bully guy ... who will? |
Tuesday can be Monday when Monday is a holiday.
My computer was blank this morning. IT came and looked at it and took it to the IT hospital. I can't get into terminal server to do anything on this computer. Student worker: "Um, this student said they filled out their MPN at the beginning of the semester and someone told her that her check would be here this week and we just got her MPN on the 6th but they turned in everything...." (fade to my brain voice saying "I turned everything in in 1987 why isn't it processed" and my other brain voice arguing that they always say it was a hundred years ago when often it was yesterday) and I had to tell her to take a number and our loan person would have to look into it because I can't do a damn thing on this computer! Argh. Thank you. You may now return to your regularly scheduled programming. [/work rant] oh, and I've had a "sick" headache for three days and I'm not getting over this illness and I'm starting to suspect SARS or e-coli or bubonic plague and I wish I'd just get sick as hell and get it over with because my life sucks anyway (now I better go find something that's making me happy and post it in the other thread...hmmm, what's going good right now? Money? No. Relationship? No. Work? No. My efforts at a positive attitude? No. Coffee's good though. I like coffee!) :lol: |
City, someone is cutting 6 hugh oak trees across street from me. Will let early am sun on my house.
I hate to see nice trees cut down. After I moved out of my apartment in the sky they tore out the huge old Maple that had been sitting in front of the front window. I loved that tree for a few reasons: there was a hole I could watch birds nesting in, it was pretty, my cat watched it like it was a movie.
Why are they cutting the oaks? |
Sweat running down my arse crack
Signed BigV and Tink |
V has posted about his issues previously and when posting in this thread, you kinda expect someone to enquire regarding the motive of the post. Especially when many of been quite concerned about what V has been dealing with. :2cents: No offense meant |
Damnit. I just found a small puddle in the basement under our first floor toilet. Went back upstairs to flush the toilet and see what happens. Puddle is a bit bigger now.
I have enough damn projects going on in this house. I don't feel like pulling a damn toilet to replace a wax ring. What a stupid system for connecting a plumbing fixture to a sewer pipe. What moron came up with this standard? "Hey, I've got an idea, lets rely solely on bees wax to keep the water from leaking out of the pipes when we flush." Ugh. |
I have a dentist appointment in half an hour. I would say it'll be the first of a series of appointments costing me an arm and a leg. Expect me to bitch about it some more when I get back (if I'm not in too much pain to type).
True. It is an easy fix. Maybe I'll even do it tomorrow night so I don't ruin part of the weekend doing it. I'd just prefer to be crossing things off the list than adding to it.
What about WORK related issues? What about looming deadlines? What about deliveries you expected not coming on time which delays your progress? Yet the first jump was to marital issues? He has posted much here about OUR lives and 1-sided posts and PMs. I have a side too as to why papers were filed in the first place. No one is a saint, including V. What about what I had to deal with, even though you did not know me? It was a two way street on who could best hurt the other. Trust me. WRONG, and thank God we discovered that. We have no secrets, thus both our names on the last post. I respect him enough to talk to him about my responses such as this. In fact, he is here with me now. |
Tink, I think most of us here want to support you both as much as we can. Especially now that we get to talk to both of you.
The journey you two have been on has been a rough one, and we've all sort of been there too, albeit from a distance. We care what happens to your marriage, and I'm sure you must see that there are many cases were cellar members have posted that there is always two sides to every story, so yeah, we've all tried to be supportive of V because he's the one we've known up till you joined - which is a great thing in my opinion, but I don't think anyone has advocated simply walking away. We've all encouraged him to look into his heart and see what he wants, then work towards it. I'd say that's what he's done isn't it? In the end. It's what you've both done, and we're all very happy that you've come back to each other. Anyway, maybe Spex jumped the gun a bit with his comment, but I'm pretty sure he was just trying to show concern for someone he views as a friend. I seriously doubt that he meant it as a bad reflection on you in any way. |
No insinuating about right or wrong on either side, just that I thought the response a bit OTT to pexx's reply. I totally understand the two sides thing, having just been through it with my in-laws, well, now ex in-laws and the things they were hearing from their son and nothing from me. I was sincerely glad when V and yourself pulled together instead of a part :) |
He is under a lot of pressure at work to complete a large task. I look forward to the new gray hair it gives him. Very sexy looking!;) |
Well I'm sure it'll be that much easier for him to complete knowing he has you to come home to. :)
Hope so. Hard to be the main IT guy with everyone wanting a piece of you at the same time. That's what happens when you know what you're doing. Good problem, to have in a way.
For sure. Maybe he should try and fuck up at work more, then you'd have him at home more. ;)
I apologize for being interested and concerned, Tink and Big V.
I went to the doctor and it is just a muscle spasm which was affecting the nerves locally. I don't have to rest any more, so am going back to the gym tomorrow. This makes me happy actually, but is the conclusion to the other posts so it makes more sense here.
Couldn't sleep last night - one of the bad ones laying awake and worrying with anxious dreams starring an array of ex lover who I had promised something to and family who I had let down. Got some sleeping tablets from the docs - I'm going to drug myself back into a proper schedule rather than force myself back into it like last time. I would help if HM kept the same schedule but I like the kitchen to myself in the mornings so it's not lose-lose. Also, on days like this I can barely face eating. Off back to bed with a cup of de-caff tea, and apple and a handful of ham (the latter for the boys). Healthy eating and exercise resumes tomorrow. |
Glad to hear that pain in your leg wasn't anything serious, SG. Is the pain pretty much gone, now?
I too initally thought "Yikes, hope it's not a marital issue". Probably most of us did. I won't beat this any more, but suffice it to say instead of jumping down our throats, a simple "Thankfully, no, work related instead" would have sufficed. If you post here, expect people to be interested and curious about what you have to say. No one here is out to get you, that I know of.
Trust is a 2 way street. You need to trust us as well. No one is trying to steal V away from you. (again, that I know of :)) Most of us are rational adults, who have made plenty of mistakes in our own lives and tend to give others including you the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. We value honesty, and accept nothing but, and that is why this is the best freaking forum on the net. |
instead of jumping down our throats, a simple "Thankfully, no, work related instead" would have sufficed. If you post here, .....
Lessons: Do not hit. I've had the bruises. Don't scream within an inch of the other's face. Trust me in this one.....the one being screamed at's ear drums rattle. Don't block the other in an attempt to be intimidating. Don't get into "he said/she said". I don't understand what you mean here, by "chief wench". Could you clarify this? ....Trust is a 2 way street. You need to trust us as well. No one is trying to steal V away from you. (again, that I know of :)) In the line of full disclosure, the Cellar-ite knows who she is. She who likes to show pics of herself to someone elses husband and get him all rattled when he is in an extreme emotional state. The train worked two ways there and it was shear betrayal. You need to trust us as well. .....Most of us are rational adults, who have made plenty of mistakes in our own lives and tend to give others including you the benefit of the doubt until proven otherwise. Unfortunately, that didn't happen during the tumultuous period. I was tried, convicted and hung. I see that this is a different group of people when you "enter the fray" so to speak that can be quite welcoming. I no longer have anything to say on the subject as I know this upsets V and THAT I do not want to do. This thread should get back to the more important role of supporting those like Sundae Girl. |
Perhaps it was different in PMs, but I didn't get into PMing over it so was only privy to what went into the general Cellar boards. |
Egads, I think I'm getting sick again. I'm actually getting work done and able to be here too.
Thanks for your response Tink. I can't know what goes on behind the main board. As someone who sent PM's to BigV checking on him periodically, I am saddened to read that someone here would take advantage of him. From my time here, that is not typical Dwellar behavior.
I can only know what is shared by anyone on the open board, and always keep a filled saltshaker next to the mouse. I had personally had no opinion of you really, either way. I was/am glad to hear things worked out finally in the end and am always happy to see another poster joining the party. Moving on now. |
No wonder LJ has a partner...
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