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DucksNuts 08-20-2008 09:05 PM

Sundae, I've missed whats going on in your life at the moment, but it sounds like you have a handle on things...and I am sending good wishes your way.

Whats going on with Hely? why cant she go with you and Diz?

I'd invite you to live with me, but I think my two little boys would drive you nuts, but you and the cats are more than welcome.

elSicomoro 08-21-2008 01:24 AM

I fucked up pretty good my blog entry.

Sundae 08-21-2008 04:39 AM

2 Attachment(s)
I'd love to pack my bags & come to Aus. But I doubt I could ever leave my beloved England. Unless you throw in some hot sex - then I'd be tempted.

I couldn't move with Hely because she still fights with Diz. HM offered to take her - when we had our sensible, structured conversation about me moving out . Back when we agreed it would be December so I could save depsoit & rent for my new place.

I can get away with taking one cat (I have found, judging by responses on websites) but two cats that yowl at eachother and can't be in the same room? Nope.

It breaks my heart because I don't see pets as disposable, I took Hely on for life. But the alternative is not finding somewhere reasonably permanent for me, let alone Diz. So with HM agreeing to take Hely, at least she stays in a familiar place with a familiar person and isn't back in a cage in the beauty contest world of rescue cats. And HM owned a cat for y-e-a-r-s even though he has rather a Victorian Father approach to cat rearing (which his brother and I know was successful because he had a docile and quite lazy moggie, but he thinks was down to strict moral control).

The sad thing is she really bonded with me. So she is currently in and out of the office. She waits on the doorstep to follow me home at 18.00. So far I have avoided this by slippiing out the back door, getting a lift and simply picking her up and taking her to HM's. I feel rotten about the whole thing. In fact I wonder if I might just talk to John about her being a pub cat - she has the perfect temperament for it. She could live downstairs and Diz could live upstairs.

It's a bit much to ask to bring my whole menagerie though. And if she settled, could i leave her there?

I dunno. I would never have got her if I had known how precarious my situation was. And although it was my idea initially, HM was all for it, saying he was only holding off suggesting it because he didn't want to upset me (implying Dylan was never coming back).

And here she is, on my desk, making herself at home.

Shawnee123 08-21-2008 09:14 AM

Judgmental beeatches.

lookout123 08-21-2008 10:50 AM

I really do sympathize with your situation SG. I have no words that'll make you feel any better, though.

Not to make light of your difficulties, but can I ask what kind of wild ass cool technology you have in England? You use your telephone as an Emergency Exit? That would be cool, kind of like The Matrix. Or is it that in case of emergency you have to call someone to find out where the exit is? Cuz that would suck. Hullo? Operator, my building is on fire. Oh, I can use the door on the left, you say? Thank you.

It's possible that this lack of sleep is causing my brain to misfire.

Sundae 08-21-2008 11:00 AM

We are Emergency Exit Arts.
We have a fireworks division called Emergency Exit Fireworks.

The phone was labelled before my time - I assume to stop the person picking it up giving the wrong company name.

Shawnee123 08-21-2008 11:03 AM

How cool is it that you can have a cat at work, though? I love orange tabbies, they're so sweet and affectionate.

I have days when having one of my kitties here would really help the stress level.

Sundae 08-21-2008 11:14 AM

I'm not sure it's entirely approved of. But as I do countless things for them outside work (for example opening up and closing the hall when the artists need to work weekends) I am given a bit of leeway. It helps that Hely isn't as much of a fusspot as Diz. She's curled up in a carrier bag with a fleece in it under my desk right now.

Anyway, I'm in the wrong thread. Right here and now I am perfectly happy. Nothing that about £10k couldn't improve, but very good all the same.

lookout123 08-21-2008 02:11 PM

very very cool SG. I'm sure you've shared that before, but that is the first I've seen of what you actually do.

and about the phone, I was sure there was a perfectly logical explanation. My scenario just struck my funny bone.

Sundae 08-26-2008 05:37 AM


Found out at the weekend that the pub sale is imminent.
I thought they were still in early negotiations, but John says it's with the solicitors.
So I asked (trying to act as if I know that already), "So when do you think it will actually go through then?"
"Dunno," says John, "could be a week, could be a month."

So I sat there nodding wisely and trying not to scream.
It wouldn't have made a difference to me moving in - I need to live somewhere however temporary. But it does frighten me.

After a sleepless night (see RFN - I'm having an allergic reaction to something) I have decided worrying will not help anything. What will be will be.

If it's a week (which I accept is highly unlikely!) then I'll just have to throw myself on EEA's mercy. Get a loan from them, take a week off and borrow the minibus to move (I did it in a shopping trolley this time - took me three trips back & forth!)

If I get a little more grace I'll accept it gratefully. I'm still going to ask for help moving this time round though! But I'll be better prepared. Going to have a clothes and book cull this week for starters. All I have at HM's is two empty suitcases and the laptop, which I will collect today. I'm going to get them packed and ready so I can move with the minimum of fuss.

I'm trying to sound brave but as I typed those last words my stomach just rolled over. Deep breaths. Calm.

classicman 08-26-2008 08:42 AM

Sorry to hear that. Focus forward.

Trilby 08-26-2008 09:23 AM

Sundae, you are a brilliant, resilient woman. However, I can only imagine the stress and pain you are currently in. You could move in here with me, I've tons of extra room, but, if Oz can't tempt you, I highly doubt the humid, blistering summers and the horrid, suicide-color of the Ohio winter skies would interest you AT ALL. On the other hand, we Yanks have a love affair with English accents and I can see you landing a nice job as a DJ over here! You should do voice-overs, etc.

So sorry about Hely. Sometimes life just sucks but chin up, woman. You've got all the right stuff to come through like the champ you are!

Sundae 08-26-2008 10:26 AM

Thanks everyone.
Watch out Bri, you never know...!

I can't do much about my circumstances right now (except be sensible) so I am working on my attitude instead. And coming here really helps.

FStop 08-26-2008 11:18 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 478249)
I highly doubt the humid, blistering summers and the horrid, suicide-color of the Ohio winter skies would interest you AT ALL. On the other hand, we Yanks have a love affair with English accents and I can see you landing a nice job as a DJ over here! You should do voice-overs, etc.

Bri definitely speaks the truth. Ohio does, as well as Southwestern PA right next door, have gloomier-than-hell winters. I would rather play guitar for pocket change in Leicester Square than spend another winter here.
However, the accented-DJ's do quite well here, yes. And there's a furniture company in the Pittsburgh metro area that insists on using an Englishwoman for voiceovers. And they're the biggest around here.
Nevertheless, I believe you'll be fine. I know you will. Just remember, it can always be worse. You could be in Ohio. ;)

Shawnee123 08-26-2008 11:45 AM

Truer words have never been spoken.

Still though, some of the coolest women live in Ohio!

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