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DanaC 01-14-2014 02:43 PM

Tough call. Good idea to let her know you're on board with whatever decision she reaches.

Nirvana 01-17-2014 04:54 PM

Super pissed! no direct deposit paycheck yet, they owe me two. Pay schedule is one week arrears I started Jan 2nd. :mad2: Of course no one answers in HR or payroll...

infinite monkey 01-17-2014 05:29 PM

WTF 'Vana? :mad:

I think it's sort of illegal to not pay your employees. What kind of Candyland is that?

Aliantha 01-17-2014 05:44 PM

Hopefully they wont put her in the hotbox if she tries to run off!

Nirvana 01-17-2014 06:02 PM

Thank you Ali I need that guffaw... :lol: IM I have no idea what the problem is seems not many work on Friday WTF no one was in to talk to and they are closed in the office til Mon. I am venting so I will not be super pissed when I have to go back to work on Mon.

Yesterday the drive thru dude at McDs shorted me $10 WTF! When I parked and went in the nite manager went to count the drawer and claimed it was right and never came back out to see me but sent the assistant manager out to take down my name and number ... with a fucking crayon!!!:rolleyes: She could spell neither my first or my last name... I took the paper from her took out my pen showed it to her first {because maybe she only knew how to write with crayons} and proceeded to write down my name and phone number. The general manager called me this AM informing me to come in and get my $10 apologizing while telling me they were changing shifts at the time and a dude was not even supposed to be at the window. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE MAKING OUR FOOD! Ok sorry done with that rant ...

Nirvana 01-17-2014 07:32 PM

To be clear I won't be strapped without the money, I worked hard they should pay me. I don't feel as happy about my job as I did, they ruined it for me and that is what makes me really mad. This is not their first f up. For the first 3 days me and the other part timers had no ID number to punch in and out. Our shift boss was to take care of posting our hours.

The second day my husband came to pick me up not familiar with the place went in the wrong side of the horseshoe drive no one there to bother he parked. Out comes the security guard and says "Hey You! Can you read?" Really? people talk that way to people they do not know in dark parking lots? What is my husband 4 years old? My husband told him he may not want to go there and the guy backed off. Respect is a two way street. The enter and exit signs are smaller than 8x10. These are all just annoying things but no pay really is the icing on the turd.

monster 01-17-2014 08:16 PM

Vana I had the same shit when I did a temp job in the fall. Do you check your mail regularly? In the end they sent me a check for the first payroll. But they didn't tell me they were going to do that. Lots of others didn't get their checks for ages after because their addresses were incorrect or they didn't check their mail

Nirvana 01-17-2014 09:58 PM

That is a good idea Monster except all payroll is direct deposit. What makes me a bit paranoid is that last week all the paid associates had a mistake on their checks. The company was to reimburse them for something [like $30 bucks] and the amount was instead deducted and I know my cow orkers were not very happy. Since I do not work Thursday or Friday I have no idea if that mistake was corrected in this week's pay.

Oh and the health insurance offered in my letter they sent to have me work was also OOPSY a mistake :mad: I am surprised at the incompetence at the management level of a business that has existed since the '50's. Maybe I just notice these things because I am not the typical, barely high school educated, employee. :eyebrow:

xoxoxoBruce 01-17-2014 11:39 PM

You've got every right to be pissed. Even though you'll not starve, it's showing you from the gitgo that this is a sloppy organization, and you can expect more of the same.

Of course once you're aware and have lower expectations of normal business practice, the job may work out to be tolerable anyway. You may even be able to use the sloppiness to your advantage.;) You mentioned they've been around since the 50's, probably momentum and habit prevents crash and burn.

Talk to your boss about hiring Monster to kick ass and take names.

Sundae 01-18-2014 04:47 AM

Nirvana, I've had countless petty problems with shift rotas, overtime payments and even claiming prizes in my job. At one point Mum even suggested I looked for a better run place to work, and she's very rarely on my side.

My most recent gripes; coming back from booked and sanctioned holiday to find my first shift had been changed. No-one contacted me, no-one told me. A hour before I finished work a colleague queried why I started three hours later than I was supposed to. Huh.

Then I found out exactly how much holiday pay I've lost.
I knew I'd lose some, because I was more interested in being at work with the potential for overtime than I was sitting at home listening to the rows. Bu I was never told I was actually accruing time for every Bank Holiday I worked (these are always on a Monday so I always work them) and for Christmas working. Great communication there chaps. Altogether I've kissed off about two weeks of leave.

And then. And then.
My shifts have changed again.
Because now I'm covering bakery for two days a week.
That I can deal with. It's just I found out that the reasons for this and my previous change in working hours.
I started on morning shifts, was switched to afternoons because of a male colleague.
Got shifted and shafted into the unpopular close-down slot because another colleague couldn't get picked up by her parents that late and am now on the earliest of early shifts because previously mentioned male colleague has moved further away from work and can't leave home as early as I can.

I'm flexible and I like to think I'm quite reasonable. What I doon't like is being bottom of the needs list, when in fact I do have a valid case for keeping my shifts the same week in and week out.

Anyway. What I actually meant to say was that despite all this, I do enjoy my job and I have learned to let other people's mistakes wash over me, mostly. I've just learned to keep a very close eye out.

infinite monkey 01-18-2014 09:06 AM

Ugh. I got enough to live off for a while, but I need to get back into the backstab-force, I mean workforce, so to save some of my money should I ever retire. I should feel proud for all the good the money they stole from me did for the students, I'm sure. rackin' frackin' varmints. :yosemitesamsmilie:

It should be like the military: the sooner you start the sooner you can retire. I'd be retired for about 5 years by now.

Spring. I'll be able to deal with it in the spring.

Nirvana 01-18-2014 10:56 AM

Good idea Bruce! They supposedly pay me $250 for every work referral that lasts 6 months how long do you think Monster would work without a paycheck? ;)

Sundae doncha hate having to have a 3rd eye? Bottom of the needs list indeed! That is what really annoys me.

Nirvana 01-18-2014 11:31 AM

Question: what if I go in on Mon still having not received my pay [ hoping they correct it during the day Mon., I work 2nd shift] and HR tells me that now they have to pay my this Friday? Should I :
1) Insist on immediate pay
2) Quit
3) Grease up and take it

sexobon 01-18-2014 01:56 PM

"1) Insist on immediate pay"

Most large businesses aren't set up to make immediate payments. It's usual and customary for them to have until the next paycheck to correct deficiencies from the previous pay period. If you insist on immediacy, your first paycheck may also be your last one there.

"2) Quit"

Quitting with no notice over one late paycheck will work against you everywhere else. You can tell them that if your pay isn't corrected on the next paycheck, such a breach would constitute their waiver of any requirement for advanced notice of resignation.

"3) Grease up and take it"

If they brush you off, tell them you're going to the local unemployment office this week to claim benefits for the weeks they haven't paid you. If they know you're willing to go to an affiliate of your State's Labor Department with the issue, it may motivate them to correct the deficiency expeditiously. Of course, it won't help if they're in financial trouble for which, btw, messing with employees' paychecks is an indicator. If you want to get nasty, tell them you're going to turn the amount in arrears over to a collection agency (which they know will reflect on their credit rating).

xoxoxoBruce 01-18-2014 03:59 PM

4.) Demand compounded interest. ;)

Nirvana 01-18-2014 07:12 PM

Sexobon I entered into an implied contract when I was hired "I work you, pay me" This is an "at will" employer they could fire me for no reason and I may quit for no reason, at any time, they do not need to give reason nor do I.

My first day was Jan 2nd. My pay was to be 1 week in arrears, I should have been paid on Jan 10th. When I was not paid on Jan 17th I find them in breach of "our contract" I personally think they need to pay me ASAP or our working relationship is no longer.

I already looked up the Wage and Hourly division laws in the state of Indiana. However I do think they will pay me but they have ruined any incentive I might have had to go beyond what may be asked of me in their work environment.

For some reason10 new hires did not show up for orientation and I suspect they could not pass the drug screen. Finding people to suit them seems a bit tough for them and all their hoops one must jump.

The fact that they pay you to sit through videos on orientation [4 hours] safety in the work place, charity works they are doing in other states, and how to treat fellow employees leads me to believe they do have the money to pay their people they just have as Bruce declared, sloppy management right now.

I already thought of interest ;)

They do give you a voucher for prescription safety glasses as long as you buy them at WalMart. I have been there twice but feel reluctant to purchase when I have not been paid :)

sexobon 01-18-2014 11:49 PM

I hear what you're saying about at will employment as it pertains to labor law. I don't hear you recognizing that most at will employers have policies requiring advance notice of resignation without which they may not give you a favorable reference and they may bar you from ever working for them again, meaning at all of their locations everywhere, their affiliates, and possibly employer contracted organizations.

Your orientation was done to meet regulatory and insurance requirements in addition to avoiding lawsuits (perceived discrimination or other) arising from employees' interactions. Charitable work is tax deductible eye candy for internal propaganda and external advertising. If they simply have sloppy management right now, it's because they got what they paid for and simply couldn't afford better.

If the safety glasses are free and you don't have to work there for a specified period so the cost won't be taken out of your paycheck, get them before you quit. That may be the only compensation you get for all the aggravation they're causing you now and may cause you in the future. That's also your interest on the late paychecks.

Of course, I'm just playing devil's advocate now. You're the person embedded in the situation. You have all the insights. You have all the answers. You're also the one who hasn't been paid; so, I think I'll stick with playing devil's advocate. Good luck.

monster 01-19-2014 12:06 AM

ha. The commute's a little far for me, but I'd take it. I'd get paid too. In blood if necessary ;)

If you started on the 2nd, I wouldn't expect the first payday to be earlier than the 17th. Which was yesterday. You get paid on Fridays? And is it definitely every week? Almost everything here pays two-weekly. And on Thursdays. if you started a job on the 2nd here (a Thursday) and got paid by the 16th, you'd be bloody lucky. It usually takes a couple of weeks to get the direct deposit set up.

Have you checked with the other workers to confirm when pay is deposited and asked them how long it took for they pay to get set up?

Nirvana 01-19-2014 11:53 AM

Sexobon first I do appreciate your advice :) I have a 56 page handbook this is their written out policy...
Employment At Will

Unless otherwise stated in writing and signed by the CEO associates are not hired for any specific length of time. This means any associate or XXXX [company name] may terminate employment AT ANY TIME, for any reason with or without cause.

They also say they are committed to providing competitive wages ;)

The safety glasses are not entirely free, they pay most of the cost, they do not pay the cost of an eye exam and my eyes are bad so my prescription also runs over the cost of what I am allowed. They will cost me $96 out of pocket. While I may not quit if they don't pay me tomorrow I felt good saying it. :) I don't have to have this job that is my luxury. I am asset rich and cash poor but I consider a cow a liquid asset I won't starve. :) I am just angry that the whole experience working for them so far is tainted now and them potentially saying sorry doesn't really fix it for me.

Monster pay is weekly [weakly;)] I was surprised by this as well because most companies are as you say.

Nirvana 01-19-2014 11:57 AM

I forgot to say I asked other employees about pay and how it was set up and no one ever said they were not paid in accordance to what the policy states [one week in arrears] I also asked what time of day pay was in their accounts. 6 hours after that quoted time, mine was not there so I knew I was screwed. Oh and to make matters fun Monday is a holiday yay!

Undertoad 01-19-2014 12:08 PM

You may be complaining about a system that counted on one particular employee not taking a vacation.

Sundae 01-19-2014 12:09 PM

That's really odd.
The payment schedule I mean. Only one job in my whole lifetime has paid fortnightly, the rest have been monthly (unless they were cash, ie Saturday jobs, which were then paid weekly).

It's funny the things you don't even realise are so different from place to place.

Oh, it was casually dropped into conversation today that my days off are changing. Again.
Tuesday and Saturday now.
Not that it's been mentioned officially. The person who draws up the rota is off on Sundays. But the colleague who requested a change in her days off has had it confirmed and was told I'd be covering for her.
I think she was a little embarrassed when I was cross about it.
I did reassure her it wasn't her fault (although she is the sort of person who should think before she speaks more often).

So tomorrow I really am going to raise the issue of common courtesy.
ASK me first.
I will almost definitely always say yes, and with good grace.
But don't bloody well assume.

Nirvana 01-19-2014 12:15 PM

UT that was the excuse given for me not being paid on Jan 10th ;) I can't wait to hear the new excuse. Venting here is helpful because I am German and you can tell a German but you can't tell em much. [/temper tantrum]

Common courtesy is certainly lacking in many aspects of life Sundae. As a courteous person it is hard to understand those that are not.

Clodfobble 01-19-2014 01:42 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae
The payment schedule I mean. Only one job in my whole lifetime has paid fortnightly, the rest have been monthly (unless they were cash, ie Saturday jobs, which were then paid weekly).

Mr. Clod used to have a job where they paid every 2 weeks, and this caused all sorts of havoc for him because in the US, child support is ordered to be withdrawn automatically from your paycheck. The child support payments were monthly, and periodically there would be three paychecks in a month, so they were perpetually over- or under-drawing from his paycheck, and then he'd have to get on the phone together with his HR department and a state worker for up to an hour, trying to get the problem corrected. He wasn't allowed to just write them a check for the correct amount, because the system inherently assumes dads are untrustworthy.

monster 01-19-2014 07:08 PM

but mostly the third payday in a month is a bonus. ;) Shame it doesn't happen more often. A financial blue moon.

Nirvana 01-20-2014 11:44 AM

My horoscope for today as it pertains to this thread made me laff

There is good financial news coming your way. If you are looking for work, it is a good day to set aside time to polish your resume. If you are working, volunteer to take on a new responsibility. If you are in business for yourself, you could get new clients today.

xoxoxoBruce 01-20-2014 10:55 PM

That wasn't in the company paper was it? :eyebrow:

Nirvana 01-21-2014 12:39 AM

Ha ha Bruce :) If they have a newsletter they send out, I will never get it. When I got to work I got a "live" check that has an incorrect mailing address for me and they shorted me 4 hours pay :eyebrow:

Since I could not really look at the check until I got home [2nd shift] I will have to again call HR 'if' the company is open tomorrow, we are on the edge of a 1-2ft lake effect snow dump :greenface

xoxoxoBruce 01-21-2014 05:31 AM

And tell them the snow will continue until you've been properly compensated.

monster 01-21-2014 08:53 AM

Did they have the check there waiting for you, or did they cut it when you went in to see them? At least you got a check and quickly!

monster 01-21-2014 08:54 AM

(do you think they had mailed one to the wrong address?)

Nirvana 01-21-2014 09:40 AM

I think that when I called Friday someone got an email and my check was hastily made up to look like it had been there. Why I think that is because the bank the check is on is the same as my bank the only possible foul up could be the wrong address but the acct number was correct for the bank. Also the body language and actions of the HR person.

YAY the weather men were wrong! :)

BigV 01-23-2014 03:07 PM

sundae, sorry about your uncle, and your cat.

nirvana, glad you got a check, I would strongly encourage you to keep fighting for the four hours they've shorted you. Wage theft is a real issue-don't let it slide.

Gravdigr 01-23-2014 04:34 PM

I just got back from the vet with Slick. He has to have another tooth taken out. $75 to confirm what I said all along. Then another $30 for antibiotic shot. If that doesn't clear up the bit of infection by Tuesday, another round of the antibiotic pills. Ever try to give a cat pills? I swear I can actually hear him go "Ptui!", and the distance he can get on an ejection! Wow.

I could never put Slick down because of annoyance, or inconvenience. I assumed a certain responsibility when I/we took him in, and discarding that responsibility would be breach of contract, and, well, high and low points considered, he's held up his end. In spades.

DanaC 01-23-2014 04:37 PM

Awww. Poor Slick.

And poor you.

Nirvana 01-23-2014 06:01 PM

Try branschwieger (sp) liverwurst for the pills Gravdigr ...go Slick! :)

orthodoc 01-23-2014 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 890633)
I could never put Slick down because of annoyance, or inconvenience. I assumed a certain responsibility when I/we took him in, and discarding that responsibility would be breach of contract, and, well, high and low points considered, he's held up his end. In spades.

You're a good man, Grav. As for giving a cat a pill ... I've done that plenty. It helps to have a second person handy, and a large bath towel. Mummy-wrap the cat in said towel; open the cat's jaws by prying at the lip crease; press in with a thumb and finger on either side to really get optimal mouth-opening; and either you or your helper immediately jettison that pill/capsule/whatever far back into the cat's throat. FAR, far back is the key. As soon as that happens, clamp the cat's jaws shut and hold them shut. Stroke the cat's throat and murmur to him/her (doesn't matter what profanities you murmur as long as it's a comforting murmur). Don't let the cat open its jaws until you see its throat convulse in a swallow. Hold on until you see that swallow.

If your helper (or your right hand) doesn't get the pill/capsule/whatever far enough back, you'll have to try again. It has to hit the very back of the throat. You can do it. I had to do this dozens of times while I had a cattery, and it works.

Grav, I applaud your commitment and sense of responsibility. Our animals depend on us. Two thumbs up (and more, if I had them) to you!

Aliantha 01-23-2014 08:54 PM

Dont you have those pill syringe things over there? They are great. You can just about insert the pill directly to the gut!

monster 01-23-2014 10:14 PM

one less tooth means less chance he'll bite into the chunk of meat and find the pill, no?

pea-shooter. Beano-style (for the Brits)

monster 01-23-2014 10:20 PM

wait, I actually do have sensible advice for a one-person approach. If all the towel business isn't for you, grab the scruff, use the other hand to pop the pill in when he opens then push the jaw shut and hold, then blow (gently) on his nostrils. the keep-mouth-closed-and-swallow reflex works pretty much every time. With babies too, should you be getting broody. (Not that baby. necessarily)

DanaC 01-24-2014 03:18 AM

I spent the last two or three years of Pilau's little life shoving pills down his throat every day.

Oh, he was a nightmare. Bless him, he was cooperative ... except for the swallowing part. I swear he had a hamster cheek pouch thing going on.

Sundae 01-24-2014 05:33 AM

Diz is the easiest cat I've ever had to give tablets to.
He's just SO greedy. He assumes everything is food and will try to swipe anything that is going from my hand to my mouth - eat first ask later.

Good luck with Slick, Grav.

Update on Mia - still alive.
Mum is house-sitting for my bro's in-laws, so the issues are on hold. Mia doesn't play up half so much with Mum gone anyway...

And Uncle Ted's funeral is on Tuesday, and I am quite looking forward to it, in a way.
I haven't seen Dad's side of the family in years, as Ted was incapable of travel and although Mum & Dad visited him, it was never a whole family kinda trip.

glatt 01-24-2014 07:24 AM

Funerals are bittersweet that way.

It's great to see everyone, but so sad at the same time.

monster 01-24-2014 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 890692)
wait, I actually do have sensible advice for a one-person approach. If all the towel business isn't for you, grab the scruff, use the other hand to pop the pill in when he opens then push the jaw shut and hold, then blow (gently) on his nostrils. the keep-mouth-closed-and-swallow reflex works pretty much every time. With babies too, should you be getting broody. (Not that baby. necessarily)

oh I forgot to mention: if you can, stroke the throat with the hand holding the gob shut :lol:

footfootfoot 01-24-2014 11:47 AM

What's upsetting you today?
"...the doctor says you gonna die."

Clodfobble 01-24-2014 11:55 AM

Is this a reference to something I'm missing, or did a doctor actually say this about you, foot?

Gravdigr 01-24-2014 03:14 PM

2 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 890677)
Dont you have those pill syringe things over there? They are great. You can just about insert the pill directly to the gut!


Originally Posted by monster (Post 890691)

We usually employ this handy little device, it's called a pickle plucker:

Attachment 46645
Attachment 46646


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 890747)
"...the doctor says you gonna die."


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 890748)
Is this a reference to something I'm missing, or did a doctor actually say this about you, foot?

That's a punchline to a joke. Man gets bit on the penis by a snake. His buddy calls 911. He tells the 911 operator his pal's been snake bit. The 911 operator tells him to suck the poison out of the wound. Buddy goes back to snake bite victim, victim asks "What did they say?"

Buddy: "They said you're gonna die."

footfootfoot 01-25-2014 09:23 AM

What Grav said. In reference to medicating cats.

morethanpretty 01-30-2014 07:48 AM



This month they found out my BIL's dad has stage 4 kidney cancer. Today I just got the news that it is inoperable and when they take him off of dialysis they expect him to be dead in a week. He's no older than my parents.



glatt 01-30-2014 08:02 AM

That sucks. I'm sorry, MTP.

Clodfobble 01-30-2014 11:16 AM

I'm sorry to hear that, mort. :(

orthodoc 01-30-2014 02:52 PM

Sorry to hear that, MTP.

Fuck cancer.

Gravdigr 01-30-2014 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gravdigr (Post 890633)
I just got back from the vet with Slick. He has to have another tooth taken out.

Well, he lived through being knocked out yet again. I did get to watch him wobble around a bit...still drunk when he got home.

What upset me? Getting to clean quasi-dried catshit outta the crate. The vet usually puts an absorbent pad in there with him, but, for some reason, didn't this time. And the bath towel that was in there with him when he went in went missing somewhere along the way.

Ick. Thank God for paper towels. And scrubbing bubbles.

Gravdigr 01-30-2014 04:22 PM

Also: Fuck cancer.

Griff 01-30-2014 04:36 PM

fuck cancer

DanaC 02-07-2014 04:48 AM

Fuck cancer.

Lola Bunny 02-09-2014 01:14 PM

Not quite upsetting, sad rather. Son of a neighbor's, we're a tight knit community here, was killed last night in a car accident. He was only 26 yrs. old and finally got his life together again. He was in drugs and heavy drinking. He finally got a steady job. Probably still partying, but not as hard. I heard he went out drinking after work last night (he works 2nd shift) and was hit by a car on the street. His poor mother must be devastated. That was her baby and favorite. There's this lady in the complex who's been sent home to die due to her long term battle with skin cancer. It has finally spread and gotten into her lungs. Yet, she is still here (not much longer though :( ). Here is a 26 yrs. old. Dead. :(

Clodfobble 02-09-2014 01:22 PM

Sorry Lola. I knew a guy in college who got run over by a car. It's the kind of thing you don't really think about past the age of 9, but sometimes pedestrians just don't look, and/or drivers just don't see you.

Griff 02-09-2014 06:23 PM

I'm so sorry Lola. :(

Lola Bunny 02-09-2014 10:37 PM

The kid was 28 yrs. old, not 26. I remembered wrong. The kid was a victim of a hit and run. We just found out from the victim's brother that the police have found the culprits. The car was driven by a girl with 3 boys in it. When they hit him, his body got stuck underneath the car, so they dragged him for 30 meters before his body fell off. Therefore, his body is pretty smashed up. The car that hit him is a newly bought car with its temp license plate, which fell off at the scene of the crime. This helped the police quickly find the culprits. Also, the deceased's friend is a cop, so when he found out about the incident, he pushed for a quicker investigation. The kid's mom is stronger than I thought. She told my mom that when her husband passed away about 3 years ago, she bought a plot for herself next to him. Three days ago, she had a vision. She was sitting at the dining room table when suddenly she saw her youngest son lying in the plot next to her husband. For this reason, she feels that it's his time to go. Yes, yes....I know most of you don't believe in the supernatural. This is the story she told my mom when she went to visit her this afternoon. Whatever makes her stronger to accept the truth is all good.

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