![]() |
Maybe you weren't sorry about being upset. Maybe you were sorry for not keeping it corked. For making the people you were dealing with have to react to it. That's perfectly reasonable. So is not keeping it corked. So is being upset in the first place.
I hope it's a cheap easy fix. |
Thanks guys. I really appreciate it!
Whew. Car is ready. Only charged me for the part (ignition coil) so 63 bucks. See, I sez to myself, see? That warn't so bad.
If you hadn't cried, he would have charged the labor too.
So it was good you showed how upset you were. |
There was a scene in the first of the new series of Doctor Who - Clara, the Doctor's companion has been caught by the Clockwork man, and despite being terrified and crying, she manages to talk her way out of him killing her and gets vital info in the process. The Doctor appears with this line:
Ah. Hello, hello, rubbish robots from the dawn of time. Thank you for all the gratuitous information. Five foot one and crying. You never stood a chance :p |
I didn't see my neighbors out, the ones i know anyway, so I went to the restaurant down the street and one of the young ladies who works there was taking a break between the lunch and evening crowd, and was going my way. Sweet kid. She dropped me off to get my car. I was talking to the shop owner and thanking for being so good about it all. I reminded him of my CRX, years ago, that had broken down. I told them I remember calling and the woman said 'Um, let me go get M." I said it was like being told "You're going to need to talk to the doctor." And indeed he pronounced my car dead. They thought that was funny. Of course, I was reminded that I have, like, more engine coils, but at least next time I'll know not to panic, if they're systematically breaking. What the heck is an engine coil, anyway? ;) Thanks all. |
It's what makes the spark plug spark.
Cars used to have one coil for the whole engine and the wires for the different cylinders came off of that. Now they seem to mostly have one for each cylinder. More parts to replace as they age. They seemed to work just fine before with the one coil, but now they can make more money off parts.
The coils take the low voltage 12 volts from the battery and turn them into thousands of volts to send to the spark plug. They call them coils because the wires inside are all coiled up. Like in a wall wart. |
Ahhh, thanks!
Now, what's a wall wart? |
Wall warts are caused by a virus. Well, either that, or picking up frogs. But this strange growth appears in the wall. You can zap it with liquid nitrogen if you have any laying about.
Edit. Or is that lying about? |
Coil on plug also eliminates the need for a rotor and distributor. Makes the ignition timing controllable by computer, and this makes it possible for the engine control module to constantly adjust the timing for optimal performance given the current conditions inside the cylinders.
That's what I used to tell customers when I did my feature benefit presentation anyway. Not sure if it's 100% accurate, but it sounds good right? |
I also used to tell my male customers that the car has tilt wheel for more head room
And the old women, that there would be a discount if they would take it in the brown.
Years ago my friend and her huband were test driving a brand new firebird (it was a sweet car.) she said they looked in the glove compartment there was a joint. she told them to throw in a bag and it was a sale. they DID buy the car. |
That makes me happy.
I was thinking that I should try to string all the double entendre things I've heard into one quote... Like... Well, Mr. Customer, I hear you saying that you want a better price, but this is a very fair offer for a car with this equipment. I mean think of all the extra head room the tilt wheel gives you. Meow, When your wife was here yesterday, she said she was not concerned over color. So I had offered her a larger discount if she would take it in the brown. Maybe if we could get the two of you in here at the same time.... Your wife is a shrewd negotiator. Bring her in in when you're ready to agree to buy, and we will dicker. My manager might be willing to go into the hole for her. |
Movie Title: Carry On Up The Back End
/Brit-centric post |
Must bad karma for cars this time of year. My truck that is new to me for 31 days has a tranny problem maybe covered under it's 4000 mile "B" warranty but who noes :neutral: My plates are still paper.....:mad:
:p: |
A teacher at the high school died. I never met her but she taught Hebe Spanish in 9th grade. She was 39. And so full of life from everything I'm hearing/reading. Hebe said she was always asking her questions about swimming as her daughter was a swimmer. Don't really know why but this has beencreeping into my thought all day (we learned about it last night)Looks like it was fucking cancer :(
Fucking fuck cancer. I'm sorry monster. Ain't got no rhyme or reason. :(
fuck cancer
Fuck cancer.
Fuck cancer
1 Attachment(s)
seriously. . .
And a resounding, heartfelt
RIP, old friend.
An unfortunate slip of the hand brought an end to a long and utilitarian relationship, one not found in many homes in this country. Perhaps the locus was too near the verge, perhaps it was the unyielding granolithic termination, but despite emergency nerve and muscle responses, this archetypical memorial to Jamie Kennedy was instantly transmogrified by an inexorable fundamental force into shards of amorphous silicate. |
Lamplighter! I'm so sorry! But it sure is nice to hear from you, and in such an eloquent way! Though, google as I might, I don't get the Jamie Kennedy reference (though I did read in wiki he's the son of Maury Povich and Connie Chung and I was like 'whaaaaaat?' IMdB says nothing about that.)
eta: he had a stand-up special called 'unwashed'? Was that the reference? I guess I really only knew him from the Scream trilogy. |
Sorry monster, sorry for your kids too. .
Lamplighter, as much as I've missed you, it's sad to see you back under these circumstances. I mourn with you. Sometimes our dearest and stoutest friends, seemingly immune to everything, they could always take the heat and still deliver the blackest news. Coming from them, it was somehow better, we welcomed them. We would let them pour out their insides to us, and it warmed us to do so, despite their appearance. So stable, so strong, seeing them fall to pieces from an unexpected shock leaves us feeling broken.
But please don't despair, some morning Joe will come again, and you'll cup him in your hands, bring your face near, and feel that welcome warmth once again. |
For quite some time they've been putting cremated people's ashes under tremendous pressure and creating man made diamonds out of it. Some local pottery maker should be able to powder what's left of the old cup and incorporate it into a new handmade one even if only as an added design feature.
Not today, but last night...
Wanna know how to really spice up a Cub Scout campout with 30+ families? Two separate rattlesnake sightings. |
My son was camping last month and had gone to bed when he stretched out and felt a snake in his bag. Just a rat snake, but it caused much excitement. Can only imagine a rattlesnake. |
Oh, and I took a really really tiny piece of wood to the right eye while helping a friend cut down a tree earlier.
Hours later, I finally got it out. Now my vision is alternately blurry in my right eye as I blink. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrr |
If it's still funky tomorrow, go to an eye doc and he'll put some shit that looks like mustard in there. It'll feel fabulous. Like gasoline.:o Seriously, there's some stuff in trees that can wreak havoc with the stuff in your eyes. Some kind of fungus or somesuch. If it don't straighten up and fly right pretty quick, I'd go for the mustard looking stuff. |
Thanks - still feeling funky. Dunno if I did something to the eye or the lid, but damn its a PITA right now.
Owww. If you'll forgive the pun - I'd keep an eye on that and go to a doc if it doesn't abate.
ymmv, of course... Also: Sucks about the latest round w/the ex, dude. |
Feeling much better today, thanks guys. Used the eye as an excuse to get out of work a little early. Leaving at 2:30pm saved me a TON of time driving back from Marlton NJ.
Well played!
We have termites in our house. Thank fuck the thing is steel frame or I'd really be upset. Mainly just two locations inside and one outside, both only a few months old. $2400 later. :( Why is it that shit just keeps piling on shit here? I would love it if my house got squashed by a meteorite and I could claim insurance. There is so much dodgy shit here it's not funny and I am fed up to the eye teeth with being the one that has to deal with everything.
Be thankful it was termites, every other critter down there wants to kill you. :haha:
Ouch. Sorry. :(
Well, it could have been worse. I could walk around with my eyes and ears closed like everyone else here while they eat all the available timber. :/ the good news is, i cant hear them munching anymore, so hopefully they are all dead.
It's a common point of conflict between people, I think.
You see work that has to be done, and the others don't. From their perspective, you are creating work where none exists, and from your perspective, they are a bunch of lazy good for nothing slugs. They have the power in this situation, because the unfinished work drives you crazy and you wind up doing it yourself. They don't have to do anything and the situation resolves itself. If you want change, you need to help them to see that the work is real, so they see the need for it to be done, and then you need to tell them you won't take care of it. That it's their turn. And then you have to do nothing. It's the classic StacyV and Arsen cleaning standoff. Except you need to communicate effectively so it doesn't get bad. It may or may not work, depending on how stubborn you all are. |
Maybe your world view is primarily the house, since you live and work there, so things you think should be done there rate a high priority. Someone with a larger world view, may have different priorities.
The other person responsible brobably thinks he has a larger world view.
Out of rehab. Not by choice.
As low as is possible to be. If you have my number; call me. I don't know it and am too chaotic to look. |
Did they kick you out?
I'm sorry Sundae! :(
Check in when you can, and tell us what's going on. |
what the heck? I *don't* have the number, but I'm very interested to know what's going on with you Sundae, please hang in there. |
Popdigr gave away my great-great-great-grandfather's eyeglasses. Yes, the gold-rimmed ones, with the silver case.
Why did he go and do that?
Beats the shit outta me.
Now I'm pissed again. But, they're his to give away, I have no say in the matter. I would like to have had them after he was gone, though. |
Please let us know how you're doing, Sundae.
Grav, my Nana did that. Started giving stuff away to whoever she thought might like it. some people got pretty annoyed at the unequal distribution of goods. haha
My Aunt is doing the same thing, although mostly it's to me and my cousin (her daughter). She thinks she might die, so she keeps saying she's trying to sort everything out and get it cleaned up so we don't have to do it when she's gone. I think a lot of older people do stuff like that. Seems pretty common. No less annoying if it's something special to you though. Perhaps it's time to mention the things you'd like him not to give away because they're significant to you, even if they have no monetary value. |
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