The Cellar

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Cicero 11-14-2007 01:00 PM

Holy crap...what's all this chief wench stuff? Who is "she" rattleing people's husbands?

Can I get a quote for the person who even said that?

lookout123 11-14-2007 01:02 PM

Let it lieth all ye sensitive cellarites, so saeth the Lookout.

Cicero 11-14-2007 01:12 PM

No, I am actually amused...lost my it is...


In fact, lol!!!

Hey lookout....where is your photo? Am I just not seeing it anywhere?

lookout123 11-14-2007 01:13 PM

my photo? haven't posted one in a really really long time. i am in the RFN thread though. and some from my trip to the med. probably some others.

lookout123 11-14-2007 01:17 PM

here's an old one though. me and lil lookout.

hmmm, can't get it to stick. i'll try later.

Sundae 11-14-2007 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by Chocolatl (Post 406907)
Glad to hear that pain in your leg wasn't anything serious, SG. Is the pain pretty much gone, now?

It's been improving since that one horrible night. I didn't feel it at all in the doctor's - of course - but I have it low grade right now. Nothing like what it was, easy to handle.

Spexxvet 11-14-2007 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 406989)
Let it lieth all ye sensitive cellarites, so saeth the Lookout.

Sorry, I gotsta know, I gotsta know.

shina 11-14-2007 01:55 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 406988)
Holy crap...what's all this chief wench stuff? Who is "she" rattleing people's husbands?

Can I get a quote for the person who even said that?

It sounds like Tink is trying to be PC and not identify "she". I applaud her for that. Frankly, she (Tink) made it known that she knows of some indiscretions that took place between this other Cellar female and her husband. I'd be upset too.

Sundae Girl,
Glad to hear things are ok with your leg. Let us know if working out helps. That would be good news for the rest of us too if we experience anything of the sort.

monster 11-14-2007 02:04 PM

I'm Chief Wench.

shina 11-14-2007 02:12 PM

Hmmm.. well, I'm not going to make fun of someone I don't know and who obviously feels betrayed as she states. If in fact that was a poke at her, which I hope it wasn't.

There seem to be some really great people here. That is a major issue that was dangled in her face and it seems that neither her husband nor this other person cared less about what effect it might have on her. Oh well, on to other threads.

Spexxvet 11-14-2007 02:14 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 407021)
I'm Chief Wench.

Prove it. Show us the nekid pictures. :stickpoke :ggw:

Sundae 11-14-2007 02:19 PM

Well I expect there are a number of us who tried to be supportive to V who are now worried we might be in the running for Chief Wench Wannabe.

I don't remember any significant PMs to V, but I did encourage him to start the process of healing and moving on in his life because I understood from his posts that there was no way the relationship could be healed. I've seen far too many men and women hurt for longer than they had to out of a false belief that they still had a chance.

There's only two ways to react when someone is hurting - give sympathy and advice and probably end up wrong, or stand back and let them suffer alone. I'd rather realise I was wrong afterwards than risk any chance that the person suffering genuine needs help.

monster 11-14-2007 02:23 PM

*sigh* You must all be too young for Spartacus.....

Sundae 11-14-2007 02:25 PM

Nah, I got that. My response was prompted by shina.

lookout123 11-14-2007 02:31 PM

ok, listen up all y'all. If you are not a member of the BigV household can i suggest you just let this topic drop? We don't live with them and even if they posted a blow by blow analysis of the last few months/years, we still wouldn't fully understand the real situation.

BigV and Tink, I am so happy that things are on the mend with you. happier than i can tell you, really, but you two need to be realistic. the wounds are too fresh to be dealing with them in an open and public environment like the cellar. Words on the screen here can be easily misunderstood or misinterpreted. and the truth is that the down and dirty details of the events are no ones' business but your own, don't be ashamed, but be careful about what you post. trust me, i know from personal experience.

Looking back at the posts in this thread - Tink can you understand that after the last few months it is only natural that if V drops a "bad day" message, people would be concerned that the road to recovery you two are on might have developed a few bumps? Don't read our concern as "What did that evil woman do???" you are a cellarite now, so you need to read it as "whoa - are you TWO ok?" it's the cellar, we tend to have sharp claws and thick skin. But at the end of the day we stand by eachother, that means you too.

The Cellar has had couples in it before but we've never had a long time member go through a split, get back together, and introduce their other half, so this dynamic is new territory for us all.

now let's all just relax... *steps off soapbox*

monster 11-14-2007 02:42 PM

No. I think Tink needs to stop needling the unnamed person. What is she hoping to achieve? On the one hand she's crying unfair becasue she perceives that we only ever heard BigV's story and all sided with him, and then she launches a one-sided attack on another dwellar and is encoranging dwellars to side with her.

I think Tink was brave to join the cellar given that she felt this way about our perceptions of her, and I'm glad she did. But I'm not happy about this picking on an un-named dwellar. And yes, I do think I know who it is and if I'm right, I'm pretty darn positive that these attacks are unwarranted and unfair. That's what has to stop first.

and yes, that was more like $2 than 2c.

lookout123 11-14-2007 02:44 PM

i gave my $.02. i'm out.

Shawnee123 11-14-2007 02:54 PM

Why is paranoia making everyone act as though Tink shouldn't have said what she said? I thought it was great that she brought her concerns into the open, so they could be addressed. Methinks, as Tink said, unnamed dwellar knows who she is; the rest of us don't need to worry about it.

But, lookout's post was right on about we are not in the situation. So, I second most of what lookout said and urge us all to not get defensive towards Tink. We weren't there. We don't know.

Spexxvet 11-14-2007 02:54 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123 (Post 407044)

now let's all just relax... *steps off soapbox*

No - I wanna see Monster's boobies!

monster 11-14-2007 02:59 PM

there's cleavage here somewhere, i think

Spexxvet 11-14-2007 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 407048)
No. I think Tink needs to stop needling the unnamed person. ...

I don't see Tink's post as needling. She's not beating a dead horse - she let us know what happened, but isn't going to tell us who. And that's ok.

monster 11-14-2007 03:14 PM

maybe. but it's one-sided. She'll telling us what happened -her version. But, I'm also spent up in the 2c department for now. I would really like the whole topic to be dropped, I am glad they sorted it out and are insanely happy. The public smooching is a bit much for me, but it's a small price to pay to see them happy. :)

glatt 11-14-2007 03:41 PM

So anyway. Back to me.

I'm really really upset that I've got to deal with a leaking toilet at home tonight. I mean it. ;) Gonna have to take a trip to Home Depot. I started out loving that place when it opened about ten years ago. Now it just smacks of chaos whenever I'm there. My wife gets an instant headache when she walks through their door, and I'm starting to feel the same way about the place. I'll buy the new wax seal I need, but I'll probably end up buying a new supply hose and the little foam rubber gasket that goes between the tank and bowl.

I'll get home, shut off the water valve, flush the toilet and suck the tank and bowl dry with the shop vac. Hold on, now that I think about it, I'll need to empty the shop vac first, otherwise I'll have a nasty sludge bucket of wet plaster dust in there.

So I'll remove the tank. Unscrew the bolts and pull up the toilet. Scrape off the old wax ring and put on the new one. That's if everything goes according to plan. It never does. I bet I need a flange extender. I think the closet flange is too low. I fixed this toilet just three years ago. It shouldn't be leaking again yet.

Should I buy some new rubber gloves for this job?

monster 11-14-2007 03:44 PM

Don't replace the wax with more wax. :eek: Beest found some good modern alternatives when ours leaked.

Shawnee123 11-14-2007 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 407072)

Should I buy some new rubber gloves for this job?

Oh why not! Splurge a little on yourself, go wild! You deserve it. :D

kerosene 11-14-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 407074)
Oh why not! Splurge a little on yourself, go wild! You deserve it. :D

Yeah, after all, it is only once every 3 years you get to do this!

monster 11-14-2007 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 407072)
Should I buy some new rubber gloves for this job?

Nah, just use your bedroom ones.

Shawnee123 11-14-2007 03:47 PM

But, are they (da da DAAAA) latex?:worried:

glatt 11-14-2007 04:03 PM

Now we're talking. I think I'll try some lamb skin gloves for this. They may be a little too porous. Hmm...

Trilby 11-14-2007 04:03 PM

I think I ruined my wig. I opened the oven door to take out some fries and I think the heat melted my bangs. the damage is irreversable. go ahead. laugh. it's very sad to me. plus, wig was donated by worthy women who bail out losers like me...they paid for it and I've ruined it in two days.

I just want to go home to satan now.

monster 11-14-2007 04:07 PM

oh, bri :(

Are you sure it isn't rescuable?

Spexxvet 11-14-2007 04:08 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 407072)
So anyway. Back to me...

Pipe down and show us your boobies!

HungLikeJesus 11-14-2007 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by Spexxvet (Post 407087)
Pipe down and show us your boobies!

I don't think...

Ah, I don't think glatt has boobies.

glatt 11-14-2007 04:18 PM

Maybe g1att does, but I don't. At least I don't think I do.

Bri, I'm really sorry about your wig.

Cicero 11-14-2007 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by shina (Post 407014)
It sounds like Tink is trying to be PC and not identify "she". I applaud her for that. Frankly, she (Tink) made it known that she knows of some indiscretions that took place between this other Cellar female and her husband. I'd be upset too.

Sundae Girl,
Glad to hear things are ok with your leg. Let us know if working out helps. That would be good news for the rest of us too if we experience anything of the sort.

Wait..I know who Tink is...but who in the hell are you?

Welcome to the cellar.


Clodfobble 11-14-2007 04:25 PM


Originally Posted by glatt
I fixed this toilet just three years ago. It shouldn't be leaking again yet.

Ahem... ah, maybe that's your problem? Just sayin'. Maybe hiring a plumber to do it this time would be an investment in the (three years from now) future?

lookout123 11-14-2007 04:27 PM

hmmm, hire a plumber at $75/hour or replace a $2.99 seal every three years... the dilemma. :yelgreedy

glatt 11-14-2007 04:28 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 407092)
Ahem... ah, maybe that's your problem? Just sayin'. Maybe hiring a plumber to do it this time would be an investment in the (three years from now) future?

You are probably right, but I'm stubborn that way. And cheap. Mostly cheap.

Spexxvet 11-14-2007 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by HungLikeJesus (Post 407088)
I don't think...

Ah, I don't think glatt has boobies.

He's got 'em - in a manly sort of way.

bluecuracao 11-14-2007 04:34 PM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 407085)
I think I ruined my wig. I opened the oven door to take out some fries and I think the heat melted my bangs. the damage is irreversable. go ahead. laugh. it's very sad to me. plus, wig was donated by worthy women who bail out losers like me...they paid for it and I've ruined it in two days.

I just want to go home to satan now.

Hey Bri, I bet they'll give you a new wig. These things can't be helped sometimes, you know? Especially when you're cooking food for yourself so you can eat! :)

HungLikeJesus 11-14-2007 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 407095)
You are probably right, but I'm stubborn that way. And cheap. Mostly cheap.

Perhaps. But your time (and happiness) have to be worth something.

Aliantha 11-14-2007 04:42 PM

Take it to a hair dresser Bri. Maybe they can fix it.

Cicero 11-14-2007 04:42 PM


Originally Posted by monster (Post 407048)
No. I think Tink needs to stop needling the unnamed person. What is she hoping to achieve? On the one hand she's crying unfair becasue she perceives that we only ever heard BigV's story and all sided with him, and then she launches a one-sided attack on another dwellar and is encoranging dwellars to side with her.

I think Tink was brave to join the cellar given that she felt this way about our perceptions of her, and I'm glad she did. But I'm not happy about this picking on an un-named dwellar. And yes, I do think I know who it is and if I'm right, I'm pretty darn positive that these attacks are unwarranted and unfair. That's what has to stop first.

and yes, that was more like $2 than 2c.

Exactly...darn it Monster where have you been?!?

All of a sudden nothing is anyone's business, too. Interesting.
If she knew that Spexx normally doesn't show any interest of this kind, she might have been flattered instead.

Cellar learning curve. uuugh. It's ugly.

DucksNuts 11-14-2007 04:52 PM


Originally Posted by Shawnee123 (Post 407055)
Why is paranoia making everyone act as though Tink shouldn't have said what she said? I thought it was great that she brought her concerns into the open, so they could be addressed. Methinks, as Tink said, unnamed dwellar knows who she is; the rest of us don't need to worry about it.

But, lookout's post was right on about we are not in the situation. So, I second most of what lookout said and urge us all to not get defensive towards Tink. We weren't there. We don't know.

I am sure there are a few of us here wondering whether we were *she*.

I mean, my pics are on here, I didnt pm V......

Clodfobble 11-14-2007 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by lookout123
hmmm, hire a plumber at $75/hour or replace a $2.99 seal every three years... the dilemma.

Yeah, right up to the year that one doesn't notice the leak right away, and all of a sudden the sub floor and/or basement has hundreds of dollars of water damage... Can you tell I live with a proud do-it-yourselfer? Usually it works out. But the one time out of however-many that it doesn't... let's just say I will never, ever, ever agree to install a garage door without a professional again.

lookout123 11-14-2007 04:59 PM

see, i'm not a DIYer and proud of it. i wish i was mechanically inclined, but i'm not. my dad is and it amazes me. I tried, but just screwed things up. Then i found the liberating feeling of just paying someone else to do anything i don't feel like doing. here's my logic. If I can hire someone who makes less per hour than I do to do a job I don't want to do then everyone wins. He gets paid, I get to not spend my time doing it, and the job gets done right.

That being said, I did a complete top to bottom remodel on a house last year and I can say in all honesty that you can safely replace the waxie in about 20 minutes with very few complications.

Cicero 11-14-2007 05:35 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts (Post 407108)
I am sure there are a few of us here wondering whether we were *she*.

I mean, my pics are on here, I didnt pm V......

Yeah...I'm concerned too. And I just posted my face....I mean...I thought we were all husband stealing whores, and come to find out it's just one of us.



glatt 11-14-2007 09:15 PM

Hey, I'm done. All happy now.

It took 2.5 hours if you count the trip to the store and the clean up. It's a bit more difficult than a straightforward job since the pipes are old cast iron, and the flange isn't quite level. Total cost $5.19 plus maybe $1 in gas/mileage. And I figured out the toilet leaked where the manufacture date is right in the area where the wax ring goes. Makes for a rough surface where you want a smooth one. The wax hadn't filled the depression well, and that's where it leaked. I smeared it in there this time, so I hope it will last. If not, next time I'll buy a different toilet.

Aliantha 11-14-2007 09:19 PM

good work glatt. Now can we not hear anything more about your toilet please? lol

HungLikeJesus 11-14-2007 09:27 PM

glatt - is it a low-flow toilet (1 gpf or less)? If not, that would be another reason to replace it.

(Sorry Ali.)

Aliantha 11-14-2007 09:31 PM

geez you two...get a room for christ sake. lol

HungLikeJesus 11-14-2007 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 407212)
geez you two...get a room for christ sake. lol

A bathroom?

Aliantha 11-14-2007 09:40 PM


HungLikeJesus 11-14-2007 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Aliantha (Post 407217)

Well, at least I didn't say it was moist.

Aliantha 11-14-2007 09:50 PM

Ooooh....moist (not the toilet not the toilet not the toilet)!

I like that word.

monster 11-14-2007 09:57 PM


Aliantha 11-14-2007 10:01 PM

Ooooh...and piles! don't sit on the cellar chat room floor or you'll get 'em.

SteveDallas 11-14-2007 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by Cicero (Post 407130)
. . . we were all husband stealing whores . . .

Oh gosh, I didn't know...

Sundae 11-15-2007 04:14 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 407085)
I think I ruined my wig. I opened the oven door to take out some fries and I think the heat melted my bangs. the damage is irreversable. go ahead. laugh. it's very sad to me. plus, wig was donated by worthy women who bail out losers like me...they paid for it and I've ruined it in two days.

Are you 100% sure it is irreversible? Because as I'm sure they told you, wigs can be cut. Perhaps they can cut the damage into a funky new style?

How much do now wigs go for anyway? Do they have to be individually measured? We could start a "TMI" thread again - I know my eyeball statistics courtesy of having contact lenses tests.

C'mon Bri, you're the only wig-wearer here, lets have some wiggy stories.

Trilby 11-15-2007 05:54 AM

my wig cost 140 dollars....they do measure your head for fit and some caps stretch for larger heads.

maybe it can be fixed. we'll see. the lady who helped me with it said it could be 'steamed' to fix it---whatever that entails.

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