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Nirvana 09-18-2008 07:05 PM

We had 11 and a half inches of rain this past weekend, my drive way is a swamp and still not dry after 3 semi loads of sand. Hurry up sunshine I need to get some gravel down.

HungLikeJesus 09-18-2008 07:06 PM

When was the last time you got 11 and a half inches?

Razzmatazz13 09-18-2008 09:00 PM

I used to be awesome at writing papers, I'd sit down, grab a pencil, and write. Paper would be done in an hour or so, I'd type it out, edit, fix my mistakes and voila.

For some reason once I entered college it became a big deal. Now it takes me FOREVER to be able to even start a paper, and then I get all frozen up about it, I avoid them like the plague which usually means they turn out late, but once I actually get one written, even with deducted points I still get good grades.

It's frustrating as all get out to not be able to figure out why I can't do this properly anymore. It's like waking up and realizing you can't remember how to move your legs to get out of bed.

HungLikeJesus 09-18-2008 09:15 PM

That's the roofies.

Juniper 09-18-2008 10:19 PM


Originally Posted by Razzmatazz13 (Post 485206)
I used to be awesome at writing papers, I'd sit down, grab a pencil, and write. Paper would be done in an hour or so, I'd type it out, edit, fix my mistakes and voila.

For some reason once I entered college it became a big deal. Now it takes me FOREVER to be able to even start a paper, and then I get all frozen up about it, I avoid them like the plague which usually means they turn out late, but once I actually get one written, even with deducted points I still get good grades.

It's frustrating as all get out to not be able to figure out why I can't do this properly anymore. It's like waking up and realizing you can't remember how to move your legs to get out of bed.

I hear ya. I'm a writer, for heaven's sake. You'd think that doing a research paper would be cake. It's not that much harder than writing articles, press releases, or whatnot, just sort of different. I have approximately eight of them to do this quarter, and the thought of what's looming ahead gives me a tummy full of flutters. :eek:

morethanpretty 09-20-2008 11:30 PM

I can't get into details, but there is something I should do, it would be best for all. I was all ready to take the necessary steps when the time came up. Well its come up. And I can't I just can't. It'd be like purposely ripping out my own heart and stomping on it. I've started to, get part of the way through and its like I'm physically in pain. Agh! It ought to be such an easy decision to go through, and its just ridiculously hard. It'll happen whether I initiate it or not, I guess I'll just go through the pain later.

Crimson Ghost 09-21-2008 02:16 AM

Ex-Lax might help.

morethanpretty 09-21-2008 10:57 AM

Not even close.

Sundae 09-23-2008 05:11 AM

Slipped on the stairs on Saturday. My left foot just slid out from under me and I slithered down the last four steps. No biggie, except that being in the pub, there was a locked door to crash into. I sat and heaved with pain for a while, then bumped back up the stairs on my bott. I retired to my room in distress, until I heard John come up to get some change and despatched him for a towel and ice.

Sunday, he took me to A&E. Hmmmm. I will defend state healthcare until it kills me, but London A&E has, is and always will be a miserable experience. Still, I got x-rays and painkillers and a ride in a wheelchair from a lovely porter, so it was worth 5 hours wait. Ahem.

All clear of course, I just bruise and swell easily and scare everyone with the inflatable look of my peripheries. So yesterday was resting, icing, compressing and elevating. Back to work today. Bloody hurts though - I feel like The Little Mermaid down one side.

Don't worry - I'll take a picture for you.

DanaC 09-23-2008 07:46 AM

Bugger, Sundae, that's a shit way to spend a Sunday!

Hope you're all better soon m'dear. And yes, pics please!

Trilby 09-23-2008 07:53 AM

Yeah, and I don't think John "came up to get change," either. He was lookin' to get lucky oncet again and gaze upon that garden of yourn.

glatt 09-23-2008 07:54 AM

Ouch! Sorry to hear about your fall. That picture in the other thread looks really painful.

Sundae 09-23-2008 08:02 AM


Originally Posted by Brianna (Post 486118)
Yeah, and I don't think John "came up to get change," either. He was lookin' to get lucky oncet again and gaze upon that garden of yourn.

Nah, it's Martin who's the cheeky monkey - John is a real gentleman, in every sense of the word.

DanaC 09-23-2008 09:38 AM

Is John the guy I met? The one I borrowed a lighter from?

If so he seemed lovely.

Sundae 09-23-2008 10:27 AM

Yes, I think it probably was.

He has been so good to me - not only letting me stay there but on times like the weekend when he fed Diz for me, brought me up a drink as well as ice for my foot and took me to and from the hospital, which would have been at least £15 each way in a taxi.

And the people who work in the kitchen left me the Broccoli and Stilton soup because I didn't get my usual pub meal (as I wasn't working) and they know I really like it. Had it for tea and for lunch today, nom nom nom.

I've been very lucky with the people I've met this year, I really have.

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