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Oh dear, I hope you're feeling better.
Of course you have good friends. You are a giving and caring person, and deserve tenfold in return. |
Ha - just said the same to you on the other thread :)
Great minds, my friend, great minds.
Eeesh, I better get to work. I'm running on full adrenaline right now! |
Hitting up this thread again - trying to keep my moaning off the main board.
I'm just fed up of being in pain now. Not big pain. Not important pain like other Dwellars have had to put up with, And I do know there will be an end to this pain. But I'm fed up with the swelling, the shuffling, the walking-on-knives feeling. Gah. And I have decided mothers are the most selfish people in the world - although I am aware there are exceptions - I met one this morning. Now I usually walk very quickly. And I am aware of my surroundings. If I see a woman coming along with a kid on a bike or scooter I will step into the road or cross to the other side - they take up the whole pavement, I am willing and able to move. Similarly if there are two mums with pushchairs, or a gaggle of small children, or an old person with a stick etc etc. But when I am obviously limping. When I am using a garden wall for support. When I am obviously watching the ground for uneven pavement... Guess who has to stop to let them pass? Me. Still. It doesn't help that sod's law dictates we will pass at the precise point where someone has their bin out on the pavement, or there is a tree or a lamp-post, ie the narrow part. But why can't they look with their eyes and see that I'm shuffling along as fast as I can go, obviously in some pain (you don't limp unless it hurts to walk!) and just move to one side. I'm not asking for special treatment really, just some of the same courtesy I show to others when I am in rude health. BTW - a woman carrying a toddler stopped to let me pass this morning. I gave her a big smile and a thank you. She was the exception, but a very welcome one. Sorry - I've run out of painkillers and am working tonight in the pub and Diz wasn't around last night (so I am worried about him) and all that. |
Good moaning, Sundae. It's a beautiful day.
(Have you had your foot X-rayed? Maybe something is broken.) |
Got some painkillers now. Still grumpy :) |
Thank God for painkillers and the relief they bring!
But sorry you need them...Hope it feels better soon. |
Tendons? Ligaments? They wont show up on an x-ray. And when you badly twist your ankle that is usually what is damaged - not bone.
Meh - they poked me about a bit, asking what hurt and what didn't, they seemed confident it was just bruising.
I'm wary of their advice that I should exercise it and use it normally though. They (who are "they"?) said that when I was hit by a car. I went back a week later, swollen up like a ballon and black as Newgate's knocker and they admitted I should have continued with R.I.C.E. until the swelling went down. I'm sure this should have been the same, but I've got to work, sadly. It goes down overnight as I elevate both legs on a rolled up duvet. But it swells up during the day and when I work in the pub. I promise on Saturday, apart from going to my new house, I will spend the day with my leg elevated until I go to work. And same Sunday until 13.00 and after 17.00. I'm sure that will knock it on the head. |
Pocketknife is missing again. Sh*t. And good, since I remember seeing it last in the woods and not since then. Perhaps it is stuck in some pocket or some bag in my gear. Perhaps. Well, the lemonade here is I have some serious FAWET ahead of me in the name of finding my knife.
I've got a pocket knife (Swiss Army variety) that my Mom gave me the Christmas before we moved away from St. Louis (1987). It also has teeth marks on the plastic where my oldest chewed on it as a toddler.
I would be devastated if I lost that knife. Too many memories go along with it. And the thing is, I used to lose knives all the time. I guess it's important enough to me that I'm more aware of it's location. |
you need to attach that bloomin' thing on a piece of elastic like toddler's mittens! One of those curly plastic keychains should do it -that's what I use for the kids' cellphones.
stupid friggen men
So came home night before last, went to log onto my beloved cellar, and to check what atrocities had occured in the orgy thread...I had no service. This was coming but I didn't realize it would be happening so soon! Our apts are switching providers and our new providers haven't set up yet. I've called a million (3 or 4) people about it by now! So, I don't know when I'll get it back up, for now I'll have to see ya'll only at school. Can't check the NSFW pics thats for sure! <3 and miss all!
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