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Pie 10-06-2008 04:40 PM

Hey Cic -- if you need a day to figure out the insurance, that's fine, but don't let it go much longer than a day or two. Really.

UT -- may the Force be with you. I hope you find a replacement gig just soon enough that the novelty of the unexpected vacation has juuuust worn off.

Trilby 10-06-2008 04:42 PM

OH! UT!!!! Hang in there, cowboy. You're probably in shock right now----just one foot in front of the other, breath in, breath out. Prayers to you!

Cic--I'll kick your ass, too. Get it checked.

Clodfobble 10-06-2008 05:39 PM

Aw, man! I'm really sorry, UT. Somebody needs a cunt-kicking.

For what it's worth, I've found to be the most efficient and thorough jobsearch engine by far.

ZenGum 10-06-2008 07:23 PM

Holy crap, UT, that sucks.

Can you busk? ;)

DucksNuts 10-06-2008 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by Undertoad (Post 490360)
:eek: I WAS LAID OFF TODAY! :eek:

If anyone needs Linux administration help about now...

can you cut hair?

Seriously, UT, not cool. Was there any hint?

limey 10-07-2008 03:07 AM

Holy poop, UT. You will overcome (as said above) but in the meanwhile it's a bu88er. In a week from now things'll look a whole lot rosier, trust me. Maybe even a couple of days will be enough to turn the picture inside out.
Brainstorm all your ideas - we're all rooting for you.
And Cic - get to a DOCTOR, NOW - even though the odds are on your side.

Sundae 10-07-2008 03:31 AM

Ah Tony I'm really sorry to hear that.
All my thoughts & wishes are with you in hoping this is very temporary. Well, those that aren't with my brother who is in the same situation :(

Cic - get thee to a nunnery! Or a doctors, preferably. If you have something, then you already have it (if you get what I mean). If it's not a problem then why put yourself through worry. If it is a problem then for God's sake it needs to be sorted sooner rather than later. You're certainly not a coward.

In my bad news (don't even come close to the above) I need to give a stool sample. Doc wants to check me for H Pylori before going any further. I have never done one of these before. I can't even think of how to go about it. The idea is already making me retch. Any tips would be gratefully accepted - either by PM or perhaps in a Stool Sample thread, so no-one chokes on their Cap'n Crunch.

It's only a pea sized sample, but that doesn't help me with the grim logistics of actually... well enough said in this thread.

Sundae 10-07-2008 06:09 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Just so you know - this is my little poop scoop.

LabRat 10-07-2008 09:05 AM

Undertoad-- I'm sending as many good vibes as I can scare up.

Cic--there are places that do free or reduced price mammograms based in income level around here, there are likely to be some around you. Google "New Mexico free mammograms" and check out your local Planned Parenthood or Women's Centers. Something to think about if it's going to take awhile to get the insurance sorted out.

Shawnee123 10-07-2008 10:28 AM

Laughing my *ass* off at the cute little poop scoop. Is that a tupperware product?

SG's right, Cicero...I felt infinitely better when I received the news from my recent butt probe that the polyps were non-cancerous, and I just need to keep an eye on it more frequently (that sounds pretty funny.)

Sending warm wishes to youse guyz!

sweetwater 10-07-2008 10:38 AM

Good vibes, UnderToad.

What can we do to help? Do you have a CV, geographical limits, whatever that will help guide the process?

Undertoad 10-07-2008 10:46 AM

I'm an experienced Linux admin in the Philly area. I should find new work in short order, where "short order" is about 4 months. That's my guess -- but the economy could have people jittery about new hires. And so the question is now whether I should take work doing whatever, i.e., installing Direct TV and stuff like that.

sweetwater 10-07-2008 10:49 AM

I apologize for my stupidity, but I don't know if that is the kind of work that can be done from another location or do you have to be on site.

Undertoad 10-07-2008 10:54 AM

System administration is generally local -- only because somebody has to locally install the things that let people work remotely.

Nowadays "integrated lights out" is all the rage -- things that let you *really* run a computer from anywhere on the Internet. At my previous job, we became remote sysadmins as much as possible, but there's a limit where somebody actually has to be on site -- to change out disk drives, diagnose hardware problems, that sort of thing.

Flint 10-07-2008 10:58 AM

Sys Adminnery can also get into being there to assist with PEBKAC/ID-Ten-T errors.

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