![]() |
Understandably she is, by her own admission, somewhat low spirited, although this is by no means a constant condition. Sundae has had a couple of minor procedures which have caused more than a little discomfort and she describes herself as 'sore but healing'. Fortunately she has her mobile phone with her and we've been exchanging text messages several times a day. BTW, the above details are posted with Sundae's approval. |
Thank you for keeping us in the loop. I started worrying on the way home from work.
Thanks, Carruthers.
Carruthers is a good egg.
Sidestep: Many years ago, when I was young and stupid and most of my friends were drug dealers and oddballs, 'good egg' was the highest compliment that could be paid to anyone. Always used to make me smile that. When Nutty Paul (I'm not being bitchy, that was how he was known by all and to his face) a man seemingly carved from granite and graffitied with self-applied tattoos, would say in all seriousness, in his thick Bolton accent that this or that person was a good egg. |
But be aware, you are allowed to rat her out to us without it. :lol: |
Thanks for letting us know. That sounded scary.
Keep your chin up, sundae, you can weather this. (Good egg is a great phrase. I use it sometimes too.) :) |
Thank you, kind sir, for the info on our Sundae. |
Small world. Or Crazy Paul really gets around! |
Crazy Joe Davola.
Along with Nutty Paul, I also had friends who went by the names of Mad Sharon, Fingers Geoff, Nervous Pete, Little Pete (to differentiate him from Big Pete, who moved out of the area before I lived there), Kenny the Burglar and Dancing Max (who died tragically young) |
Sounds like an East End (of London) gang!
Sent by thought transference |
At first glance yes - but put in context, it's significantly naffer. You have to imagine all of those names pronounced with a Bolton accent, whilst sitting in a shabby Bolton bedsit.
Think Phoenix Nights: (nsfw language) Funny thing is, aside from Mad Sharon* it was mainly only the lads who had nicknames like that. *with whom I once spent a memorable afternoon, whilst the lads were all off doing some shit or other at the garage, as she showed me Faces of Death and waxed lyrical about how she watches it several times a day and she rewinds the bit where the guy's jaw collapses during a firing squad execution many more times - thankfully she'd watched it so much the tape had worn and the image was snowy and the sound crackly - she then topped that off by saying how much she liked spending time with me as I was the only one that seemed to 'get' her - cue frozen in place warm and friendly smile. I never found out if the rumours of her having an axe in her bedroom were true and nor did I seek to |
K. I'll stop hijacking the thread now :P
Chin Up Sundae, lass, we're all thinking of you. |
Well it's obvious now she needs a Bolton Gang Name to cheer her up.
Just checking in/catching up ... feel better, Sundae! And thanks, Carruthers, for the update.
Just a quick update....
I had a chat with Sundae a few minutes ago and she expects to be discharged from hospital tomorrow (Monday 7th). She's had a bit of a battering this week but things are moving in the right direction. I hope that she'll be able to check in here in a couple of days to bring you all up to date. |
Not upsetting per se - more pissing me off - but I can't be arsed trying to find the other thread and this one popped up on New Posts.
The reason I can't be arsed looking is the reason I am posting. Phone and internet are suffering some sort of intermittent fault. They were down completely for a couple of hours yesterday and they were both down again when I got up this morning and didn't start working again until about 10:30. In betweemn the total outages every thing is a bit rocky. Phone calls have a lot of background hiss and my connection is cooky as hell. I hate not having stable internet. It's been really quite well-behaved just lately and I got lulled into a false sense of security and then it remembered it's in a semi-rural Yorkshire village and reverted to type. Actually, I think there's a problem at the exchange because a few other people are having problems and I can't get through to TalkTalk for love nor money because they are experiencing high call volumes. In theory I can go to their website and view current system problems and ongoing outtages across the network - but their site is a delicate flower and cannot load without the full trimmings of a stable connection. #bottomrungfirstworldproblems |
Then 35-7 There goes the shutout. |
F!!@### paypal. Sis sent me a few bucks. Well it didn't show up. After all the Bs, I had to transfer it from their account to my bank. So they have been using that money for a few day. Which just might be big money over time.
When you're really, really upset and you know no-one can help/definitely not the person in front of you, but someone bugs you to tell them anyway and eventually you think what do I have to lose? So you tell them and then they say back off like you have the plague
Lump of coal for Christmas.
yeah it does
Yikes. Hope it all works out.
I'm upset by people who park their cars illegally in handicapped spaces. Like the asshole right over there. I'm at the grocery store, and off work, no particular place to go, etc. It's a new Toyota Corolla, with standard license plates and no placard hanging from the rear view mirror, nor on the dash, nothing.
I'm just gonna sit here and wait for them to return to their car. I will make abundantly clear that he's parked illegally. I fucking hate it. |
Don't assume it's a he. It could be someone who forgot to hang the placard or so old and feeble they couldn't hang it properly and it fell when they closed the door.
Just to be sure, shoot them on site... and steal their groceries. :lol2: |
I don't really give a rip about their gender, it's just a common pronoun convention. I've seen female assholes do the same shit, so to speak.
As for being too feeble to hang the tag, fine maybe. But it's still illegal, even if they're entitled. How else is a vigilante like me supposed to tell the ass holes from the merely dumb asses? |
Maybe they have mobility issues, but have not yet acquired the tag. Maybe they have mobility issues that aren't properly covered by the scheme. I know over here some people have struggled to get parking badges for stuff like ME or intermittently severe sciatica, or whilst recovering from injury.
They may need the space without being legally entitled to occupy it. Or they're inconsiderate twats. Difficult to say without knowing their story :P |
Yeah, so who was it?
See how far that gets me with a bus driver. After my Dad had his knee replacement he couldn't walk without a stick for weeks or without pain for longer. He still refused to use Grandad's disabled parking badge unless Grandad was in the car with him. I have little patience with people who abuse those spaces. That said, I remember having a bit of a row with Rkzenrage, who believed if you could walk around a supermarket you should not be entitled to a badge... |
People have strong opinions about those spots. Based in emotion mostly.
I've needed to use those spots before with a passenger, but didn't have the placard. And then I was given a placard to use, but had no need for it because my passenger was in assisted living then and we weren't running errands. Too bad we can't base use of them on the honor system. |
I've had one for years. I talked my doctor into signing for one so I could park inside the plant where there was a huge parking lot only a quarter full right outside my department door. But I never used it in the real world until recently, and still don't, if I have a choice that within a reasonable distance.
I see a lot of abuse, by presumably family members, using a card issued for someone else. Granted it's hard to tell, but when 20ish kid pulls in with a grandpa car, jumps out and runs into a store, I get suspicious. In fairness, he might just be robbing the place. |
It's funny, I don't even see the handicapped spots. But then I find the idea of "hunting" for a good spot to be completely inefficient and stupid anyway. I take the first spot I come across, even if it's near the back, and walk in. 90% of the time I get to the door faster than the moron slowly prowling the aisles.
I like that quote, Grav!
I had a temporary handicapped parking tag while I was having chemo, and I needed it then. Couldn't walk more than about 50 ft without having to sit down and rest. And when the handicapped spots were filled by cars without tags, and those 20-somethings dashed into the store from their illegally-parked car full of vim and vigor, their choices meant that I couldn't hobble in and get my few groceries, because I couldn't walk across the whole parking lot. (Re Rkzenrage: I sat down A LOT in the grocery store - I knew where their benches/seats were and plotted my path from rest stop to rest stop.) My tag expired in 2013, a few months after chemo, which was appropriate. I have no sympathy for those who abuse the system, but my lack of sympathy doesn't matter. Somehow, they always get away with it. |
See it all the time too. We mostly don't even use ours anymore. Good for him to walk as much as possible etc.
Many times the placards are broke, have been lost or stolen. What most do not know is that there is a card issues with the tag. Ask them for that instead of accepting the "I lost it" excuse. Then shoot them and steal their groceries. OR do what I do - park them in. (just kidding) |
:idea: You're right, I forgot about the wallet card.
Wait what? I never got a wallet card. I feel gypped. :eyebrow:
You should have looked in the glove box instead of just grabbing the tag off the mirror and running. :lol:
Seriously though, there's no name on the hang tag, so you need the wallet card to prove it's being used by the right person. I've had mine for 20 years and never been challenged, but just in case. I tried to scan it but the printed card is white lettering on an extremely light violet. The name/address and tag number is black print, but that's all that shows in a scan. |
This fucker will burn in hell.
We're not supposed to talk about specifics online, because it's an ongoing investigation, blah blah blah. But it was not a "fight," and the park is only falling back on the "contractors" label for PR spin--many if not a majority of their employees are technically contractors. Just know that if that fucker had been able to sneak a gun into the park, a bunch of people would be dead, including children and families. And the guy in critical condition is not nobody. |
How long until the full story breaks?
I dunno. His wife is meeting with a lawyer on Tuesday, though I think that's a who's-gonna-pay-for-this-medical-care thing, not a prosecution thing. They got the whole attack on the park's security camera, so it shouldn't be hard to convict. Right now we're all just waiting for the contractor to wake up.
This is what I learned from the news article and video:
There was a fight. Clod says it wasn't a fight. So, we're left with this: Something happened. Someone please tell me what I'm missing. |
You're missing the other 90% of the story. You're welcome.
So are we.;) |
Something happened. Top-notch journalism. |
What is this "journalism" you speak of, and what does it have to do with getting clicks and links for the station?
Clod's doing the bratty sister thing... Nyah nyah, I know something you don't know. :p: |
It's my relative. Saying it was a "fight" indicates he's somehow partially at fault, which is not what went down. It was an unprovoked attack from an ex-employee who should not have been able to get onto the premises.
My relative is currently in an induced coma in the ICU with brain swelling from the severe head injury he suffered. At this point he is expected to be there for at least 7-14 more days, with no guarantee of what permanent damage may have been done until he wakes up and they can assess him. I'm angry, and sad, and scared for my relative and his wife. I get that the park has to protect itself and not let guests think that they might be in danger from an employee, but it sucks that the PR-speak has to act like everyone's equally to blame. |
The link calls it an "altercation" and an "incident", is the park saying something else?
The park's official line to news outlets was an "incident" caused a closure of a large section of the park for half a day, and that incident was a "fight" between "contractors" working inside the park. I imagine the author of that particular article took out his thesaurus and substituted "altercation."
Regardless, what actually happened was not a brawl, it was a disgruntled employee who flipped the fuck out, marched in and stabbed my cousin in the back of the head with a pair of scissors. He would have injured others had he not been restrained. I realize now that I was needlessly cryptic, I just didn't want to post things I wasn't supposed to. But details have been posted in other places now, so I guess it doesn't matter. |
Yeah, but we're family, Miss Grumpypants. :p:
I imagine both the reporter, and whoever was charged with the press release, didn't really know what happened and chose generic language. Both are in a position to get something out there fast. One to beat the competition with the earliest report even if it's incomplete, and the other to try and beat the rumor mill from spreading WW III or the Holocaust had started in the park. |
I'm sorry Clodfobble. That's horrific. I hope he wakes up from the coma as the same person.
He'd better. Dude's going to want to know that some 500+ artists across the country have donated to his medical care, and that he made national news.
They made a GoFundMe page for him.
Thank you.
The difficult thing (well, one of the difficult things) is that his dad, my dad's brother, lives in Austin. He's the one I've mentioned before with Parkinson's, and he's started slipping into dementia over the last 6-9 months. He just needs a little supervision and has a roommate who keeps things running smoothly for him for now, but we had to stop giving him updates on Glenn because he kept forgetting about it and every time we told him something new it was like we were breaking the news all over to him again.
Who is Celestia N. Ward?
An artist he used to work with in Vegas when he was working at the MGM Grand. I don't know her personally, but his wife said she does.
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