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DanaC 01-04-2016 02:11 PM

God, what a horrible thing to happen. The artists' response is awesome.

xoxoxoBruce 01-08-2016 11:12 AM

$51,810, raised by 932 people in 6 days. Sounds like a lot of money, but considering they medical attention he needs, I can envision a hospital bill of at least three times that.

Clodfobble 01-08-2016 11:53 AM

Oh absolutely, any amount of time in the ICU is going to top $100,000, and he's looking at a 2-week stay at least. On the other hand, you can be sure the park is going to pay for a good portion.

But I hadn't gotten around to mentioning... He is awake! Still on a respirator and heavily sedated, but responding to commands (wiggling toes and squeezing hands and whatnot.) They're starting some mild physical therapy to counteract lying in bed all day for so long, but he has to be in restraints because he keeps trying to pull out his ventilator tube. But brain swelling is completely gone, and he is awake!

glatt 01-08-2016 12:01 PM

Good news!

fargon 01-08-2016 12:27 PM

Great News.

lumberjim 01-08-2016 02:03 PM

Wow. Brutal. Sorry clod

Griff 01-08-2016 03:45 PM

Good news.

orthodoc 01-08-2016 08:58 PM

Glad to hear that he's awake and responding.

fargon 01-09-2016 06:03 AM

What ortho said.

busterb 01-09-2016 11:46 AM

Nothing,,,, Yet.

infinite monkey 01-09-2016 06:18 PM

Unrealistic expectations of what life is supposed to be about...I can't stop mourning for my mom. It's been two years, on December 29, and all I can think is that I did it all wrong , that I let her down. Somehow. Is this the punishment for not having your own children? Did I screw everything up? I miss her so much every day and I don't know how to keep going forward. I do, for her, but I wonder even why sometimes.

Thanks for listening.

glatt 01-09-2016 10:19 PM

I'm sorry I.M. I didn't know your mom, but I am sure she wouldn't have wanted you to feel like you let her down.

Griff 01-09-2016 11:27 PM

I'm sorry for your pain IM.

lumberjim 01-10-2016 12:13 AM

You're not here to impress anyone. Not even your mother. You're just here.

monster 01-11-2016 10:02 PM

Bowie's death made me cry. Not for him but because 18 months is so short. Lemmy had even less time to fight. We need a better chance. We need more time to do everything. I want to believe there's more time than that.

I still don't want to talk about it. I just needed to say that

xoxoxoBruce 01-11-2016 11:07 PM

The lifestyle he led would likely make him seek medical help.

xoxoxoBruce 01-11-2016 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 950515)
Who is Celestia N. Ward?


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 950516)
An artist he used to work with in Vegas when he was working at the MGM Grand. I don't know her personally, but his wife said she does.

She has a website that I found interesting. I was intrigued by the description of how she draws fat people without offending.

footfootfoot 01-12-2016 12:19 PM

1 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by anonymous
When you're really, really upset and you know no-one can help/definitely not the person in front of you, but someone bugs you to tell them anyway and eventually you think what do I have to lose? So you tell them and then they say back off like you have the plague

Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 948277)
Shit - that sounds rough.

footfootfoot 01-12-2016 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 948277)
Shit - that sounds rough.


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 948596)
I like that quote, Grav!

I had a temporary handicapped parking tag while I was having chemo, and I needed it then. Couldn't walk more than about 50 ft without having to sit down and rest. And when the handicapped spots were filled by cars without tags, and those 20-somethings dashed into the store from their illegally-parked car full of vim and vigor, their choices meant that I couldn't hobble in and get my few groceries, because I couldn't walk across the whole parking lot. (Re Rkzenrage: I sat down A LOT in the grocery store - I knew where their benches/seats were and plotted my path from rest stop to rest stop.)

My tag expired in 2013, a few months after chemo, which was appropriate. I have no sympathy for those who abuse the system, but my lack of sympathy doesn't matter. Somehow, they always get away with it.

I'd have just parked them in, I've also pulled up and touched their bumper then shoved their car out of the way. The perks of having a shit box beater.

footfootfoot 01-12-2016 12:28 PM


Originally Posted by infinite monkey (Post 950883)
Unrealistic expectations of what life is supposed to be about...I can't stop mourning for my mom. It's been two years, on December 29, and all I can think is that I did it all wrong , that I let her down. Somehow. Is this the punishment for not having your own children? Did I screw everything up? I miss her so much every day and I don't know how to keep going forward. I do, for her, but I wonder even why sometimes.

Thanks for listening.


Originally Posted by Griff (Post 950892)
I'm sorry for your pain IM.

I am too.

Your finger? Not so much. ;)

DanaC 01-12-2016 01:07 PM

My comment wasn't intended to be remotely dismissive. I meant that it sounded like a really difficult thing to deal with.

xoxoxoBruce 01-15-2016 05:32 PM


Originally Posted by Clodfobble (Post 950746)
Oh absolutely, any amount of time in the ICU is going to top $100,000, and he's looking at a 2-week stay at least. On the other hand, you can be sure the park is going to pay for a good portion.

They have estimated 10 more days in ICU, then a long hospital stay followed by therapy, but he is walking a little.

orthodoc 01-15-2016 08:07 PM

I am taking my father back to Ontario next weekend, to live in a retirement residence. Not a totally bad situation, in fact it'll be far better than what he has now; but not what I'd promised or anticipated.

I brought him to live with me just over two years ago after he'd been alone for 4 years, and my thought was that he'd live out his life here. But since being fired and having to start a new business 40 miles away, and being away very long hours, it's not tenable for him to continue like this. He's too frail. He doesn't cook for himself. He has weak legs due to neuropathy, and he's prone to falls; if he falls while I'm away for 12 hours, he'll just lie there.

So he has to enter assisted living, because the home care people in our county are scary and not an option. We looked at assisted living nearby, but his Canadian income doesn't stretch to cover costs with the current exchange, and he's too proud to let us help (we have no income right now and for the foreseeable future). So it's back to Ontario.

This is one more indirect consequence of those shitheads who did what they did last October. I drive past that big new building that's on my way to and from everything, it's so close to my house - the building I helped design and should have been working in now - and I have a very hard time not ill-wishing the bunch of them.

We never know how things will go in life, and I couldn't keep this promise. But it is definitely hard. My father will be alone in his new residence and city. He'll be back in Ontario but will have no health insurance for 3 months, so heaven help him if something happens within that time frame. It's a little-known fact that Ontario is absolute in its rejection of people without OHIP; they will turn away patients from the ER. There is no EMTALA there, or any comparable legislation. I hope he'll be all right for 3 months, or I'll have to spirit him back across the border for compassionate medical care.

All of which is to say that this breaking up of family is one more thing I lay at the feet of this local shithead 'health system'. It's not anything that can be compensated. Just a loss.

xoxoxoBruce 01-15-2016 10:46 PM


Originally Posted by orthodoc (Post 951462)
- and I have a very hard time not ill-wishing the bunch of them.

There is no reason not to, fuck 'em, they deserve it.

Ortho, check this out.

footfootfoot 01-16-2016 03:15 PM


Originally Posted by DanaC (Post 951151)
My comment wasn't intended to be remotely dismissive. I meant that it sounded like a really difficult thing to deal with.

Are you accusing me of being remotely dismissive? Obviously I am, because I am nowhere near close enough to be locally dismissive.

not usre if this is ref my comment, but if it is, I share your feelings. The second part was a private joke with IM and you shouldn't be eavesdropping

orthodoc 01-16-2016 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce (Post 951469)
There is no reason not to, fuck 'em, they deserve it.

Ortho, check this out.

Thanks, Bruce.

Sundae 01-20-2016 07:20 AM

I'm getting really grumpy again.
Everything is upsetting me, or irritating me, or offending me.
So if I don't show up for a while, it's self-censorship.

I really want to go and see Mum, but I can't.
I need answers regarding my health, my finances, my future plans, but they are a long time coming.
I want to move away from this place, but I can't.
And I want it to be warm again - so MUCH. Something I never thought I'd say.

Oh and I want a nice dinner too, because why not ask for everything while you're at it.

Sympathy isn't asked for or expected. Practical solutions even less. I see someone who can set things in motion for me tomorrow. Today I'm just down, but I'm trying to recognise the pattern. And the pattern says - do your moaning in private for now.

anonymous 01-20-2016 11:53 AM

I feel ya! So many things are irritating me. I too want answers about my health (not in so dire straits as you but there are things I want to take care of/check out, and I can't) and I want my finances to make sense and I want a future that doesn't include dying of a heart attack in 3 years and good GAWD I want to move I hate where I am so much and it's falling apart piece by piece...and so am I.

And I want it to be warm again too. And damn what I would give for a nice steak dinner with a nice guy.

Right now I want a big fluffy teddy bear to cuddle and cry on. Preferably in a Johnny Depp shape.

Hang in there, Sundae. :) :hug:

fargon 01-20-2016 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae (Post 951724)
I'm getting really grumpy again.
Everything is upsetting me, or irritating me, or offending me.
So if I don't show up for a while, it's self-censorship. Today I'm just down, but I'm trying to recognise the pattern. And the pattern says - do your moaning in private for now.

If it gets bad pm me.

limey 01-28-2016 04:24 PM

A school friend, one of the best, who I reconnected with on Fookbace a few years ago is dying of cancer. Tonight. Tomorrow. Soon. Diagnosed at the end of October.
That is all.

Sent by thought transference

Gravdigr 01-28-2016 04:28 PM

Sorry, Limey.:sniff:

Fuck cancer.

fargon 01-28-2016 05:02 PM

Sorry, and FUCK cancer.

xoxoxoBruce 01-28-2016 07:41 PM

Fuck cancer, and fuck fookbase the bearer of bad news. :(

Griff 01-28-2016 08:34 PM

Damn sorry. fc

infinite monkey 01-28-2016 09:42 PM

I'm so sorry limey. Jebus it ain't fair by any stretch of imagination. :(

orthodoc 01-28-2016 10:07 PM

Sorry, Limey. :(

limey 01-28-2016 11:19 PM

Thanks everyone. I'm glad to have got to know her again, just sad that it was for a short while (no news yet, but that's not good ...)

orthodoc 01-29-2016 09:52 PM

I've had pain in my low back for several weeks; radiates to my left leg below the knee, which means spinal nerve impingement. Never had it before, no trauma to cause it. It could be due to degenerative processes, but coming on over a short period of time makes that less likely. Steroids have improved things somewhat today but otherwise it's crippling. I know I need to contact my onco but don't want to get bad news.

There's enough bad news with my practice that has no patients, and endless debt. People call and then don't show. We had a call today for 15 physicals next week but I'll believe it when they walk through the door. And pay. Getting paid in the US for WC is ridiculous - so many middle-man companies that take chunks out of insurance payments, and no choice about it. I sink deeper in debt every day. But if I have mets, I suppose it won't matter.

monster 01-29-2016 09:54 PM

Limey, i'm so sorry.

Sundae 02-08-2016 08:59 AM

First, heard Mum's friends' son has died.
The couple where the husband has leukemia.
He (the son) was taken into hospital with acute pancreatitis and subsequently suffered a cardiac arrest and then brain damage from that.

Died yesterday afternoon surrounded by family, although it's not likely he'd have known that.
It was inevitable at that point. The damage was done. He was in general poor health physically, as well as being schizophrenic. His Mum described him as "a gentle giant".
He was only 6-8 years older than me from what I can work out. Hard to reckon when you knew someone when you were young. Those few years mean a lot in middle school, and nothing on a deathbed.
Made me cry.

And then today, my mobile phone was stolen from the library.
Properly stolen.
I can only assume I put it down when I talked to the librarian (I am so much more careful when I am in Leeds!) and walked off without it (careful, but absent-minded).
Checked a book back in, went to take a photo, couldn't find phone. Retraced my steps. Searched and re-searched my bags. Was then asked by another library user, "Did you get your phone back?" in a worried tone of voice.

Apparently, the man using the nearest computer had said he knew me, I'd just gone out for a cigarette, and he'd take it to me.
Lying, thieving scrote.

No phone, no landline, no internet access apart from the library.
The best my service provider can offer is that I ask for a duplicate SIM card and buy another phone.

Got a crime number, and there is CCTV/ user records in the library.
Am not holding my breath.
But that made me cry too.

I can't compare death to losing a mobile phone. But I don't think I've ever had anything deliberately stolen before. He had at TOP a five minute window of opportunity.

glatt 02-08-2016 09:28 AM

I'm sorry Sundae. That's horrible that the thief took your phone.

Carruthers 02-08-2016 10:14 AM

It's an unfortunate fact of life that anything which isn't nailed down will disappear at the hands of some opportunist thief.

Despicable 'illegitimate'.

DanaC 02-08-2016 10:52 AM

Oh no! Hon, that's awful bad luck. When it's your main link tothe world, that really sucks.

And, I was just about to text you my new mobile number (early birthday pressie from the two Js) so we could text again, finally, after a year and a half of me not having a mobile :(

Gravdigr 02-08-2016 11:26 AM

I just can not abide a thief.

My buddy keeps getting shit taken from his house. He has a plan for the thief if he ever catches him in his house...

It involves dude's hands and a 32 oz claw-hammer.

Sundae 02-09-2016 06:09 AM

Well at least my Mum is being sympathetic...


I wouldn’t expect anything else in a big city. You have got away with it being in Otley, but why must it leave your pocket? Do phones have to be right beside everyone all the time? It’s the same in pubs and McD’s. Phones on tables everywhere.
They are asking to be stolen.

I am so old that I do not understand it at all. I suppose because I do not feel it is “my life”, as younger people do, I always have mine in a pocket or bag, which is why I miss calls (which are not important in the first place in the grand scheme of life).
I wish the bloody things had never been invented. My Crime Desk job consisted of dozens of calls a day about stolen phones and made my life a misery so I see it from a different point of view. At least I did get CCTV checked in those sort of locations and made a lot of work for myself. I shouldn’t think city police would bother.
Oh well. she won't be bothered by any calls from me in the near future. Because they are not important.


Try and stay calm. I expect you will rant and rave at my email but it’s how I feel. Yours is not the only life that is shit.
Yes I know.
That's why I vented on here and didn't try to hurt you, mother.

Heh. The last line is always the killer.

glatt 02-09-2016 07:28 AM


infinite monkey 02-09-2016 11:29 AM

Geez Sundae. I get it. It's like, you (and I) are just going along trying so very hard to hold it all together and some dumbass thinks that it's a good time to throw some more wrenches (spanners) in the works.

Like grav said, I also cannot abide thieves.

But that's not only it, is it? It's those who want you to feel badly. They're everywhere. And we're supposed to ignore them, and be OK anyway. How?

Why can't things not suck for, like, five minutes?

I'm sorry about your phone. It's crappy that some loser stole it.

Clodfobble 02-09-2016 11:51 AM

Have you ever discussed your mother's narcissism vis-a-vis your own mental health situation with your therapists, Sundae? Because borderline is one of those things that is highly dependent on the environment in which you were raised. I know you probably know this, but still, it bears repeating. She's not healthy for you, in a number of ways.

fargon 02-09-2016 02:57 PM

What IM said.

Sundae 02-10-2016 03:34 AM

Oops. My post was supposed to go in the Upset thread, as an addendum to the one regarding having my phone stolen.
Please can a Mod move or delete it? It's completely in the wrong place here, and far too public.

monster 02-13-2016 10:44 AM

My vision. still bothering me. supposed to be used to it by now. fuckshitbollocks that is all.

limey 02-13-2016 10:46 AM

Sorry monster :(

Undertoad 02-13-2016 10:47 AM


monster 02-13-2016 10:58 AM

ikr. If only whinging was a cure. ;) oh well. can still function. back to the laundry. Boys are all away at hockey, I'm procrastinating housework

Clodfobble 02-13-2016 11:05 AM

Sorry, monster.

fargon 02-13-2016 11:07 AM


limey 03-04-2016 01:21 PM

We really ought to have a FUCK CANCER thread. Another friend of mine, musician and all round good bloke, has been diagnosed with cancer and given a few months to live. He lives abroad so I text him what is most likely a farewell message. Because you don't know how quickly they're gonna be taken.

glatt 03-04-2016 01:24 PM

Yeah. Cancer pretty much blows.

Gravdigr 03-04-2016 02:58 PM

Sorry about your friend, Limes.

Fuck cancer.

xoxoxoBruce 03-04-2016 04:41 PM

We're living too long, if we all died at 27 like real rock stars, there would be a lot less cancer. Fuck cancer from both ends. :mad:

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