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Clodfobble 10-29-2008 02:29 PM

Well, unless it was listed at like $(X+3)95k or something, where your offer just totally crushed all their hopes and dreams, I'd guess that taking it off the market had nothing to do with your offer, Pie. Maybe somebody lost a job, or found a job, or one of the kids suddenly has to move back home...

But anyway, why do you think you won't find another suitable place for over 2 months? Around here you can't throw a dead cat without hitting a house for sale... and people needing to sell during the holidays are usually of the more-motivated variety too.

glatt 10-29-2008 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pie (Post 498816)
Well, we lost the house. We made an offer of $X95k, and instead of coming back with $(X+1)10K or somesuch, they took it off the market. What the hell? So, we're stuck in apartment hell till past the holidays, at best.

crazy. You would think that if they were serious about selling, they would negotiate a little. Especially if they knew they had a serious offer.

Pie 10-29-2008 02:36 PM

It was listed at $(X+1)30k. We did shave $35k off their asking price, but they hadn't had a price reduction since July. And the market's been pretty shitty recently.

Oddly enough, there isn't much on the market that's any good. Most people seem to be waiting it out till spring for the new listings; what's out here is mostly left-overs that didn't sell for specific reason.

I'll now stop my whining. There's not much wrong with my life that a good, swift kick in the pants wouldn't cure.

lookout123 10-29-2008 02:40 PM

It's quite possible that your offer would take them into short sale territory. A) They aren't mentally prepared for that, B) They are but haven't done the legwork to prepare for a shortsale, which takes 90-180 days.

Pie 10-29-2008 03:05 PM

Yabbut, wouldn't they (sanely) make a counter-offer that puts them in the black? Who walks away from a cash offer without even negotiating??

lookout123 10-29-2008 03:09 PM

I don't know what is happening there, just offering a possibility. To start a shortsale process they have to have an offer of some sort. The person who actually makes that initial offer is rarely the one who buys the house later because the process is so long. They may be taking the offer to the bank saying, "see this is what we can sell it for" and then their negotiations begin.

Just a possibility. of course, they could just be stupid, too.

Chocolatl 10-29-2008 03:16 PM

Sorry about the house, Pie.

Dana, thankfully my eczema isn't that bad and is limited mostly to my hands. Every now and again I get a bad breakout and put off going to the dermatologist, but I think I'll have to follow your example and go in to get some medication or else I won't make it through the winter. Glad to hear you're feeling better!

glatt 10-29-2008 03:19 PM

Yeah, you don't often know what people are doing behind their back as they represent something else to you. Years ago, I was trying to rent an awesome house with a bunch of guys. It was going to be a great place for a bunch of single guys right out of college to live. Almost a mansion. Not cheap, but we could swing it. The agent was all excited with our application and that we all had good credit, jobs and could pay the rent, and the day after we signed the application, they decided not to rent the house but to sell it instead.

I think they were using us as some sort of bargaining chip to get a reluctant buyer to commit.

Cicero 10-31-2008 01:34 PM

The breast exam did not go well. At all. Plbbbt. In fact, it went worse than I thought possible.

classicman 10-31-2008 01:46 PM

It's probably nothing - ya know just like monsters kid with the murmor... just cautious butt-covering. Hang tight.

Cicero 10-31-2008 03:15 PM

It's just rich that someone scared the hell out of me on Halloween. Awesome. That's the spirit! Quite! lol! JFC.

lumberjim 10-31-2008 04:17 PM

so.....what happened?

Pie 11-04-2008 09:40 AM

Bump. Cic, what's going on?

dar512 11-04-2008 10:14 AM

Layoffs yesterday. Some good people gone.

dar512 11-04-2008 10:18 AM

What's the rest of the story, Cic?

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