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infinite monkey 06-30-2012 09:48 PM

Also I meant to say good to hear you and yours are ok, glatt. :)

zippyt 06-30-2012 10:11 PM

Camping in bad weather just adds to the experience,
Glad every body is ok

DanaC 07-01-2012 06:05 AM

Scary weather over there. Glad the kids are ok glatt.

Who do we have on the East coast?

ZenGum 07-01-2012 06:08 AM

Is any of that is going to get far enough west to help with the fires?

Clodfobble 07-01-2012 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by DanaC
Who do we have on the East coast?

At first, I read this as, "Why do we have an East coast?"

Glad everyone's doing okay. Weather's going to kill us all in the end.

glatt 07-01-2012 07:59 AM

I slept on the basement floor last night. It's unfinished, and at least once during the night I had to brush a camel cricket out of my hair. But it was cool and I slept well. Nobody else in the family wanted to sleep down there next to the furnace and cobwebs and stuff, so they all sweated it out on the livingroom floor. It was in the 90s in our bedrooms overnight, so sleeping up there was pretty much out of the question.

Our street is pretty much unscathed, but just a couple blocks away some folks got hit real bad.

The storm was pretty terrifying, but now it's just really boring. Sitting here in the heat looking at eachother. Not much is open, and it's not safe to drive around with all the traffic lights out and people who think that means the same as having a green light.

Hoping we get power today.

orthodoc 07-01-2012 08:20 AM


Originally Posted by glatt (Post 817988)
Hoping we get power today.

Hope so, Glatt. Hope you at least have running water in the meantime. Maybe you should spend the day cleaning out the basement, getting rid of the cobwebs and stuff so the family will sleep down there - because you just know that, if you do, the power will come back on just as you finish ... :right:

@Zen, the weather here moves from west to east, so unfortunately none of the rain from these storms will hit the wildfires out there. Probably just as well - the lightning in this storm system would've started new fires. It was crazy.

plthijinx 07-01-2012 08:53 AM

no power sucks. our lights flickered yesterday from a lightning strike up the road but that was it. surprised it didn't shut off for a while because i'm working all weekend, as murphy's law would have it.

glad y'all are alright glatt! hope you get your power back on soon!

i do love a good lighting storm though but not when i'm flying in it!

Ibby 07-01-2012 09:27 AM

vermont's been pretty dang warm, but no real storms up this far north. and a good thing, too - if we lose power, if i lose my fans, i will be just miserable beyond wwwwooooords.

glatt 07-01-2012 11:45 AM

Power! Woot!

orthodoc 07-01-2012 11:48 AM

Woot! Woot! And you didn't have to do the magical-thinking clean-out-the-basement thing! :D

infinite monkey 07-01-2012 04:25 PM

Another big windy storm as I type. Hot weather makes the storms so unpredictable but imminent. I don't think it will be the magnitude of Friday, but it is exciting to see the river and the trees from my back porch. Lights just flickered so I'm hoping no repeat of power loss. I do love a storm, though.

infinite monkey 07-01-2012 04:29 PM

Flash flood warning just came through my phone. The ground is so dry it pools, and runs straight into rivers and streams. I'm high on the levee so I'm safe.

plthijinx 07-01-2012 05:04 PM

did you drive to the levee? was it dry?

DanaC 07-01-2012 05:05 PM

The hill behind mum's house is waterlogged from all the rain. It's seeping through the back wall of her house, as well as the floor of the two back rooms. Pain in the arse.

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