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DanaC 11-08-2008 12:41 PM


Count me in that list. I'm still a little nervous that I'll someday pay for asking my doctor for some depression meds last year after my mom died, or for the week I spent in the "hospital" when I was 20. Is there a statute of limitations on nervous breakdowns? (sigh)
Fucking hope not lol.

HungLikeJesus 11-08-2008 01:56 PM

The problem with depressed people is that they don't laugh at my jokes.

I think everyone is depressed.

Sundae 11-08-2008 02:13 PM

I think they're approach is that someone who is not 100% emotionally stable may have trouble dealing with the issues that these children have. And also that they might not be able to cope with an angry and frustrated cgild, who may not be able to show gratitude, trust or even friendship.

This is what worries me, because I am actually very patient with people (I know I show my irritable side here, but trust me). In fact HM used to think I was really intolerant until he met my friend Teri - who is a really lovely woman, but can be a bit much sometimes.

I don't think they have any prejudice against people with previous problems, all they are trying to do is get the best possible outcomefor kids who come from homes where their sole parent might have problems with drugs, drink, have been abused themselves or be a potential abuser. Most of these children already have a social worker, they are looking for an adult friend simply to be a constant and reliable presence.

I didn't tell them I'd had alcohol counselling. Which is very dishonest of me. But I figured it was one step too far. I know I can trust myself. I could even when I was drinking regularly.

Treasenuak 11-09-2008 05:39 PM

SG, I would trust you with my daughter. Granted, she doesn't have the issues that the kids you want to work with have, but the fact remains. She's a child, she's a very young child, and I would trust her to you.

DanaC 11-11-2008 06:26 PM

I know I'd trust my nieces with you Sundae.

Sundae 11-11-2008 07:56 PM

Not really upsetting, but as of tomorrow I am officially unemployed.
I've come to a parting of the ways with EEA.

I'm not going to go into it all here, suffice to say we had a difference of opinion and I felt it was best all round to resign. Since I reached that decision they have behaved impeccably, I admit.

I'm not quite sure what to do with myself now. I'm probably going home this weekend to have a serious talk with my parents. I'm not in the most stable of positions right now, as I based my ability to pay the rent on my (good) salary. I'd be very lucky to find something that paid the same in the next month, especially without a good reference.

Well I'll see what Mum & Dad say. I hope they'll accept me back for a couple of months and let me find my feet. Funny how even 6 months ago the idea horrified me, but now I am seriously hoping they'll consider it. I'm beginning to get tired of the rollercoaster I'm afraid.

Anyway, I'm not too down, oddly enough. I've not cried, got drunk or gone into the usual freefall panic mode. It's just one of those things and one way or another I'll get through it.

Funny the difference a week makes.

Juniper 11-11-2008 08:07 PM

You're getting stronger all the time, and you'll be OK.http://forums.monstersmallbusiness.c...nsters/hug.gif

Clodfobble 11-11-2008 09:18 PM

Sorry things are rough, Sundae. :(

Pie 11-11-2008 09:32 PM

Is this kinda... sudden, SG?
I hope things smooth out soon. Good for you for staying out of the panic spiral.

classicman 11-11-2008 10:26 PM

wow. and you just got settled in and all. Sorry to hear you are struggling so.

Shawnee123 11-12-2008 07:39 AM

I hope you know that the outpouring of concern you get here is because you are a wonderful human being. I'm sending warm thoughts, girl.

xoxoxoBruce 11-12-2008 08:14 AM


DanaC 11-12-2008 08:31 AM

Sundae, sometimes going back to base camp is a really good move. I've lived back with my mum a couple of times over the years, for 2 years on one occasion (after me and J split). Family = emotional sustenance.

Sorry to hear things haven't worked out with the job and room, but I know you'll be back on your feet in no time. In the meantime though, it's ok to take a break from stuff that's emotionally and psychically draining. You've been on the merry go round for a while now and you've coped brilliantly with some really difficult circumstances.

If you need a friendly ear you know where I am honey, though my mobile phone is lost, so you'd have to phone my landline. PM me if you want to chat without talking :P


Sundae 11-12-2008 08:51 AM

Thanks - everyone.
Dana I'll probably call you in the next week.

But rest assured, I am very much in an onwards and upwards mode (til I speak to Mum & Dad!) and am not hating myself and wanting to die this time.

BTW - I've got Skype on my laptop, so anyone else who has it and wants a chat (before 21.00 GMT) I'd love to hear from you.

Trilby 11-12-2008 09:02 AM

Sundae, you are wonder woman! I think family is just the ticket right now. Karma owes you a debt. Hang on!


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