The Cellar

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lumberjim 11-13-2008 11:50 AM

wow, sorry cissy. that's pretty harsh. I wish i had some wisdom i could share about this kind of thing, but i don't. I can, however, give you a big virtual hug.


aw, you got snot on my shirt. that's ok...I got it....I have one of those tide sticks in the car.

DanaC 11-13-2008 11:50 AM

Practically everybody I know has gone back to the nest for a period at some point between the ages 25 and 50.

glatt 11-13-2008 12:00 PM

All the cool kids are doing it.

Seriously though, I'm sorry you are facing this now. It sucks. If it were me, I'd probably head home for a while.

jinx 11-13-2008 12:02 PM

Aw, I'm sorry ciccy, that's just plain shitty. Kick him in the cunt for me on your way out eh?
Go home, it's too cold there anyway.

Shawnee123 11-13-2008 12:26 PM

Oh ffs. Cic, I'm so sorry. You girl, you are awesome and you will come out even better on the other side, but I'm so sorry you're hurting right now.

Double kick him in the cunt, one for jinx and one for me. Oh hell, I'm sure we're not the only ones, go ahead and kick him in the cunt about 5 thousand times.

Though I never actually moved back in with the 'rents, they were there for me when I needed them and that, my dear, is the warmest feeling in the world. I knew I could go there if I needed to.

Love you girl. Keep talking to us, if it helps.

Treasenuak 11-13-2008 04:48 PM

Oh, Cic... -big hugs- I'm so sorry you're going through this right now. I'm thinking of you and praying for you... I wish there was something I could do or say to help, but I don't think there is. Just know that I'm sending good thoughts and prayers your way, and if you want me to help you look for housing on Craigslist, just let me know; I'm always online when I'm not at work anyways, and it wouldn't be any trouble at all. Just let me know what area of New Mexico to search, honey. Best of luck.

DanaC 11-14-2008 08:59 PM

Mum's in hospital overnight on anti-biotics and all-night observation. She has advanced cellulitis, caught slightly before it turned into septicemia (sp?).

She was complaining last night about an insect bite on her finger. When I spoke to her this morning she said it had swollen up quite badly. I'd suggested seeing her doctor, but she wanted to see how it was over the weekend and go next week if it didnt clear. When she dropped Pilau back at my house this evening, she showed me and her forefinger, half her hand and thumb were swollen up like a balloon. Bright red and angry looking.

I said to her she should go down to the infirmary, but she really didnt want to. In the end I shouted at her (felt guilt about that, but when I spoked to her later she hadnt remembered me doing so. I said to her, it could be serious. Then she shows me a red line starting to track up her arm under the skin. I said she had to at least go down the road and get our Jen's advice (she's a nurse) because if its tracking up the arm that sounds like it could be really bad and end up with blood poisoning or something.

Anyway she left her dog with me and off she went, where Jen, my brother and the two girls insisted in no uncertain terms that she was going to the infirmary. Martin and Jen were on the way out, so the girls went in the car with Ma down to A&E. (this was about 9:30pm)

My eldest niece phoned me around 11.30 to say she was being kept in overnight, and my brother was on his way back home to gather up stuff to take to her in hospital and pick the girls up. ..A further phone call revealed that she may be in for a couple of days.

Apparently had she left it for the weekend she would have ended up with septicemia and things could have got very nasty, very fast. Whilst she was waiting to be seen she phoned me and said that the single red line which had reached a few centimetres past her wrist had extended halfway up her arm and two new tracks had started to run up as half an hour.

I felt so sorry for her. She just wanted to go home and settle for the night and instead she had to go do all that. Apparently she was a little spaced out. 'Meels said she seemed like she didnt know what to do with herself and a little in shock. They'd all expected to come home armed with a bottle of anti-biotics.

It's really bothering me that she must have been scared when the reality of the situation kicked in and she realised that she had something serious (though very treatable).

lookout123 11-14-2008 11:38 PM

So sorry to hear that Cic. Don't bother kicking him in the cunt, just stick some nice cut up fish in the furnace vents, pee on the mattress, flush about 20 tampons down the toilets, then pack your stuff and hit the road. Now is a time to be with people you can trust to love you. If there is nothing major holding you to the city there is no reason to stay. Regardless of your choice remember the cellar is not just for abuse, but also support. A few of us have been through the divorce blender and come out the other side - don't be afraid to vent or ask advice.

lookout123 11-14-2008 11:39 PM

Dana - tell your mom I'm sorry about her fingur.

Cloud 11-14-2008 11:56 PM

Cicero: OMG. I can't even begin to tell you how sorry I am. I can't tell you what to do; and I know how hard it must be to think and make decisions right now.

Be glad you have a family that's willing to help you out, tho I can't say if that is the best thing. Because you are having health problems ( and btw, what kind of a dick does that to a wife facing such things?) maybe it would be better to stick around for a while to keep appts and such.

Oh, crap, that just sucks. :(

xoxoxoBruce 11-15-2008 12:29 AM

This god damn thread is depressing.

Cic, we and your puppy still love you.
I have to agree moving home sucks, but you need to be with people that care about you and will provide the support you need right now. Unfortunately, we can't give you that kind of hands on, up close and personal, kind of support. But we got moral support, galore, so don't lose touch with your friends, ok? :grouphug:

Dana, take good care of the old girl. Lord knows she's earned it, having to carry the burden of a socialist, rabble rousing, daughter. :p

classicman 11-15-2008 12:45 AM

you forgot communist - bruce

ZenGum 11-15-2008 01:23 AM

:grouphug: for Cicero. Don't be harsh on yourself for the fact that this has spun you out some. That is only to be expected.

If it weren't for the medical appointments I'd say hit the road within a week. Regardless of timing, I think heading back to your family is the best plan. It'll give you a few months to stabilise, take stock, think about what you want to do next. Best wishes for you.

Dana: do not feel bad about shouting at your mum. You probably saved her from losing her hand, if not worse.

Juniper 11-15-2008 01:37 AM

I'm so sorry, Cicero. Great advice given so far. You'll be in my thoughts, wish I could help more. :(

zippyt 11-15-2008 02:04 AM

That SUCKS Big Time Cic !!!!
Go home , regroup , Cuss Kick Cry !!!!!!

Then get on with it !!!

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