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xoxoxoBruce 01-13-2015 10:35 PM

What looks like satellite, but might be aerial photographs of upwards of 700 US prisons.

glatt 01-14-2015 07:37 AM

That's a lot of prisons.

Many of them are built on old airports.

A few of them seem to just be pictures of active commercial airports. Maybe there's a holding cell in the airport for unruly passengers.

Reminds me of the rumor I've heard from the boy down the street that there is a small jail in the Eagle's football stadium because the fans there are so bad.

xoxoxoBruce 01-18-2015 05:19 PM

Caution, this could shoot your evening. :haha:

This page has links to lists of the top 101 cities that...

•Top 101 cities with the largest percentage of likely homosexual households
•Top 101 cities that people commute into (largest positive percentage daily daytime population change due to commuting)
•Top 101 cities with the least cars per house, population 500+
•Top 101 cities with the most people having Doctorate degrees
•Top 101 cities with the lowest number of arson incidents in 2006 per 10,000 residents
•Top 101 cities with the largest humidity differences during a year
•Top 101 cities with the most full-time local library workers per 1000 residents
•Top 101 cities with the most residents born in Armenia
•Top 101 cities with largest percentage of females in occupations: Management occupations: (population 5,000+)
It goes on an on, plus lists by countries, or zip codes.

Lamplighter 01-20-2015 11:57 AM

1 Attachment(s)
Another link from the Amusing Planet site... A zoo the way a zoo should be.

Amusing Planet - 1/20/15

Biopic Valencia: The Immersive Zoo

Bioparc Valencia is a small (25-acre) zoo in Valencia, Spain,
with a large collection of African animals.
Unlike your average zoo where animals are locked in cages,
the animals in Bioparc Valencia appear to roam freely in the park.
But there is no need to be afraid.

Bioparc Valencia is what is called an “immersive zoo”
– a concept of immersing visitors into the animals' habitat and not vice versa
Attachment 50153

The link has several more pics.

glatt 01-20-2015 01:10 PM

That's a nice zoo.

xoxoxoBruce 01-20-2015 07:46 PM

OK, they aren't prominent, but there are fences, to protect the wild animals from the dangerous humans. ;)

xoxoxoBruce 01-21-2015 12:38 PM

OMG.:eek: Adventures of a NHL dentist.

BigV 01-22-2015 10:52 AM

It does look nice. It reminds me of the Woodland Park Zoo, here in my neighborhood. There are several exhibits that have that same naturalistic design. Some of the vantage points make the visitor feel like they're not separated from the (other) animals at all.

The pictures at the link are from a more website-centric perspective, not like the link for the other zoo that showed the visitors' perspective.

BigV 01-22-2015 10:57 AM

I tried to check out that NHL Dentist link, but I was too squicked out. ***shivers***

xoxoxoBruce 01-27-2015 01:23 PM

Over at Mental Floss, miss Cellania has posted "12 Web Toys to fill Snowbound days" but you don't have to swear or affirm you're snowbound.

Warning, track of time diminishing, your family misses you. :haha:

xoxoxoBruce 01-27-2015 11:04 PM

The FBI issued a report, Terrorism 2003-2005, but in the report they list a "Chronological Summary of Terrorist Incidents in the U.S. 1980-2005".

Daily beast claims 42% were Latinos and 6% Muslims. I noticed a lot of Jewish Defense League, and the Animal/Earth Defense wackos.

BigV 01-28-2015 10:25 AM

help, i'm trapped in the kaleidescope videos and I can't get out!

xoxoxoBruce 02-05-2015 01:01 AM

Google Earth Pro...Free
Go to the sign up page and it says free trial, but just skip over the sign up, and have at it.
I've arranged for you all to get Google Earth Pro for free. ;)

glatt 02-05-2015 08:09 AM

I loaded that yesterday, but the only tool I saw in pro that was better than in free was the polygon measuring tool. So now I can measure the acres of my yard.

I thought resolution was supposed to be better, but I didn't notice a difference.

fargon 02-05-2015 09:46 AM

I could not get it to work, no place to log in or anything. I downloaded it twice and neither time did it work. It says it works with macs but based on results, it is a piece of shit.

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