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Aliantha 12-05-2008 04:35 PM


Originally Posted by footfootfoot (Post 510956)
Maybe we need a new thread for this, but in light of Elspode's situation and lookout's and the rest of us, should we be comparing notes about "What the hell is your game plan for when the really big shit hits the fan?" This is only the fumes of the shit that is coming.

In another thread Ali mentions people growing their own veggies. How many pounds of potatoes to pay your property taxes and mortgage?

All around me people are being laid off, I wonder what they are all going to do since around here people live pretty lean to start with.

Someone sent me this
How soon will we be in this situation or will we?

80 people from Dazza's office were made redundant on Thursday of this week. D should be fine, but we were talking about our game plan on the way home yesterday.

Did you start the new thread F3?

Cicero 12-05-2008 07:11 PM

I'm sending myself to therapy. :( Ah well....can't be healthy forever.

Aliantha 12-05-2008 10:21 PM

Sometimes therapy is a good thing. I had some earlier this year and it helped a lot.

I hope you're as lucky.

sweetwater 12-12-2008 07:42 AM

I lost my original wedding ring several years ago, and hubby bought me one of those One Ring facsimiles from LotR - a big, heavy solid gold ring. Last night I noticed it wasn't on my hand, and I have no idea where it could be, although I shredded 4 bags of paperwork and threw it out, and did a lot of cleaning indoors and out, and it could be anywhere... I've lost my Precious. Now I know how Gollum felt. Damn damn damn.

Treasenuak 12-12-2008 08:21 AM

Nightmares. Dammit all the way to the hot place and back. My therapist keeps telling me... has been telling me for half a dozen years... that they'll slowly fade, happen less and less frequently. Yeah, that's so not happening. I can't keep waking up in a screaming, fighting mess. It's not fair to Ted, it's not fair to my now terrified daughter, and dammit I'm just sick of reliving those two years of my life. This SUCKS!

sweetwater 12-12-2008 08:22 AM

And I am about 95% convinced that our new dog is about 95% deaf. It is not a deal breaker, but it means I will have to train him using gestures, lights, and whistles rather than simple verbal instructions while teaching the other dog using the same methods. And I will be adding the "go get him" command so she can help me get him back when he wanders off across the yard. :kettle:

kerosene 12-12-2008 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Treasenuak (Post 512911)
Nightmares. Dammit all the way to the hot place and back. My therapist keeps telling me... has been telling me for half a dozen years... that they'll slowly fade, happen less and less frequently. Yeah, that's so not happening. I can't keep waking up in a screaming, fighting mess. It's not fair to Ted, it's not fair to my now terrified daughter, and dammit I'm just sick of reliving those two years of my life. This SUCKS!

I am sorry about your nightmares. Does your temperature have any effect on whether or not you have them? I know when I am feverish or just plain hot, I get them pretty much without fail.

Sundae 12-12-2008 02:03 PM

I have nightmares irregularly, but I still have them. Like migraines I get irritated when people call bad dreams nightmares - like calling headaches migraines (I am not directing this at you Trea - my nightmare criteria certainly includes waking up screaming!).

Sorry to hear you are afflicted - mine are separated by YEARS but still distress me.

No work here in Aylesbury. Or so it seems. Bear in mind I was looking for a healing period of bar/ restaurant/ supermarket work while I was looking for another job! I'll have to start pushing the agencies I signed up with (although to be fair they said it was unlikely they'd have anything for me before Christmas) and after that just be prepared to work my socks off at anything - pizza delivery, cleaning, ironing etc.

Oh and I'm worried about Diz - he doesn't look any thinner to me, but his collar is a lot looser. The spectre of diabetes raises its head again, only without the funds for a thorough investigation. I'm sure it's paranoia. But he's the only living being I think would suffer if I was gone and I worry about him.

DanaC 12-12-2008 03:54 PM

Pil's been on anti-biotics and anti-inflammatories for a week (vet bill last week was about £50 iirc), because he had made a mess biting his leg and making it raw and infected.

I'm wondering if it's connected with bad joints or something. He's very clicky and the breed's prone to arthritis.

Anyway, night before last I watched from upstairs whilst he went down the stairs in the half light. He went down them almost crablike, really carefully, and seemed to be having difficulty bending his rear right leg. Today I was stroking him and messing about and noticed a swelling on his right leg, like a spongy mass around the side of his ankle joint. Different leg to the one with the infection.

J gave me some cash the other day (£100) 'cause he'd got paid and I'd helped out a bit when he was broke last month and I went and put it into the bank thereby avoiding going over my overdraft limit. I was £12 away from going over.

I could really do without a bunch of vet bills right now. I was just starting to think I might actually manage to buy a few presents lol. Anyway, much as the vet bills are worrying me, mainly I'm fretting over Pil. It's an unwanted reminder that at 10 years old, he's on the wrong the side of the hill.

He's been struggling with the stairs for a while now, and getting up and lying down is sometimes a little more effort than it once was. It's gonna floor me when I lose him, I know it. He's the first dog I've raised. He's my little wolf.

Shawnee123 12-12-2008 03:55 PM

Aw hon, I'm so sorry. Give Pilau some huggles from me. :(

Sundae 12-12-2008 04:17 PM

Oh ba. I'm so sorry.
I have ral concerns bout Diz's health right now. Added to issues about how he's coping with the move.

Imagine this - you move into a place with your GF. She's always taken care of you before. But this new place - you're not sure about. People seem to wander in and out. You wake up the first morning, some bitch has sprayed graffiti all over the place! Every day it's the same! You never see her, but it's everywhere!

Well. That's kinda how Diz feels.

And I feel like I might have to give him away. And tonight, being alone (my parents are aways) it's making me cry. But I know this is about my survival, not his. Dani will know. Dani met him.

Sundae 12-12-2008 04:34 PM

Oh chaps I am so unhappy.
Feel a bit grim.

Deserve to.
Have had a bottle of vodka today if you count 24 hours.
In fact if you count 24 hours it's been about 30 units (max advised for a man a week is 21)

Parents away, not sure what to do
I know they are worried about me
I know they have spirits hidden in their room (I thought Dads was sneaking one, but he was so inept I realised it was for Mum). And Mum went in "my" room to put something away last night and there were 2 beer bottles and 1/2 a bottle of vodka - she's nor blind.

I know they're looking out for me, but I don't know what to do. I have 3/4 glass vodka & diet coke and have thrown up twice. Good! Can drink more! Still burping up haddock from 17.00.

Woke up at about 04.00. Had Toffee Caramel vodka drink. Dozed off til Diz woke me up. And again. And again. And again. Started to drink Strawberry & Cream vodka drink at about 06.00. Finished off very good book (translated from Japanese; very bleak). Then started on half bottle of vodka (before shower). Has gone on from there.

See? Hardly worth saving, right? If you saw me on Jerry Springer you'd be booibng me, right?

Going to bed with the remains of the new bottle I bought today. At least the mixer was De-Caff :) This will really humiliate me tomorrow. Good. I have a glass to drink and I know I will despite my raw throat. And I have to get up about 08.30 (GMT) to get rid of the evidence. But I am being honest. I'd almost rather puke.

It's a pukey post anyway.

Sundae 12-12-2008 04:45 PM

Shit. Am seriously weighuing up - go to bed (rub dirt in ot and suck it up) or go to A&E and tell them how scared I am.

Suck it up I reckon. I mean if it's even an option (with apostrophes!) it's not that bad, right? Having to revise it is just Friday night drunkenness. OMG - what if they just put me in with the drunks?

Shit - I hear Diz shouting at Mia (cats) between the doors. Still thinking.

Undertoad 12-12-2008 04:52 PM

(A&E = UK Accident & Emergency)

SG, just sleep it off. Discuss it in the morning. We'll be here.

Sundae 12-12-2008 05:07 PM

You know I was all up for going - I had my clothes on & everything. I felt I needed an answer,

Then I read your post and now I am not sure.
I really was seconds away from calling a taxi...

I called an alcohol helpline - she seemed baffled as to why I called,
Maybe you're right. Maybe it's a problem for another day
Wake up and hide the evidence again

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