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footfootfoot 06-05-2006 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by Bullitt
Well its already 6/6/06 in Australia.. and no reports of mass soul consuming by the devil there so i think we'll be fine. Plus we already got through 6/6/1906 ;)

Angels vs. Devil Rays game tomorrow!

I was gonna make a crack about ozzys not having souls to consume, but it seemed lie too much effort. you are on your own

Happy Monkey 06-05-2006 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by xoxoxoBruce
Doesn't count until it gets to the Devils lair......Washington, DC. :D

Kitsune 06-05-2006 10:00 PM

1 Attachment(s)

wolf 06-06-2006 12:31 AM

If today isn't CapnHowdy's birthday, it should be.

Tonchi 06-06-2006 12:53 AM

Today, for the first time, I heard a Hispanic psychic say something that made sense. She made the very obvious statement that the world's calendar has been changed so many times that it would require a computer to know if the date 6/6/6 had actually arrived. (This was significant to me because Hispanic psychics are not known for making rational statements about anything and they talk about flying saucers (OVNIs) too much :rolleyes: ) So for all those doomsayers and religious hysterics, go back and check the JULIAN calendar, which was in effect at the time Revelations was written. Or maybe it was written by a Jew, in which case you are going to have to figure out how to get the "sign of the Beast" from their numbering system.

Ibby 06-06-2006 02:15 AM

It's no longer IDoSlayer, it's just International Day of Metal now.

SteveBsjb 06-06-2006 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by Tonchi
Today, for the first time, I heard a Hispanic psychic say something that made sense. She made the very obvious statement that the world's calendar has been changed so many times that it would require a computer to know if the date 6/6/6 had actually arrived.

Maybe the devil had a hand in "correcting" the calendar multiple times to make certain this day aligned itself with the pinnacle of his power. He "helped" re-align the with the stars and the timeline that matched the birthing of the BEAST!

Hagar 06-06-2006 07:05 AM

Well, it's 10pm here, so if the Antichrist is gonna put in an appearance he/she/it'd better get a move on.

...hang on, did anyone notice Paris' new (music) video got a big fat airing on breakfast TV on Oz today.


Kitsune 06-06-2006 08:07 AM

My satellite radio's display wished me a "Happy 666!" when I started the car this morning. (Metal station, of course.)

skysidhe 06-06-2006 09:34 AM

I am going to smile and put all the looneys at ease today.

I am going secretly, quietly , mentally check the escape routes or think about how many kids I can squish under a desk because I think our biggest enemy is ourselves.
( human kind )

[there has been threats to our citys schools today but I am not afraid .only got to put my three eyes on]:3eye:

I think evil only lurks in the hearts of men. I'll take my chances with the devil instead.

Everyone have a very nice 666 day.

SteveBsjb 06-06-2006 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by Hagar
Well, it's 10pm here, so if the Antichrist is gonna put in an appearance he/she/it'd better get a move on.

Everyone knows the Devil is American.

Ibby 06-06-2006 10:55 AM

11:57 PM, 6/6/06.

...Well, we had a thunderstorm, that's about it.

Antichrist? No, just anticlimax.

MaggieL 06-06-2006 03:08 PM

Everybody seems to have overlooked the fact that if 6/6/'06 actually is an antichristianly significant day, the relevant day actually occurred 13 days ago. You missed it.

Happy Monkey 06-06-2006 03:17 PM

Unless the Devil caused the calendar change in order to give himself a few more days of prep time.

xoxoxoBruce 06-06-2006 05:10 PM

Don't you people ever go to the movies? Rosemary's baby? The Seed? The anti-Christ doesn't bust down the door, kick ass and take souls. Just born today...gotta grow a little.....hell, it took Jesus 30 years to get the ball rolling. :thepain3:

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