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fargon 09-21-2006 10:56 AM

I'm wearing my glasses, and thats all.:eek:

Elspode 09-21-2006 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by BigV
just curious--how much does it cost to have sex with you? what spirit are you asking this question?

The answer is this: depends on whether we're shopping at Armani or Wal Mart.

skysidhe 09-21-2006 11:06 AM

My favorites. Dark jeans, bohemian tops, warm sweaters, boots or leather shoes, comfy jackets, scarfs.

summer: shorts and tanks , flip flops

Iggy 09-21-2006 11:32 AM

At work I wear the corporate shirts (which are actually quite nice, I hate polos and they have lots of styles that aren't polo) and black slacks, khakis, or a long skirt. I always wear some kind of heels (right now they are high heeled boots) because I am sensitive about my height (I am only 5' tall). When I am at home I wear whatever I want, from exercise pants and an oversized t-shirt, or jeans and a cute tee shirt, or a skirt and nice blouse. It pretty much depends on my mood. Usually I will wear the jeans or exercise pants since I have to wear slacks all the time at work.

In the summer I will wear shorts and a tank top and in the cold winter months I will wear a tank top, t-shirt, and sweater all at the same time. And I always have a blanket in my car so that if I get cold at a friend's house I can bundle up.

footfootfoot 09-21-2006 11:34 AM

footfootfoot is looking fetching and debonair in his new carharts bib overalls and McCallan whiskey t-shirt. Muck chore shoes complete the ensemble giving a comfortable, yet manly look.

Undertoad 09-21-2006 11:38 AM

Today is First Day of Sweats, coinciding closely with Autumn Begins.

glatt 09-21-2006 11:53 AM

Today is the first day of a long sleeved dress shirt at work. It was pretty cool this AM.

BigV 09-21-2006 05:41 PM


Originally Posted by Elspode what spirit are you asking this question?

The answer is this: depends on whether we're shopping at Armani or Wal Mart.

this context:

Originally Posted by Elspode
Unless they're buying.

JayMcGee 09-21-2006 06:05 PM

[quote=Sundae Girl]I can't answer the question honestly as the lines are blurred. If I'm going out I can dress to look and feel my best in clothes I hope will get me laid :)


mmmm.... the midlands are'nt too far from the NorthWest..... (I used to live in Brum, and Wolves, and Telford) and am quite willing to revisit the area to advise on the likelyhood of your sartorial choices acheiving your stated aim....

xoxoxoBruce 09-21-2006 06:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
snip ~ But you'd be more likely to find me in whatever was clean on a given day!

Ah, an honest answer for many, methinks. :thumb2:

zippyt 09-21-2006 11:20 PM

Work = Denim shirt ( long sleve winter , short in summer ) , Navy colored dickeys ( with cell phone pocket for the ever present bottle of water ( the cell phone pocket is USELESS for ANY thing else !!)) Steel toe boots ( short socke for summer and warm socks for winter ) .
Home = shorts , pocket t-shirt , sandles , winter sweats , long sleeve t-shirt and warm socks .

I Don't ( and have NEVER ) dressed to impress , I whear what is comfy and is appropret for the situation .

ashke 09-21-2006 11:30 PM

Mostly t-shirts and pants/jeans. The occassional skirt. But always with a jacket, whether worn or thrown over my back =)

wolf 09-22-2006 09:57 AM

None of the above.

I dress for the situation or to be comfortable, rather than necessarily to look my "best," kind of like Columbo's raincoat, you know?

I work in a setting where dressing my "best" means replacing expensive clothing regularly.

rkzenrage 09-22-2006 02:36 PM


Originally Posted by Sundae Girl
I can't answer the question honestly as the lines are blurred. If I'm going out I can dress to look and feel my best in clothes I hope will get me laid :)

Or at least suggest to an intelligent and witty man that I'd be worth talking to - the rest is down to personality.

Also depends on (fluctuating) weight as to what parts of me need to be casually draped and which parts can bear closer scrutiny!

My favourite clothing would probably be a wrap over dress - kind on the stomach, shows curves and calves and reveals a wicked cleavage. But you'd be more likely to find me in whatever was clean on a given day!

It does say "most of all".

warch 09-22-2006 03:04 PM

Corduroy. fabric of kings.

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