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DucksNuts 11-22-2006 04:07 PM

OMG - another thread I cant participate in because we dont have farkin squirrels.

The people I stay with in MO are always highly amused at my fascination with the little fellas...they are all like "ohh look at how much aussies like squirrels".

Woodpeckers, they are another thing that keep me enthralled for hours.

Shawnee123 11-22-2006 04:12 PM

don't worry, I'll get you in

Originally Posted by DucksNuts
OMG - another thread I cant participate in because we dont have farkin squirrels.

The people I stay with in MO are always highly amused at my fascination with the little fellas...they are all like "ohh look at how much aussies like squirrels".

Woodpeckers, they are another thing that keep me enthralled for hours.

You mean, after all these years, no one has managed to smuggle a couple over in their purse? I mean, they breed like, uh...squirrels.:p

My ex sis-in-law lives in New Zealand and I am fascinated by the vast difference in indigenous animals. How do NZs and OZ critters compare?

warch 11-22-2006 04:12 PM

Kent Ohio celebrates their black squirrels.

In Mpls, we have mostly fat urban grays, with an occasional white or black one popping up. I did see a smaller redish one a few weeks back, not sure if it was a teenager, or really a red one, those I usually see in the north woods.

DucksNuts 11-22-2006 04:28 PM

No comparison Shawnee - NZ has nothing bitey or that can kill you (being that it just appeared out of the ocean and didnt separate from a *mainland*) and we have some of the most deadly little shitters in the world.

Just coz theyre cute n fluffy doesnt mean they wont eviscerate you in a blink of an eye :worried:

NZ doesnt even have nasty spiders or snakes.

Oh and no, no smuggling of cute little squirrels yet. I think they learned their lesson when they decided we needed to bring some rabbits over.

lumberjim 11-22-2006 04:31 PM

Oh, that was one
crazy party.

I am hung over.

Tell me about it.

I woke up this morning

and I shit a squirrel.

I mean it.

Hell of it is,
damn thing's still alive.

So I got this
shit-covered squirrel

down there in the office.

Don't know what to name it.

I'm sorry, Champ.

I think I ate
your chocolate squirrel.

Tonchi 11-22-2006 05:20 PM


Originally Posted by DucksNuts
OMG - another thread I cant participate in because we dont have farkin squirrels.

The people I stay with in MO are always highly amused at my fascination with the little fellas...they are all like "ohh look at how much aussies like squirrels".

OK, then tell us what color your wombats are, that's only fair :)

Undertoad 11-22-2006 05:23 PM

Yeah, what color are your toads!

busterb 11-22-2006 05:56 PM

The last "squirrel" that was around here was kinda blond.:bolt:

DucksNuts 11-22-2006 06:14 PM

Welllllll, our wombats range from Black to Browny squirrel coloured I guess :p

Toads, they are flame coloured when dipped in petrol and used at gold balls :blush:

wolf 11-23-2006 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by Griff
gray and red here. We see the occasional flying type and I thought I saw a black up the road a piece but they are not sposed to be here.

The Blacks are coming in across the border from Canada illegally. They must be following the those miserable Canada Geese that get here and refuse to migrate.

Griff 11-23-2006 07:35 PM

1 Attachment(s)
What is the recommended load for something like this?

Aliantha 11-23-2006 08:06 PM

Gee...I didn't think this thread would really be about squirrels. How depressing.

Toads are disgusting. Stupid scientists.

We have rabbits. They came from Britain. So did the hares...and foxes (they're usually red).

Bloody poms. Someone should blow them all up!

CaliforniaMama 11-24-2006 01:00 AM


Toads, they are flame coloured when dipped in petrol and used at gold balls

Our tree squirrels are brown with pretty gold tinged tails.

Our ground squirrels are grey.


Our ground squirrels are really aggressive. They live in the rocks at the beach. One day we were sitting on the beach eating our lunch and the squirrels came right up to us and starting taking the food from our laps!!

We had a tug-of-war with one of them!!! They are strong little buggers.

footfootfoot 11-25-2006 11:41 PM


DucksNuts 11-26-2006 12:10 AM

Ohhh I want me a paisley squirrel, or a paisley cool.

We had a *pet* womat growing up, its mother was hit by a car (they do alot of damage for a little thing)....nasty little Rosa is was it was, she would bite your kneecaps like they were apple - coz she could!!

Oh the toad thing,

Toads are a pest over here, so they are *often* the butt of cruelty...dunked in petrol and set alight at they hope off into the very short distance.

Dunked in petrol, set alight and whacked with golf clubs....etc etc.

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