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You forget Bush/Cheney started the war, nobody else you quoted. even after the weapon inspectors did find nothing and asked for 6 months to be absolutely sure. Say What!...Looks like they all voted for war...... Measure Title: A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. That would make Junior an unreal liar? Clinton lied, but nobody died... If he would lie about sex...what wouldn`t he lie about? As for Bliar, he's just Bush's poodle, obsessed with the same disastrous neocon ideas That`s a great excuse...I thought he was a English liberal? Which makes him a socialist. I suppose MI6 is also populated by Karl Rove robot neo-cons?...get a grip son! |
Despite Ronald Cherrycoke's bleating, nobody voted to go to war. They, both sides of the aisle, voted to give the president the power to protect and defend the United States with military force if necessary. Yep...because Iraq was about to invade America? Spin it anyway you want but it authorized Bush to invade Iraq. Measure Title: A joint resolution to authorize the use of United States Armed Forces against Iraq. The thought of comparing Clinton's pussy chasing to Bush's Middle East holocaust is just so contemptible and disgusting, it makes me think Ronald Cherrycoke is a Urbane Guerrilla alias. :sick: Holocaust ?...I thought that happened before when Saddam murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people? |
No president will have a clean record in this age of partisan war. The key for me is Bush and crew put all that Iraq intel under the 9/11 umbrella and linked Iraq to it. Intentionally misleading at best and downright treasonous at worst.
Actually the Holocaust started after Israel got power in 1948...
Drafted in 1969...MOS 11B10 (light infantry) 187th infantry 101st Airborne Division (Airmobile)..I Corps RVN...Honorable Discharge after two years service. |
Hey...didn`t all those demorats read the bill they voted for?
SEC. 3. AUTHORIZATION FOR USE OF UNITED STATES ARMED FORCES. (a) AUTHORIZATION- The President is authorized to use the Armed Forces of the United States as he determines to be necessary and appropriate in order to-- (1) defend the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq; and (2) enforce all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq. (b) PRESIDENTIAL DETERMINATION- In connection with the exercise of the authority granted in subsection (a) to use force the President shall, prior to such exercise or as soon thereafter as may be feasible, but no later than 48 hours after exercising such authority, make available to the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President pro tempore of the Senate his determination that-- (1) reliance by the United States on further diplomatic or other peaceful means alone either (A) will not adequately protect the national security of the United States against the continuing threat posed by Iraq or (B) is not likely to lead to enforcement of all relevant United Nations Security Council resolutions regarding Iraq; and (2) acting pursuant to this joint resolution is consistent with the United States and other countries continuing to take the necessary actions against international terrorist and terrorist organizations, including those nations, organizations, or persons who planned, authorized, committed or aided the terrorist attacks that occurred on September 11, 2001. (c) War Powers Resolution Requirements- (1) SPECIFIC STATUTORY AUTHORIZATION- Consistent with section 8(a)(1) of the War Powers Resolution, the Congress declares that this section is intended to constitute specific statutory authorization within the meaning of section 5(b) of the War Powers Resolution. http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/.../~c107Edn1tL:: |
The Bush Administration claimed Iraq was responsible for 9/11. It's always difficult to prove a negative, but that simply never happened. Many people may believe this was the case because in "Fahrenheit 9/11," Michael Moore truncated a comment by Condi Rice in order to deliberately give viewers of his movie that false impression. Here's the quote as it appeared in the film: "There is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11" Now here's the full quote: "Oh, indeed there is a tie between Iraq and what happened on 9/11. It�s not that Saddam Hussein was somehow himself and his regime involved in 9/11, but, if you think about what caused 9/11, it is the rise of ideologies of hatred that lead people to drive airplanes into buildings in New York." |
b) Condi's statement isn't the most important one on the issue. Bush was the one pushing the the Iraq - 9/11 connection and later Cheney, who beat the dead horse :dedhorse: long after such a link was discredited. Of course Condi's 'first strike on hatred' theory would justify any number of actions, even those by our enemies who feel that we hate them. Was she Secretary of State when she said this? It's bad enough from a Natl Security Advisor. From a Secretary of State it's ludicrous. |
The spin is so intense here I'm dizzy.
8 September, 2003, 02:03 GMT 03:03 UK Bush rejects Saddam 9/11 link Bush delivers his State of the Union address in January 2003 Bush maintains Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda are connected US President George Bush has said there is no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved in the 11 September attacks. The comments - among his most explicit so far on the issue - come after a recent opinion poll found that nearly 70% of Americans believed the Iraqi leader was personally involved in the attacks. Mr Bush did however repeat his belief that the former Iraqi president had ties to al-Qaeda - the group widely regarded as responsible for the attacks on New York and Washington. "We have no evidence that Saddam Hussein was involved with the 11 September attacks," Mr Bush told reporters as he met members of Congress on energy legislation. As recently as last Sunday, Vice-President Dick Cheney, refused to rule out a link between Iraq and 11 September, saying "'we don't know". "We will have struck a major blow right at the heart of the base, if you will, the geographic base of the terrorists who've had us under assault now for many years, but most especially on 9/11." Jordanian link On Wednesday, Mr Bush said Mr Cheney was right about suspicions of a link between Iraq and al-Qaeda, citing the case of Jordanian Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, a leader of an Islamic group in northern Iraq called Ansar al-Islam believed to have links to al-Qaeda. The US believes Mr Zarqawi received medical treatment in Baghdad and helped to orchestrate the assassination of a US diplomat in Jordan. And Mr Bush denied there had been any attempt by his administration to try to confuse people about links between Saddam Hussein and 11 September. "What the vice-president said was is that he [Saddam] has been involved with al-Qaeda. "And Zarqawi, an al-Qaeda operative, was in Baghdad. He's the guy that ordered the killing of a US diplomat... There's no question that Saddam Hussein had al-Qaeda ties." http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3118262.stm |
From another forum...
Lets see if I got this right. Al queda was in Iran, Afghanastan, Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Yugoslavia, India, Malaysia, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Sudan but they were not in Iraq. That Saddam was quite a swell guy being able to keep those bad guys out. Haaaaaa...haaaaaa... |
The Republican Chairman and Democratic Vice Chairman of the 9-11 Commission on Thursday rejected the media’s widespread reporting that the commission’s report issued the day before had directly contradicted Bush administration statements about connections between al-Qaeda and Saddam Hussein’s Iraq.
http://www.mediaresearch.org/cyberal...20040618.asp#1 Lee Hamilton, “I must say I have trouble understanding the flap over this. The Vice President is saying, I think, that there were connections between Al Qaeda and Saddam Hussein's government. We don't disagree with that.” |
I can't name a single one of that alleged seventy percent of Americans who thought Iraq did it. I am not among that number.
I find it fascinating that so many of the leave-genocidal-dictators-alone-lest-someone-be-upset-about-disposing-of-them faction is willing to believe that some other Americans believe Iraq did it. How bovine, to be so led by a nose ring. The people upset at the prospect of dictator removal are fascist-sympathizing rats and nothing better -- lacking utterly in any higher human feeling. Which is why I yell at the entire pack of stumblefucks, telling them how small their minds are, how minuscule their souls, how worthless their intellectual lives. Oh, and they're hung like mice. |
Hail Stalin!
Nobody thinks Iraq did it. Osama and his cronies did it. We we made to believe Saddam had ties to Al-Qaeda or gave some help to them and their kind. See here: http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/relea...0021007-8.html I will take time to point out that's no commie link either. |
If I want to sell more stones, I call them diamonds. It's called counterfeiting, Ronald. You are suppose to have enough grasp to understand the difference between a tiny Al Qaeda verses an Iraqi insurgency created (and maybe financed) by America. Oh. I forgot. Ronald only repeats what his idol tells him to. That Iraq insurgency has always been Al Qaeda out to kill us in our beds. Al Qaeda is all everywhere threatening to destroy the world. Maybe we should hire the Power Rangers to protect us? Ronald: Power Rangers ... fiction. Get it? This Al Qaeda you promote only exists where fear promotes the glory and legacy of a mental midget. Those with basic knowledge knew this Al Qaeda you promote never existed except to promote more Orange Alerts. Ronald - you do remember all those terrorist attacks averted by Orange alerts? Oh. That's right. I forgot. This president does not lie. |
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